UEFI port of Fdtlib

Olivier Martin olivier.martin at arm.com
Fri Sep 9 00:14:09 EST 2011

Hello all,

I have ported the libfdt to Tianocore project [1] (under BSD license) which
is an implementation of UEFI specification supported by Intel, ARM Ltd and
other major companies.
I took the libfdt directory from the head revision of
git://git.jdl.com/software/dtc.git and ported it to the Tianocore project.
I had just needed to edit the libfdt_env.h to translate the POSIX types and
functions into their Tianocore equivalents.
I was advised to send my changes to this mailing-list (please find the
edited lifdt_env.h attached to this email).

I am using this libfdt library to add/update information to the Device Tree
(Linux kernel cmd line, etc) that is passed to the Linux kernel. I am
planning to push upstream my changes in the next couple of days.

Questions and comment are welcome !

Best Regards,

[1] http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/tianocore/
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