[PATCH v2 3/3] dtc: Support character literals in bytestrings

David Gibson david at gibson.dropbear.id.au
Thu Sep 8 13:51:49 EST 2011

On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 04:15:40PM -0700, Anton Staaf wrote:
> With this patch the following property assignment:
>     property = ['a' 2b '\r'];
> is equivalent to:
>     property = [61 2b 0d];

So, I still have some reservations about this syntax.

It occurred to me: do you actually need to intermix character and
hexbyte values that much?  Could I suggest an alternate sytax as:

	property = 'a', [2b], 'r';

The new character literals sufficiently distinct not to cause problems
here, and it maintains the , == bytestring append behaviour we already


David Gibson			| I'll have my music baroque, and my code
david AT gibson.dropbear.id.au	| minimalist, thank you.  NOT _the_ _other_
				| _way_ _around_!

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