libfdt shared library

Josh Boyer jwboyer at
Wed Nov 19 04:47:52 EST 2008

Hi All,

There's been a bug open for a while to get a libfdt shared
library built in Fedora:

This would have benefits for things like qemu and other
applications that don't really need to statically link the
libfdt.a into the binary itself.

The reason we're waiting is because it would be best to
have the upstream project define the soname and versioning
that would be used.  As mentioned in the bug, it could be
as simple as using the base dtc version that it is split
from, but for commonality reasons we'd want to settle on
a single way to do it.  That belongs upstream.

So this is my plea for coming up with a solution.  I can
code up patches, but I thought some discussion would be
proper first.


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