Device Tree Functional Enhancements

Scott Wood scottwood at
Sat Jul 26 02:00:42 EST 2008

Jimi Xenidis wrote:
> On Fri Jul 25 04:46:28 EST 2008, jdl at freescale wrote:
>> I've been discussing some functional enhancements to
>> the DTS syntax and functionality with some folks at
>> Freescale already.  Here is a brief summary of one
>> proposal to add a templating macro-like ability.
> Wouldn't it be better to reuse an existing tool, and let the user chose 
> the macro laguage?

That would inhibit semantic integration between the macros and the DTS 
language.  It would also lead to a mess within DTS file repositories 
(and build scripts) if everyone picks a different macro language.

> I've been playing with and getting some interesting progress using CPP 
> and almost considered m4 (showing my age), but would not be against it.
> The hardest part was figuring out what to call a DTS for CPP, I'm using 
> ".dtp" :).

CPP is a a horrible macro language.


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