[ccan] Accpeting code module

dinesh g g.dinesh.cse at gmail.com
Tue May 27 23:58:33 EST 2008

Hi Adam,
I will look in to SQLite for using for our DB.

Can i get details in which server are we going to have this DB and how to
get access to that server?


On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 5:09 AM, Adam Kennedy <adamkennedybackup at gmail.com>

> Dinesh
> WRT the database, while our use of the database is very light, if possible
> it would be handy if we could start with SQLite instead, until we actually
> need the additional power and/or flexibility.
> SQLite makes it somewhat easier for people to actually work on
> database-related code in a distributed way, without needing full database
> setups.
> Adam K
> dinesh g wrote:
>> Hi Rusty,
>> Please go through the following link
>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pygQSWUVjOhJYa5QzMWw9UA
>> I have given some modules and tentative date for completion. Status will
>> updated as soon some activity is finished. If you want me to add some other
>> functionality/module please let me know. Please let me know if tentative
>> dates are ok.
>> 1. I want to create DB for storing developers login information and also
>> indexes for searching code module. Is MySQL ok? or you will prefer some
>> other method for storing this informations?
>> 2. For registration i am going to follow same as CPAN/PAUSE giving a page
>> with required information(like
>> https://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=request_id ). So like in CPAN,
>> we need to create home directory after receiving request for id and also
>> return a random password.
>> 3. I think we also need to give a page for modifying developers details
>> like password, email etc.
>> Thanks,
>> Dinesh.
>> On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Rusty Russell <rusty at rustcorp.com.au<mailto:
>> rusty at rustcorp.com.au>> wrote:
>>    On Friday 23 May 2008 19:43:27 dinesh g wrote:
>>    > Hi Rusty,
>>    >     I have few doubt regarding accepting code web page.
>>    Hi Dinesh,
>>      Please send such question to the ccan mailing list in future;
>>    it's good for
>>    everyone to discuss these.
>>    > 1. For uploading code, we need to authenticate developers. Is
>>    there any way
>>    > available currently for developers to register(like cpan)? If so
>>    can i get
>>    > details how it works, how database is stored?
>>    We don't have one.  If we set up a wiki we can use that
>>    authentication, or
>>    maybe you can use the same thing as CPAN?
>>    > 2. Do we need to provide some kind of login page for developers
>>    so that
>>    > they can upload after login?
>>    Probably, yes.
>>    > 3. Please
>>    > confirm when ccanlint module will be ready. Because after accepting
>>    > code, we need to run
>>    > ccanlint for the code.
>>    Yes, I will check in a prototype within a week.  It's still
>>    rudimentary, but
>>    you will be able to do simple things while we enhance it.
>>    > 4. I am planning implementation in php. Is that ok?
>>    Sure, works fine for me!
>>    > 5. Still i donot have clarity in directory structure whether it
>>    will be
>>    > cpan like? when will final directory structure will be in place?
>>    Yes, the plan is to copy CCAN.  But I recommend your backend
>>    search the bazaar
>>    code repository directly, rather than the mirror structure which
>>    will be
>>    exported.
>>    > 6. Finally do i need to prepare some kind of document which i
>>    need to
>>    > prepare before starting coding?
>>    If you think that's the best path, certainly.  You should
>>    definitely create a
>>    plan for what you're going to do first, and think about milestones
>>    which
>>    people can test.  The sooner people see something they can play
>>    with, the
>>    better feedback you will get!
>>    Cheers!
>>    Rusty.
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