[Cbe-oss-dev] cannot boot newer kernels on PS3

Andrew Friedley afriedle at indiana.edu
Sat May 10 03:23:29 EST 2008

Geoff Levand wrote:

> It seems it could be your video mode.  Can you ssh into it?
> Try adding 'video=720p' or 'video=480p' or 'video=576p'
> to the kernel command line.

I'm not able to ssh or ping the machine, though I wouldn't say that 
rules out a video mode issue.  I don't see any HD activity once the 
screen blanks, so I doubt the kernel is getting anywhere close to 
running init.

Normally I have this system hooked up using the composite cable, so I 
switched to HDMI, with an HDMI->DVI adapter.  I've tried most of the 
video modes from 480i to 1080p on the video= option with no luck.  I can 
select various YUV 60Hz video modes up to 1080p without problems using 
ps3-video-mode when booted with the stock Fedora 9 kernel.  I also tried 
giving mode numbers that work with ps3-video-mode (i.e. '69') to the 
video= option, no luck.

I'm not sure this is a video issue though -- the stock Fedora 9 kernel 
boots without any video= options.  Also, I have noticed that seemingly 
before init starts, the kernel is switching the resolution from the 
default that kboot comes with to mode 69.  Not sure why or what exactly 
is going on, but it works :)

> You could try differnet vido modes from kboot with ps3-video-mode
> or by installing petitboot:
>   http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/geoff/cell/ps3-petitboot

I spent some time playing with ps3-video-mode from kboot's shell, 
changing to a higher-resolution mode that I know works (69 for example) 
doesn't seem to help anything when I go to boot a kernel.

>>  >> Using either kernel source, I did the following to try and 
>> build/boot a new kernel with the default config:
>>  >>
>>  >> make ps3_defconfig
>>  >> make
>>  >> make modules_install
>>  >> cp vmlinux /boot/vmlinux-2.6.24
>>  > This is maybe OK.  Could try to add 'video=safe'.
>> Tried this.  No change.
> What toolchain are you using?

Just the default gcc compiler in Fedora 9 on the ps3 itself, no cross 
compiling or anything.  Looks like gcc 4.3.0, ld, glibc 2.8.


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