[Cbe-oss-dev] ps3-boot-game-os fixed

Goffredo Marocchi panajev at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 16:50:49 EST 2007

Ok, follow-up question ;),

to compile the cloned ps3-utils tree, is any directory fine to unpack 
it, execute bootstrap for it, and configure it (which is what I did) or 
should I use the ( linux would be  a sym link for the ps3-linux cloned 
git repo downloaded in the ps3-linux dir) /usr/src/linux/include dir ?

I see that the configure process looks for some header files like 
asm/ps3av.h (whose path is /usr/src/linux/include/asm/ps3av.h) and their 
usability (if certain defines are declared, etc...) ... it does not find 
them and goes ahead (without printing an error) and runs to completion: 
the make all process completes successfully.
Are the scripts produced installable and usable or even though the 
compilation went fine I should be wary of the fact that the configure 
process did not find all the files it looked for ?
If they are I would not mind keeping ps3-utils up-to-date through your 
git repo :).

Thanks for the answer,

Goffredo Marocchi

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