[Auugps] Last call: dealing with two boxes of AUUG documents and photos from Christopher Vance

steve jenkin sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au
Wed Jul 8 21:25:55 AEST 2020

> On 8 Jul 2020, at 19:30, Peter Jeremy <peter at rulingia.com> wrote:
> On 2020-Jul-07 21:39:31 +1000, steve jenkin <sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au> wrote:
>> Originals of photos could be archived somewhere - but I’ve no idea… Comments?
> As Dave suggests, UNSW would be an option but I'm less confident about the
> ability of universities to provide archival facilities.  Alternative
> options would be the Powerhouse Museum (as the NSW technology museum), NSW
> State Libray or National Library of Australia.  They might possibly be
> interested in the committee minutes etc as well.
> -- 
> Peter Jeremy


I wouldn’t rely on UNSW for anything Unix these days.

Gernot Heisner’s old group, Embedded systems, is still extant, creating, via his SEL4, Trustworthy Systems.
Claude Sammut is still there - he knew John well.

There’s no mention on their website of the John Lions Chair apart from Gernot’s bio. [ref below]

The old website, <https://www.cse.unsw.edu> is gone along with all the content on John.
redirects to: <https://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/computer-science-engineering/>

Last John Lions Chair page from 2008.

There’s a new Head of School - no contact with the committee this year.

Previous HoS took a promotion.
I only heard from him twice, very few meetings, didn’t reply to emails over a long period.

The HoS who did the bulk of the work, Paul Compton, I can’t praise highly enough.
Things change, especially in Academia and Research.

Not having much luck getting the Alumni / Foundation people to talk to me - apparently raising $3M for them doesn’t impress.

Although John was a long-time editor of the ACS academic Journal, the ACJ, they didn’t acknowledge his contribution or passing. I wouldn’t go there or the ACS Foundation.

steve j

Steve Jenkin, IT Systems and Design 
0412 786 915 (+61 412 786 915)
PO Box 38, Kippax ACT 2615, AUSTRALIA

mailto:sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au http://members.tip.net.au/~sjenkin

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