[Auugps] Incorporation

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at lemis.com
Mon Oct 27 20:18:25 EST 2008

On Monday, 27 October 2008 at 14:47:04 +1100, Stephen Rothwell wrote:
> Hi all,
> At Lawrie's prompting, Steve Jenkin did a little investigating to see
> what is involved in becoming an Incorporated Association in the ACT.  It
> doesn't look to bad, actually (the hard bit is probably making up a
> sensible set of rules).  We need to do this at least in order to have the
> license for auug.org.au transferred to us.

Why?  AUUG is already incorporated in Victoria.

Sorry I've been quiet, and that I don't have time to read the thread:
I've just come back on the air after a 15 hour power failure, and
there are dozens of pieces to pick up.  But it doesn't seem to make
much sense to change things that don't need changing.

I'll catch up with the thread tomorrow, and get back.  But please
don't make any irreversible decisions until we've discussed this in
more detail.  One question, in case it hasn't already been answered:
why transfer from VIC to ACT?  It's never been an issue in the
previous 25 odd years.

> The first steps along the process are for us to decide on a
> committee of some sort (at least three people)

As I've said before, I'm happy to be one of them.

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