Enable multiple OSX boot option and intellegent labels?

Jackoverfull jackoverfull at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 12:05:51 EST 2012

Il giorno 03/feb/2012, alle ore 20.25, Jim Harris ha scritto:

> Success!
> Jack,  I followed your advice and edited the ofboot.b file directly and re-saved it in the bootstrap partition.  Then, with fear and trepidation, I changed the ‘boot-dev’ Open Firmware variable to point directly to the ofboot.b file.  (Did I type in enough zeros?  Did I forget some weird punctuation somewhere?  Will this even work or did I just bork my machine??)
> p.s.  I saved a copy of both the original ofboot.b and the new ofboot.b on my desktop – and I’m going to write them to a thumb-drive too.
> After correcting a couple of typos in the boot file, I am now getting a menu with both OSX partitions represented, with sane labels.  Though, as I am sure you agree, I hate ugly hacks like this.
Glad to be reading this!

> Next question:  Does anyone know how to make that boot menu in a larger typeface?  These ol eyes have not been 20 years old for a LOOONG time, and the text in that menu is pretty darn small. . . .  ( :grin: )
Easiest solution: lower Open Firmware resolution. Open Firmware boots with the latest resolution used by Mac OS (Linux ignores the boot resolution), so you'll need to change it right before shutting down and changing it back on startup.

You could use this small command-line utility, calling it while booting and  while shutting down: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20090413120929454

For the boot you have multiple options (create a service, move it in a .app package to start it at login, edit the rc.common file) haven't done enough tests to see if all of those are viable, to shut down I would probably generate a service for launchd or use a logouthook (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2420?viewlocale=en_US).

There should be a way to edit the resolution from open firmware (so you can put a command directly in ofboot.b), but I don't know it and suspect it requires a reboot to see the changes anyway.

The other straightforward solution is…
 __,  _,  _, ___   _  _ _ ___ _,_    _,  _,  _, _ _    _, __, ___ ,
 |_) / \ / \  |    |  | |  |  |_|   / \ (_  / ` | |   / \ |_)  |  |
 |_) \ / \ /  |    |/\| |  |  | |   |~| , ) \ , | |   |~| | \  |  |
 ~    ~   ~   ~    ~  ~ ~  ~  ~ ~   ~ ~  ~   ~  ~ ~   ~ ~ ~ ~  ~  .

> p.s.  Don’t forget – I’m always here for all of your computer or networking needs.
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