Dual Boot on a PS3

Przemyslaw Iskra sparky at pld-linux.org
Tue Nov 18 20:19:33 EST 2008

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 09:24:43AM +0400, John Frankish wrote:
> At 18:11 16-11-08, you wrote:

>> Even if it were possible you're doing it wrong.
>> It should be something like:
>>         append="video=ps3fb:mode:13 rhgb quiet root=/dev/ps3da2/clfs 
>> init=/clfs/sbin/pre-init"
>> -----------------
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> I tried several variations on the theme, but no luck.

I'm using something similar on my iBook. I have two different versions
of linux, one is installed directly on /, and annother is in /TH.
Following configuration works for me:

[yaboot.conf snippet]

	append="5 noisapnp i8042.nopnp init=/TH/boot/init"



/sbin/fsck /dev/hda5 -C -T -a
mount -o remount --rw /
mount -o bind / /TH/mnt/root
exec /usr/sbin/chroot /TH /sbin/init

I have no idea about lfs, but you probably need working
initrd/initramfs, thing I haven't seen in your config.

 ____  Sparky{PI] -- Przemyslaw _  ___  _  _  ........... LANG...Pl..Ca..Es..En
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\____\| -_)'___| ||^'||//\\// <   |  _/| |  | : JID......sparky<at>jabberes.org
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