6 MB limit of initrd

Gerhard Tonn GerhardTonn at gammatau.de
Wed Feb 6 05:51:58 EST 2008

Doug Maxey schrieb:
> On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 10:41:43 +0100, Gerhard Tonn wrote:
>> Paul Nasrat schrieb:
>>> Can you give me some more idea about the box that you are using? I'll 
>>> try get you a debug yaboot and instructions how to get the console 
>>> output off.
>>> Paul
>> I am running it on a pSeries (p5) LPAR.
> What version of firmware?  You can find this in /openprom/ibm,fw-vernum*
> ++doug

I am running firmware level SF240_219 .


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