ofpath bugfix powerpc g5 dual sata

Przemyslaw Iskra sparky at pld-linux.org
Wed Nov 19 04:20:02 EST 2008

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 04:40:30PM +0100, Roman Rakus wrote:
> peter cros wrote:
>> This one still needs fixing.

I think this file requires unification.

>>> --- yaboot/ybin/ofpath    2008-09-26 21:36:38.000000000 +1000
>>> +++ test/ybin/ofpath    2008-09-26 16:41:00.000000000 +1000
>>> @@ -306,7 +306,8 @@ scsi_ofpath()
>>>          K2_DEVICE_ID=0
>>>          while [ "$DEVICE_PATH" = "" ] ; do
>>>              SCSI_HOSTNUMBER=`expr $SCSI_HOSTNUMBER - 1`

backticks `` for execution + expr for math

>>> -            let "K2_DEVICE_ID += 1"
>>> +# let not found in dash     #       let "K2_DEVICE_ID += 1"
>>> +        K2_DEVICE_ID=$((K2_DEVICE_ID+1))

let / $(()) for math

>>>              DEVICE_PATH="$(printhost $SCSI_HOSTNUMBER $HOST_LIST)"

$() for execution

Would be nice to stick to one form, seems like older versions preffer
$(()) for math, it spawns less children; and mostly $() is used for
execution, but there are many exceptions.

> I can confirm that `let' is bashism (bash builtin) and is better to  
> avoid using it. Patch you proposed looks well. Using $(()) is posixly  
> correct arithmetic expansion. What do you think Paul? There are no other  
> let statements.

some other shells (ksh) also allow use of "let", but it isn't POSIX
compliant so it should be replaced.

 ____  Sparky{PI] -- Przemyslaw _  ___  _  _  ........... LANG...Pl..Ca..Es..En
/____) ___  ___  _ _ || Iskra  |  | _ \| |  | : WWW........ppcrcd.pld-linux.org
\____\| -_)'___| ||^'||//\\// <   |  _/| |  | : JID......sparky<at>jabberes.org
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