[PATCH] use SGML entities in ofboot.b and LABEL or UUID in yaboot.conf

didier did447 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 10:41:41 EST 2007

> I'll test on a few other setups.  I know some IBM machines have a
> firmware limitation with &device; length - limiting it to 256 bytes
> which I hit when using it multiple times in a CHRP script (to auto
> detect if 64-bit or not and execute a different conf).  I think we may
> want to possibly not use the entities on CHRP and just expand the device
> for now.  Could you supply an updated patch?
How with a ybin command switch?

> > - It comments out the device line in yaboot.conf which defeats the
> > whole stuff. I have many powermacs here (some with very old firmware)
> > and none need it for booting. Do you know which one need it?
> I'm unsure if you let me know what hardware/firmware you've tested on
> that'd be useful.

Boot from an external firewire drive (FD) or internal ATA (HD).

OpenFirmware I know about:
PowerBook 2.2   3.3f3   date 08-10-00 (g3 clam shell iBook from FD)

PowerMac 1,1   3.1.1fA date 04-09-99 (g3 B&W from HD, not sure about
the fA, I screwed my notes).

PowerMac 7,3    5.2.4f1 date 03-25-05 (g5 dual, from FD).

PowerMac 3,1   4.2.8f1 date 10-11-01 (g4 AGP, FD and HD)

I believe I have a first generation iMac somewhere, it won't boot
linux, not enough memory, but it might load the kernel and initrd. I
will try later.

I also tried on other G4 and G5 but I can't get their firmware version now.


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