My yaboot changes for PPCRCD

Przemek Iskra sparky at
Thu Mar 30 23:39:52 EST 2006

On Sun, Mar 26, 2006 at 06:20:57PM -0500, Paul Nasrat wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-03-26 at 22:22 +0200, Przemek Iskra wrote:
> > I was working on yaboot (binary part only) for a while, because I need
> > some additional functionality for my PPCRCD:

I have more patches from PLD I think you should consider;

1. shell scripts are not POSIX compliant, theh use some bash-specyfic
features, but it may be difficlut to fix them, so execute scripts
using /bin/bash

2. when installing it should not force to change file owner to root, or
there should be way to disable it

3. paths in man pages should be changed dinamically when installing;
PREFIX may not to be /usr

 ____  Sparky{PI] -- Przemyslaw _  ___  _  _  ........... LANG...Pl..Ca..Es..En
/____) ___  ___  _ _ || Iskra  |  | _ \| |  | :
\____\| -_)'___| ||^'||//\\// <   |  _/| |  | : JID......sparky<at>
(____/||   (_-_|_||  ||\\ ||   |_ |_|  |_| _| : Mail....sparky<at>
-------------- next part --------------
diff -uNr yaboot-1.3.6.orig/man.patch yaboot-1.3.6/man.patch
--- yaboot-1.3.6.orig/man.patch	Wed Nov 21 14:19:21 2001
+++ yaboot-1.3.6/man.patch	Tue Mar 19 03:03:23 2002
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
  The Debian mktemp is derived from OpenBSD and thus should be secure.
 -\fI/usr/local/lib/yaboot/ofboot\fR now contains code executed by /bin/sh (by
-+\fI/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot\fR now contains code executed by /bin/sh (by
++\fI/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot\fR now contains code executed by /bin/bash (by
  \fBmkofboot\fR) it is thus critical that it not be writable by anyone
  but root.  It is also critical that \fI/etc/yaboot.conf\fR not be
  writable by anyone but root since a different \fIofboot\fR script could be
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
  The Debian mktemp is derived from OpenBSD and thus should be secure.
 -\fI/usr/local/lib/yaboot/ofboot\fR now contains code executed by /bin/sh (by
-+\fI/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot\fR now contains code executed by /bin/sh (by
++\fI/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot\fR now contains code executed by /bin/bash (by
  \fBybin\fR). It is thus critical that it not be writable by anyone but
  root.  It is also critical that \fI/etc/yaboot.conf\fR not be writable
  by anyone but root since a different \fIofboot\fR script could be
diff -uNr yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/mkofboot yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/mkofboot
--- yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/mkofboot	Sat Dec  1 10:58:11 2001
+++ yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/mkofboot	Tue Mar 19 03:02:02 2002
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /bin/sh
+#! /bin/bash
@@ -1192,8 +1192,8 @@
     ## call ofboot,
     ## Usage: OS-count defaultos timeout fgc bgc osname oslabel oskey osdev osfile ...
-    [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ] && $PRINTF 1>&2 "$PRG: DEBUG: /bin/sh $magicboot $OS $defaultos $delay $fbc $bgc $YB $BSD $MAC $MX $DW $CD $NET $OF\n"
-    FIRST="$(/bin/sh "$magicboot" "$OS" "$defaultos" "$delay" $fgc $bgc ${YB} ${BSD} ${MAC} ${MX} ${DW} ${CD} ${NET} ${OF})" || return 1
+    [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ] && $PRINTF 1>&2 "$PRG: DEBUG: /bin/bash $magicboot $OS $defaultos $delay $fbc $bgc $YB $BSD $MAC $MX $DW $CD $NET $OF\n"
+    FIRST="$(/bin/bash "$magicboot" "$OS" "$defaultos" "$delay" $fgc $bgc ${YB} ${BSD} ${MAC} ${MX} ${DW} ${CD} ${NET} ${OF})" || return 1
     return 0
diff -uNr yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/ofpath yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/ofpath
--- yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/ofpath	Thu Sep 20 15:15:32 2001
+++ yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/ofpath	Tue Mar 19 03:01:31 2002
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /bin/sh
+#! /bin/bash
diff -uNr yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/yabootconfig yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/yabootconfig
--- yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/yabootconfig	Wed Nov 21 13:55:37 2001
+++ yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/yabootconfig	Tue Mar 19 03:01:42 2002
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /bin/sh
+#! /bin/bash
diff -uNr yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/ybin yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/ybin
--- yaboot-1.3.6.orig/ybin/ybin	Sat Dec  1 10:58:11 2001
+++ yaboot-1.3.6/ybin/ybin	Tue Mar 19 03:02:02 2002
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /bin/sh
+#! /bin/bash
@@ -1192,8 +1192,8 @@
     ## call ofboot,
     ## Usage: OS-count defaultos timeout fgc bgc osname oslabel oskey osdev osfile ...
-    [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ] && $PRINTF 1>&2 "$PRG: DEBUG: /bin/sh $magicboot $OS $defaultos $delay $fbc $bgc $YB $BSD $MAC $MX $DW $CD $NET $OF\n"
-    FIRST="$(/bin/sh "$magicboot" "$OS" "$defaultos" "$delay" $fgc $bgc ${YB} ${BSD} ${MAC} ${MX} ${DW} ${CD} ${NET} ${OF})" || return 1
+    [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ] && $PRINTF 1>&2 "$PRG: DEBUG: /bin/bash $magicboot $OS $defaultos $delay $fbc $bgc $YB $BSD $MAC $MX $DW $CD $NET $OF\n"
+    FIRST="$(/bin/bash "$magicboot" "$OS" "$defaultos" "$delay" $fgc $bgc ${YB} ${BSD} ${MAC} ${MX} ${DW} ${CD} ${NET} ${OF})" || return 1
     return 0
-------------- next part --------------
diff -urN yaboot-1.3.6/Makefile
---	Sat Mar  2 19:52:46 2002
+++ yaboot-1.3.6/Makefile	Sat Mar  2 19:53:59 2002
@@ -172,32 +172,32 @@
 	strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note util/addnote
 install: all strip
-	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 ${ROOT}/etc/
-	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/
-	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib
-	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib/yaboot
-	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man5/
-	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 second/yaboot ${ROOT}/$(PREFIX)/lib/yaboot
-	install -o root -g root -m 0755 util/addnote ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib/yaboot/addnote
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 first/ofboot ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib/yaboot/ofboot
-	install -o root -g root -m 0755 ybin/ofpath ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/ofpath
-	install -o root -g root -m 0755 ybin/ybin ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/ybin
-	install -o root -g root -m 0755 ybin/yabootconfig ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/yabootconfig
+	install -d -m 0755 ${ROOT}/etc/
+	install -d -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/
+	install -d -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib
+	install -d -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib/yaboot
+	install -d -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man5/
+	install -d -m 0755 ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/
+	install -m 0644 second/yaboot ${ROOT}/$(PREFIX)/lib/yaboot
+	install -m 0755 util/addnote ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib/yaboot/addnote
+	install -m 0644 first/ofboot ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/lib/yaboot/ofboot
+	install -m 0755 ybin/ofpath ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/ofpath
+	install -m 0755 ybin/ybin ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/ybin
+	install -m 0755 ybin/yabootconfig ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/yabootconfig
 	rm -f ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/mkofboot
 	ln -s ybin ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/sbin/mkofboot
 	@gzip -9 man/*.[58]
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 man/bootstrap.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/bootstrap.8.gz
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 man/mkofboot.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/mkofboot.8.gz
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 man/ofpath.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/ofpath.8.gz
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 man/yaboot.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/yaboot.8.gz
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 man/yabootconfig.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/yabootconfig.8.gz
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 man/ybin.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/ybin.8.gz
-	install -o root -g root -m 0644 man/yaboot.conf.5.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man5/yaboot.conf.5.gz
+	install -m 0644 man/bootstrap.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/bootstrap.8.gz
+	install -m 0644 man/mkofboot.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/mkofboot.8.gz
+	install -m 0644 man/ofpath.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/ofpath.8.gz
+	install -m 0644 man/yaboot.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/yaboot.8.gz
+	install -m 0644 man/yabootconfig.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/yabootconfig.8.gz
+	install -m 0644 man/ybin.8.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man8/ybin.8.gz
+	install -m 0644 man/yaboot.conf.5.gz ${ROOT}/${PREFIX}/${MANDIR}/man5/yaboot.conf.5.gz
 	@gunzip man/*.gz
 	@if [ ! -e ${ROOT}/etc/yaboot.conf ] ; then						\
-		echo "install -o root -g root -m 0644 etc/yaboot.conf ${ROOT}/etc/yaboot.conf"; \
-		install -o root -g root -m 0644 etc/yaboot.conf ${ROOT}/etc/yaboot.conf;	\
+		echo "install -m 0644 etc/yaboot.conf ${ROOT}/etc/yaboot.conf"; \
+		install -m 0644 etc/yaboot.conf ${ROOT}/etc/yaboot.conf;	\
 	 else											\
 		echo "/etc/yaboot.conf already exists, leaving it alone";			\

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