[SLOF] [PATCH v4 00/33] Add vTPM support to SLOF

Alexey Kardashevskiy aik at ozlabs.ru
Fri Jan 3 10:21:36 AEDT 2020

On 03/01/2020 01:20, Stefan Berger wrote:
> On 12/27/19 11:11 PM, Alexey Kardashevskiy wrote:
>> On 28/12/2019 08:13, Stefan Berger wrote:
>>> On 12/23/19 6:41 PM, Alexey Kardashevskiy wrote:
>>>> On 24/12/2019 08:40, Stefan Berger wrote:
>>>>> On 12/18/19 6:05 PM, Alexey Kardashevskiy wrote:
>>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>> It's been a while since the last attempt :) 33 is a lot! Comments
>>>>>> below...
>>>>> I have a series of patches now here with some of the concerns
>>>>> addressed.
>>>>> I would say it's bisectable but my concern is that reshuffling more
>>>>> code
>>>>> will cause issues that aren't there right now. So I would appreciate
>>>>> some tolerance for refactoring while building up TPM 2 support.
>>>>> https://github.com/stefanberger/SLOF-tpm/commits/SLOF-tpm.Dec2019.23
>>>> imho you are overthinking this. This needs to be several prerequisite
>>>> patches (one per lib/directory/driver/whatever), one patch for vtpm v1
>>> What are prerequisites? Are these functions needed by lib/libtpm but
>>> are located in other directories?
>> Yes.
>>> I have certainly not put the patches in random order, so they do
>>> compile at every step and functions needed in one step are introduced
>>> before it.
>> Good.
>>>> (and I still eagerly want to hear why we want v1 at all), one patch for
>>> The application stack for TSS 1.2 is (still) being packaged for ppc64le:
>> Ok. But what about v2.0? "trousers" does not support it?
> There is different stack for TPM 2.0, actually there are two:
> - tss2 (IBM):
> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=23163
> - tpm2-tss (Intel):
> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1422031

You are really not helping :)

What if we decide to only support "tss2 (IBM)"? Would we still need v1.2?

>>> https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/trousers
>>> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=5471
>>> https://software.opensuse.org/package/trousers
>>> https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=trousers
>>>> vtpm v2, one patch for the menu. "One patch" could be more if patch 1
>>>> adds some function on its own and consequent patches enhance patch 1
>>>> (such as add vtpm with 1 algo enabled in patch 1 and then add other
>>>> hashing algorithms later) but I do not see this happening or very
>>>> useful. Thanks,
>>> I tried to make it small patches for easier digestion...
>> Not seeing how helpers are actually used does not help much and
>> bisectability suffers as well. Thanks,
> So then changing it to a series of patches that add prerequisites, then
> the low lever PAPR driver, then the SHA1 implementation, and then TPM
> 1.2 support followed by TPM 2.0 support, and then the combined menu for
> TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 will improve it for the review? The prerequisites
> are like two-liners for invoking FORTH functions from C.

Kind of. But lets first clarify about v1.2/v2.0/ibm/intel/whatever. Thanks,


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