[SLOF] [PATCH v7 1/2] Fix output word

Laurent Vivier lvivier at redhat.com
Thu May 17 23:16:03 AEST 2018

We can select the console output, but it does not really work

Implement term-io-emit, as we have term-io-key to really
send characters to the output selected by stdout.

Resolve xt-handle and ihandle in the output command.

Use them in the new term-io-emit function.

Signed-off-by: Laurent Vivier <lvivier at redhat.com>
 slof/fs/term-io.fs | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/slof/fs/term-io.fs b/slof/fs/term-io.fs
index 52ce12a..f13ae87 100644
--- a/slof/fs/term-io.fs
+++ b/slof/fs/term-io.fs
@@ -10,6 +10,17 @@
 \ *     IBM Corporation - initial implementation
 \ ****************************************************************************/
+0 VALUE write-xt
+VARIABLE stdout
+: set-stdout ( ihandle -- )
+   \ Close old stdout:
+   stdout @ ?dup IF close-dev THEN
+   \ Now set the new stdout:
+   dup stdout !
+   encode-int s" stdout" set-chosen
 : input  ( dev-str dev-len -- )
    open-dev ?dup IF
@@ -24,12 +35,15 @@
 : output  ( dev-str dev-len -- )
    open-dev ?dup IF
-      \ Close old stdout:
-      s" stdout" get-chosen IF
-         decode-int nip nip ?dup IF close-dev THEN
+      \ find new ihandle and xt handle
+      dup s" write" rot ihandle>phandle find-method
+      0= IF
+         drop
+         cr ." Cannot find the write method for the given output console " cr
+         EXIT
-      \ Now set the new stdout:
-      encode-int s" stdout" set-chosen
+      to write-xt
+      set-stdout
@@ -40,6 +54,18 @@
 1 BUFFER: (term-io-char-buf)
+: term-io-emit ( char -- )
+    write-xt IF
+       (term-io-char-buf) c!
+       (term-io-char-buf) 1 write-xt stdout @ call-package
+       drop
+    ELSE
+       serial-emit
+    THEN
+' term-io-emit to emit
 : term-io-key  ( -- char )
    s" stdin" get-chosen IF
       decode-int nip nip dup 0= IF 0 EXIT THEN

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