[SLOF] Loading file from disk image

Thomas Huth thuth at redhat.com
Wed Jan 10 18:02:13 AEDT 2018

On 05.01.2018 12:21, Jd Lyons wrote:
>> Doesn’t seem to be a load word in this commit?
> Does anyone know where the load word is defined in SLOF source, I can’t seem to find it?

It's in slof/fs/boot.fs.

> Also, what is the best way to index/search source code on Linux, I keep the code on the macOS as spotlight does an ok job of being able to quickly find most anything I’m looking for.

I normally simply use e.g.

 grep -r ": load" .

to search for Forth word definitions. If you can't find it that way, it
likely means that the word is defined as primitive. In that case search
for the word in uppercase letters in the slof/ folder, e.g.:

 grep LOAD slof/


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