[SLOF] [PATCH] scsi: Remove unused debug functions from scsi-loader.fs

Thomas Huth thuth at redhat.com
Fri Oct 14 22:19:57 AEDT 2016

The .wordlists and .context functions are just colorful, but
otherwise useless wrappers around "get-order", "current"
and "context @". They have nothing to do with SCSI, so let's
simply remove them to save some precious space in the firmware
binary and dictionary.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Huth <thuth at redhat.com>
 slof/fs/scsi-loader.fs | 46 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/slof/fs/scsi-loader.fs b/slof/fs/scsi-loader.fs
index fec1f78..85dcfe2 100644
--- a/slof/fs/scsi-loader.fs
+++ b/slof/fs/scsi-loader.fs
@@ -10,55 +10,11 @@
 \ *     IBM Corporation - initial implementation
 \ ****************************************************************************/
-\ **************************************
-\ Last change: MiR 13.11.2007 10:55:57
-\ **************************************
-: .ansi-attr-off 1b emit ." [0m"  ;    \ ESC Sequence: all terminal attributes off
-: .ansi-blue     1b emit ." [34m" ;    \ ESC Sequence: foreground-color = blue
-: .ansi-green    1b emit ." [32m" ;    \ ESC Sequence: foreground-color = green
-: .ansi-red      1b emit ." [31m" ;    \ ESC Sequence: foreground-color = green
-: .ansi-bold     1b emit ." [1m"  ;    \ ESC Sequence: foreground-color bold
 false VALUE scsi-supp-present?
 : scsi-xt-err ." SCSI-ERROR (Intern) " ;
 ' scsi-xt-err VALUE scsi-open-xt        \ preset with an invalid token
-\ *************************************
-\ utility to show all active word-lists
-\ *************************************
-: .wordlists      ( -- )
-   .ansi-red
-   get-order      ( -- wid1 .. widn n )
-   dup space 28 emit .d ." word lists : "
-   0 DO
-      . 08 emit 2c emit
-   LOOP
-   08 emit                 \ 'bs'
-   29 emit                 \ ')'
-   cr space 28 emit
-   ." Context: " context dup .
-   @ 5b emit . 8 emit 5d emit
-   space
-   ." / Current: " current .
-   .ansi-attr-off
-   cr
-\ *************************************
-\ utility to show first word-lists
-\ *************************************
-: .context  ( num -- )
-   .ansi-red
-    space
-   5b emit
-   23 emit . 3a emit
-   context @
-   . 8 emit 5d emit space
-   .ansi-attr-off
 \ ****************************************************************************
 \ open scsi-support by adding a new word list on top of search path
 \ first check if scsi-support.fs must be included (first call)
@@ -73,5 +29,3 @@ false VALUE scsi-supp-present?
    scsi-open-xt execute

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