[SLOF] [PATCH v1] usb-xhci: add keyboard support

Nikunj A Dadhania nikunj at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Sep 15 18:07:27 AEST 2015

Alexey Kardashevskiy <aik at ozlabs.ru> writes:

> On 09/15/2015 03:55 PM, Nikunj A Dadhania wrote:
>> Alexey Kardashevskiy <aik at ozlabs.ru> writes:
>>> On 09/14/2015 08:07 PM, Nikunj A Dadhania wrote:
>>>> Current implementation enumerated only the USB3 ports and supported USB
>>>> MSC device.
>>>> QEMU USB keyboard attached to a xhci controller appears as high speed
>>>> device.
>>>>       * Add support for scanning usb2 ports.
>>>>       * Add support for xhci interrupt pipes needed for keyboard handling
>>>>       * Improve usb key fetching
>>>>       * Introduce delay during xhci exit path as qemu can still use it for
>>>>         a while
>>>> Signed-off-by: Nikunj A Dadhania <nikunj at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>    lib/libusb/usb-hid.c  |  11 ++--
>>>>    lib/libusb/usb-xhci.c | 174 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
>>>>    lib/libusb/usb-xhci.h |   5 ++
>>>>    3 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/lib/libusb/usb-hid.c b/lib/libusb/usb-hid.c
>>>> index f0cab8a..0dffd0c 100644
>>>> --- a/lib/libusb/usb-hid.c
>>>> +++ b/lib/libusb/usb-hid.c
>>>> @@ -443,11 +443,8 @@ unsigned char usb_key_available(void *dev)
>>>>    unsigned char usb_read_keyb(void *vdev)
>>>>    {
>>>> -	if (!vdev)
>>>> -		return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -	while (usb_poll_key(vdev)) {
>>>> -		/* loop for all pending keys */
>>>> -	}
>>>> -	return read_key();
>>>> +	if (usb_key_available(vdev))
>>>> +		return read_key();
>>>> +	else
>>>> +		return 0;
>>> Is this the only part for "Improve usb key fetching"? If so, make it a
>>> separate patch please.
>> Sure, I can do that.
>>>>    }
>>>> diff --git a/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.c b/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.c
>>>> index 0c3d6e4..040b047 100644
>>>> --- a/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.c
>>>> +++ b/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.c
>>>> @@ -388,10 +388,12 @@ static void xhci_init_seg(struct xhci_seg *seg, uint32_t size, uint32_t type)
>>>>    	seg->deq = (uint64_t)seg->trbs;
>>>>    	memset((void *)seg->trbs, 0, size);
>>>> -	link =(struct xhci_link_trb *) (seg->trbs + seg->size - 1);
>>>> -	link->addr = cpu_to_le64(seg->trbs_dma);
>>>> -	link->field2 = 0;
>>>> -	link->field3 = cpu_to_le32(0x1 | TRB_CMD_TYPE(TRB_LINK));
>>>> +	if (type != TYPE_EVENT) {
>>> This "if" looks like a bugfix for something, what is it?
>> With keyboard addition, the events are generated/queued pretty fast. And
>> I found that we do not need a LINK pointer in event queue. So you can
>> call it a bugfix :-)
> Mmm. It is still not clear if this is required for the keyboard support or 
> not :)

It is, as the link pointer will not be handled properly.

>>>> +		link =(struct xhci_link_trb *) (seg->trbs + seg->size - 1);
>>>> +		link->addr = cpu_to_le64(seg->trbs_dma);
>>>> +		link->field2 = 0;
>>>> +		link->field3 = cpu_to_le32(0x1 | TRB_CMD_TYPE(TRB_LINK));
>>> What is "0x1" for here?
>> Will document
>>>> +	}
>>>>    	return;
>>>>    }
>>>> @@ -616,6 +618,7 @@ static void xhci_free_dev(struct xhci_dev *xdev)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	xhci_free_seg(&xdev->bulk_in, XHCI_DATA_TRBS_SIZE);
>>>>    	xhci_free_seg(&xdev->bulk_out, XHCI_DATA_TRBS_SIZE);
>>>> +	xhci_free_seg(&xdev->intr, XHCI_INTR_TRBS_SIZE);
>>>>    	xhci_free_seg(&xdev->control, XHCI_CONTROL_TRBS_SIZE);
>>>>    	xhci_free_ctx(&xdev->in_ctx, XHCI_CTX_BUF_SIZE);
>>>>    	xhci_free_ctx(&xdev->out_ctx, XHCI_CTX_BUF_SIZE);
>>>> @@ -697,6 +700,51 @@ static int xhci_hub_check_ports(struct xhci_hcd *xhcd)
>>>>    			}
>>>>    		}
>>>>    	}
>>>> +
>>>> +	/* Check USB2 ports */
>>>> +	/* Read the xHCI extented capability to find usb2 ports and offset*/
>>>> +	xecp_off = XHCI_HCCPARAMS_XECP(read_reg32(&cap->hccparams));
>>>> +	base = (uint32_t *)cap;
>>>> +	while (xecp_off > 0) {
>>>> +		xecp_addr = base + xecp_off;
>>>> +		dprintf("xecp_off %d %p %p \n", xecp_off, base, xecp_addr);
>>>> +
>>>> +		if (XHCI_XECP_CAP_ID(read_reg32(xecp_addr)) == XHCI_XECP_CAP_SP &&
>>>> +		    XHCI_XECP_CAP_SP_MJ(read_reg32(xecp_addr)) == 2 &&
>>>> +		    XHCI_XECP_CAP_SP_MN(read_reg32(xecp_addr)) == 0) {
>>> What are these "2" and "0"?
>> USB major number, basically saying that these are usb 2.0 devices
>>>> +			port_cnt = XHCI_XECP_CAP_SP_PC(read_reg32(xecp_addr + 2));
>>>> +			port_off = XHCI_XECP_CAP_SP_PO(read_reg32(xecp_addr + 2));
>>>> +			dprintf("PortCount %d Portoffset %d\n", port_cnt, port_off);
>>>> +		}
>>>> +		base = xecp_addr;
>>>> +		xecp_off = XHCI_XECP_NEXT_PTR(read_reg32(xecp_addr));
>>>> +	}
>>>> +	if (port_off == 0) /* port_off should always start from 1 */
>>> Do not you want to reset port_off to 1 before checking for USB2 ports? It
>>> might be not "1" after USB3 ports scan.
>> Good point, let me check that.
>>>> +		return false;
>>>> +	for (i = (port_off - 1); i < (port_off + port_cnt - 1); i++) {
>>>> +		prs = &op->prs[i];
>>>> +		portsc = read_reg32(&prs->portsc);
>>>> +		print_port_status(prs);
>>>> +		if ((portsc & PORTSC_CCS) && (portsc & PORTSC_CSC)) {
>>>> +			/* Device present and disabled */
>>>> +			dprintf("Device present on port %d, disabled\n", i);
>>>> +			/* Reset the port */
>>>> +			portsc = read_reg32(&prs->portsc);
>>>> +			portsc = portsc | PORTSC_PR;
>>>> +			write_reg32(&prs->portsc, portsc);
>>>> +			/* FIXME poll for port event */
>>>> +			SLOF_msleep(20);
>>>> +			xhci_poll_event(xhcd, 0);
>>>> +			portsc = read_reg32(&prs->portsc);
>>>> +			if (portsc & ~PORTSC_PRC) {
>>>> +				dprintf("Port reset complete %d\n", i);
>>>> +			}
>>>> +			print_port_status(prs);
>>>> +			if (!usb3_dev_init(xhcd, (i - (port_off - 1)))) {
>>>> +				dprintf("USB device initialization failed\n");
>>>> +			}
>>>> +		}
>>>> +	}
>>> This looks very much like cut-n-paste. Can this go to a helper?
>> Possible, will have a look in next version
>>>>    	dprintf("exit\n");
>>>>    	return true;
>>>>    }
>>>> @@ -868,6 +916,8 @@ static bool xhci_hcd_exit(struct xhci_hcd *xhcd)
>>>>    		SLOF_dma_map_out(xhcd->dcbaap_dma, (void *)xhcd->dcbaap, XHCI_DCBAAP_MAX_SIZE);
>>>>    		SLOF_dma_free((void *)xhcd->dcbaap, XHCI_DCBAAP_MAX_SIZE);
>>>>    	}
>>>> +	/* Wait for a while till qemu stops using this device */
>>>> +	SLOF_msleep(50);
>>> What does "using" mean here? At this point you release all buffers, etc,
>>> any "use" would kill the guest, no?
>> So on the other thread, Ben mentioned that when we stop the usb xhci
>> controller, it returns immediately and qemu code is still not done the
>> complete shutdown. This was to have a grace period. The right fix will
>> definitely be in QEMU.
> Ok. But it does not seem related to the keyboard support as the subject 
> suggests => move it to a separate patch.

Yes, that is fine.

>>>>    	return true;
>>>>    }
>>>> @@ -1079,18 +1129,16 @@ static inline struct xhci_seg *xhci_pipe_get_seg(struct usb_pipe *pipe)
>>>>    static inline void *xhci_get_trb(struct xhci_seg *seg)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	uint64_t val, enq;
>>>> -	uint32_t size;
>>>>    	struct xhci_link_trb *link;
>>>> +	int index;
>>>>    	enq = val = seg->enq;
>>>>    	val = val + XHCI_TRB_SIZE;
>>>> -	size = seg->size * XHCI_TRB_SIZE;
>>>> +	index = (enq - (uint64_t)seg->trbs) / XHCI_TRB_SIZE + 1;
>>>> +	dprintf("%s: enq %llx, val %llx %x\n", __func__, enq, val, index);
>>>>            /* TRBs being a cyclic buffer, here we cycle back to beginning. */
>>>> -	if ((val % size) == 0) {
>>>> +	if (index == (seg->size - 1)) {
>>>>    		seg->enq = (uint64_t)seg->trbs;
>>>> -		enq = seg->enq;
>>>> -		seg->enq = seg->enq + XHCI_TRB_SIZE;
>>>> -		val = 0;
>>>>    		seg->cycle_state ^= seg->cycle_state;
>>>>    		link = (struct xhci_link_trb *) (seg->trbs + seg->size - 1);
>>> Ufff. Tricky. I thought there is a bug but it seems there is none.
>> Again not a bug really, but for keyboard case, the fetching of the trb
>> is much faster. So by the time i have programmed the link register, qemu
>> has already picked it up.
>> So now I am making the link structure ready when i am programming n-1.
>> For example if I have 16 transfer buffers(trb), 16th trb should be the link to
>> 1st trb. Now when I am at 15th trb, I will make 16th trb a link trb. So
>> its is ready for next fetch.
> Sure, I am not questioning the code, I am just saying that reading this 
> pointers math is not very easy.


>>> Is there any good reason why XHCI_TRB_SIZE is: #define XHCI_TRB_SIZE
>>> 16
>> Specification.
> Then imho it should be:
> link = (struct xhci_link_trb *) ((u8 *)seg->trbs + XHCI_TRB_SIZE*(seg->size 
> - 1))

link = (struct xhci_link_trb *) (seg->trbs + seg->size - 1);

Is correct.

>>> and not:
>>> #define XHCI_TRB_SIZE	sizeof(xhci_trb)
>>> ?
>>>>    		link->addr = cpu_to_le64(seg->trbs_dma);
>>>> @@ -1215,6 +1263,7 @@ static void xhci_init_bulk_ep(struct usb_dev *dev, struct usb_pipe *pipe)
>>>>    	if (!seg->trbs) {
>>>>    		if (!xhci_alloc_seg(seg, XHCI_DATA_TRBS_SIZE, TYPE_BULK)) {
>>>>    			dprintf("Failed allocating seg\n");
>>>> +			return;
>>> Feels like an unrelated bugfix.
>> Can send as a separate fix.
>>>>    		}
>>>>    	} else {
>>>>    		xhci_init_seg(seg, XHCI_DATA_TRBS_SIZE, TYPE_BULK);
>>>> @@ -1235,6 +1284,64 @@ static void xhci_init_bulk_ep(struct usb_dev *dev, struct usb_pipe *pipe)
>>>>    	xpipe->seg = seg;
>>>>    }
>>>> +static int xhci_get_pipe_intr(struct usb_pipe *pipe,
>>>> +			struct xhci_hcd *xhcd,
>>>> +			char *buf, size_t len)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	struct xhci_dev *xdev;
>>>> +	struct xhci_seg *seg;
>>>> +	struct xhci_pipe *xpipe;
>>>> +	struct xhci_control_ctx *ctrl;
>>>> +	struct xhci_ep_ctx *ep;
>>>> +	uint32_t x_epno, val, type;
>>>> +	struct usb_dev *dev;
>>>> +	struct xhci_transfer_trb *trb;
>>>> +
>>>> +	if (!pipe || !pipe->dev || !xhcd)
>>>> +		return false;
>>> All three cannot be NULL here.
>>>> +
>>>> +	dev = pipe->dev;
>>>> +	if (dev->class != DEV_HID_KEYB)
>>>> +		return false;
>>>> +
>>>> +	xdev = dev->priv;
>>>> +	pipe->mps = 8;
>>>> +	seg = xhci_pipe_get_seg(pipe);
>>>> +	xpipe = xhci_pipe_get_xpipe(pipe);
>>>> +	type = EP_INT_IN;
>>>> +	seg = &xdev->intr;
>>>> +
>>>> +	if (!seg->trbs) {
>>>> +		if (!xhci_alloc_seg(seg, XHCI_INTR_TRBS_SIZE, TYPE_BULK)) {
>>>> +			dprintf("Failed allocating seg\n");
>>>> +			return false;
>>>> +		}
>>>> +	} else {
>>>> +		xhci_init_seg(seg, XHCI_EVENT_TRBS_SIZE, TYPE_BULK);
>>>> +	}
>>>> +
>>>> +	xpipe->buf = buf;
>>>> +	xpipe->buf_phys = SLOF_dma_map_in(buf, len, false);
>>>> +	xpipe->buflen = len;
>>>> +
>>>> +	ctrl = xhci_get_control_ctx(&xdev->in_ctx);
>>>> +	x_epno = xhci_get_epno(pipe);
>>>> +	ep = xhci_get_ep_ctx(&xdev->in_ctx, xdev->ctx_size, x_epno);
>>>> +	val = EP_TYPE(type) | MAX_BURST(0) | ERROR_COUNT(3) |
>>>> +		MAX_PACKET_SIZE(pipe->mps);
>>>> +	ep->field2 = cpu_to_le32(val);
>>>> +	ep->deq_addr = cpu_to_le64(seg->trbs_dma | seg->cycle_state);
>>>> +	ep->field4 = cpu_to_le32(8);
>>>> +	ctrl->a_flags = cpu_to_le32(BIT(x_epno) | 0x1);
>>> BIT() is:
>>> #define BIT(x) (1 << x)
>>> while it should be:
>>> #define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
>>> or even
>>> #define BIT(x) (1ULL << (x))
>>> Are you sure we do not want 1ULL in the chunk above?
>> Why ULL? most of them are being used in 32bit assignments.
> If it was "all", then fine but you say "most".

After reviewing the code, all of them are being used in 32bit

>> Though I can change it to:
>> #define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
>>>> +	ctrl->d_flags = 0;
>>>> +	xhci_configure_ep(xhcd, xdev->slot_id, xdev->in_ctx.dma_addr);
>>>> +	xpipe->seg = seg;
>>>> +
>>>> +	trb = xhci_get_trb(seg);
>>>> +	fill_normal_trb(trb, (void *)xpipe->buf_phys, pipe->mps);
>>>> +	return true;
>>>> + }
>>>> +
>>>>    static struct usb_pipe* xhci_get_pipe(struct usb_dev *dev, struct usb_ep_descr *ep, char *buf, size_t len)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	struct xhci_hcd *xhcd;
>>>> @@ -1264,6 +1371,10 @@ static struct usb_pipe* xhci_get_pipe(struct usb_dev *dev, struct usb_ep_descr *
>>>>    	new->dir = (ep->bEndpointAddress & 0x80) >> 7;
>>>>    	new->epno = ep->bEndpointAddress & 0x0f;
>>>> +	if (new->type == USB_EP_TYPE_INTR)
>>>> +		if (!xhci_get_pipe_intr(new, xhcd, buf, len))
>>> You are checking new!=NULL inside xhci_get_pipe_intr() but it is too late -
>>> if it is NULL, "new->type" will fail before calling
>>> xhci_get_pipe_intr().
>> So you are basically pointing to the trust part, it already checked so
>> no need to check within *_pipe_intr()
>>>> +			dprintf("usb-xhci: %s alloc_intr failed  %p\n",
>>>> +				__func__, new);
>>>>    	if (new->type == USB_EP_TYPE_BULK)
>>>>    		xhci_init_bulk_ep(dev, new);
>>>> @@ -1298,6 +1409,48 @@ static void xhci_put_pipe(struct usb_pipe *pipe)
>>>>    	dprintf("usb-xhci: %s exit\n", __func__);
>>>>    }
>>>> +static int xhci_poll_intr(struct usb_pipe *pipe, uint8_t *data)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	struct xhci_transfer_trb *trb;
>>>> +	struct xhci_seg *seg;
>>>> +	struct xhci_pipe *xpipe;
>>>> +	struct xhci_dev *xdev;
>>>> +	struct xhci_hcd *xhcd;
>>>> +	struct xhci_db_regs *dbr;
>>>> +	uint32_t x_epno;
>>>> +	uint8_t *buf, ret = 1;
>>>> +
>>>> +	if (!pipe || !pipe->dev || !pipe->dev->hcidev)
>>>> +		return 0;
>>>> +	xdev = pipe->dev->priv;
>>>> +	xhcd = (struct xhci_hcd *)pipe->dev->hcidev->priv;
>>>> +	x_epno = xhci_get_epno(pipe);
>>>> +	seg = xhci_pipe_get_seg(pipe);
>>>> +	xpipe = xhci_pipe_get_xpipe(pipe);
>>>> +
>>>> +	buf = xpipe->buf;
>>>> +	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
>>>> +		buf[i] = 0;
>>> memset()? :)
>> Sure
>>>> +
>>>> +	mb();
>>>> +	/* Ring the doorbell - x_epno */
>>>> +	dbr = xhcd->db_regs;
>>>> +	write_reg32(&dbr->db[xdev->slot_id], x_epno);
>>>> +	if (!xhci_poll_event(xhcd, 0)) {
>>>> +		printf("poll intr failed\n");
>>>> +		return 0;
>>>> +	}
>>>> +	mb();
>>>> +
>>>> +	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
>>>> +		data[i] = *(buf + i);
>>> memcpy()?
>> Sure
>>>> +	trb = xhci_get_trb(seg);
>>>> +	fill_normal_trb(trb, (void *)xpipe->buf_phys, pipe->mps);
>>>> +	mb();
>>>> +	return ret;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +
>>> extra empty line.
>>>>    struct usb_hcd_ops xhci_ops = {
>>>>    	.name          = "xhci-hcd",
>>>>    	.init          = xhci_init,
>>>> @@ -1305,6 +1458,7 @@ struct usb_hcd_ops xhci_ops = {
>>>>    	.usb_type      = USB_XHCI,
>>>>    	.get_pipe      = xhci_get_pipe,
>>>>    	.put_pipe      = xhci_put_pipe,
>>>> +	.poll_intr     = xhci_poll_intr,
>>>>    	.send_ctrl     = xhci_send_ctrl,
>>>>    	.transfer_bulk = xhci_transfer_bulk,
>>>>    	.next          = NULL,
>>>> diff --git a/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.h b/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.h
>>>> index faeb07e..cc6a197 100644
>>>> --- a/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.h
>>>> +++ b/lib/libusb/usb-xhci.h
>>>> @@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ struct xhci_seg {
>>>>    #define XHCI_TRB_SIZE          16
>>>>    #define XHCI_EVENT_TRBS_SIZE   4096
>>>> +#define XHCI_INTR_TRBS_SIZE    4096
>>>>    #define XHCI_CONTROL_TRBS_SIZE 4096
>>>>    #define XHCI_DATA_TRBS_SIZE    4096
>>>>    #define XHCI_ERST_NUM_SEGS     1
>>>> @@ -349,6 +350,7 @@ struct xhci_dev {
>>>>    	struct xhci_ctx in_ctx;
>>>>    	struct xhci_ctx out_ctx;
>>>>    	struct xhci_seg control;
>>>> +	struct xhci_seg intr;
>>>>    	struct xhci_seg bulk_in;
>>>>    	struct xhci_seg bulk_out;
>>>>    	uint32_t ctx_size;
>>>> @@ -381,6 +383,9 @@ struct xhci_hcd {
>>>>    struct xhci_pipe {
>>>>    	struct usb_pipe pipe;
>>>>    	struct xhci_seg *seg;
>>>> +	void *buf;
>>>> +	long buf_phys;
>>>> +	uint32_t buflen;
>>>>    };
>>>>    #endif	/* USB_XHCI_H */
>> Thanks for the review.
> I wish I knew more about XHCI to comment more :)
> -- 
> Alexey

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