[Skiboot] [PATCH v3 2/9] core/pldm/test : Initialize pldm file I/O test

Abhishek Singh Tomar abhishek at linux.ibm.com
Wed May 18 17:42:57 AEST 2022

The patch contains a self-test implementation for
PLDM_OEM type message support that is used for
inband file I/O.

This patch tests code flow for the PLDM command
PLDM_GET_FILE_TABLE that is used to retrieve the
file table which contains the list of lid files
available and their attributes.

Signed-off-by: Abhishek Singh Tomar <abhishek at linux.ibm.com>
 core/pldm/pldm.h                  |   2 +-
 core/pldm/test/Makefile.check     |  43 ++++++++
 core/pldm/test/test-pldm-fileio.c | 174 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 core/pldm/test/Makefile.check
 create mode 100644 core/pldm/test/test-pldm-fileio.c

diff --git a/core/pldm/pldm.h b/core/pldm/pldm.h
index 81df9f8b..5ac9c443 100644
--- a/core/pldm/pldm.h
+++ b/core/pldm/pldm.h
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ extern int watchdog_period_sec;
  * @example enum_bit(1) = 0x00000002
  * @example enum_bit(4) = 0x00000010
-inline uint32_t enum_bit(unsigned int enumeration)
+extern inline uint32_t enum_bit(unsigned int enumeration)
 	return 1 << enumeration;
diff --git a/core/pldm/test/Makefile.check b/core/pldm/test/Makefile.check
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7af66ccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/pldm/test/Makefile.check
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# -*-Makefile-*-
+PLDM_TEST := core/pldm/test/test-pldm-fileio \
+.PHONY : core-pldm-check core-pldm-coverage
+core-pldm-check: $(PLDM_TEST:%=%-check)
+core-pldm-coverage: $(PLDM_TEST:%=%-gcov-run)
+HOSTCFLAG_PLDM:= $(filter-out -Wdeclaration-after-statement,$(HOSTCFLAGS))
+HOSTCFLAG_PLDM:= $(filter-out -Wstrict-prototypes,$(HOSTCFLAG_PLDM))
+HOSTCFLAG_PLDM:= $(filter-out -Wjump-misses-init,$(HOSTCFLAG_PLDM))
+HOSTCFLAG_PLDM:= $(filter-out -Wmissing-prototypes,$(HOSTCFLAG_PLDM))
+HOSTCFLAG_PLDM:= $(filter-out -Wmissing-declarations,$(HOSTCFLAG_PLDM))
+HOSTCFLAG_PLDM += -Wno-format
+check: core-pldm-check
+coverage: core-pldm-coverage
+$(PLDM_TEST:%=%-gcov-run) : %-run: %
+	$(call Q, TEST-COVERAGE ,$< , $<)
+$(PLDM_TEST:%=%-check) : %-check: %
+	$(call Q, RUN-TEST ,$(VALGRIND) $<, $<)
+core/test/stubs.o: core/test/stubs.c
+	$(call Q, HOSTCC ,$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -I . -I include -Wno-error=attributes -g -c -o core/test/stubs.o core/test/stubs.c, $<)
+$(PLDM_TEST) : % : %.c core/test/stubs.o
+	$(call Q, HOSTCC ,$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAG_PLDM) -O0 -g -I include -I . -I pldm/libpldm/  -I libfdt -o $@ $< core/test/stubs.o -g, $<)
+$(PLDM_TEST:%=%-gcov): %-gcov : %.c %
+	$(call Q, HOSTCC ,$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTFLAG_PLDM) $(HOSTGCOVCFLAGS) -I include -I . -I pldm/libpldm/ -I libfdt -lgcov -o $@ $<, $<)
+$(PLDM_TEST:%=%-gcov): % : $(%.d:-gcov=)
+-include $(wildcard core/pldm/test/*.d)
+clean: pldm-test-clean
+	$(RM) -f core/pldm/test/*.[od] $(PLDM_TEST) $(PLDM_TEST:%=%-gcov)
+	$(RM) -f *.gcda *.gcno skiboot.info
+	$(RM) -rf coverage-report
diff --git a/core/pldm/test/test-pldm-fileio.c b/core/pldm/test/test-pldm-fileio.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e14f6df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/pldm/test/test-pldm-fileio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
+// Copyright 2022 IBM Corp.
+#include "common/test-pldm-common.c"
+#define TEST_FILE_IO_NAME "81e0066b.lid"
+#define TEST_FILE_IO_BUF1 "This is Test buffer Open power Foundation"
+uint32_t get_test_filetable_entry(uint8_t **file_attr_table, int *size);
+int pldm_test_reply_request_file_io(void *request_msg, size_t request_len,
+			void **response_msg, size_t *response_len);
+int pldm_test_reply_request(void *request_msg, size_t request_len,
+		void **response_msg, size_t *response_len);
+ * This function duplicates BMC functionality for Pldm self test
+ * It will handle pldm response message
+ * For now we don't have any response
+ */
+int pldm_test_verify_response(void *response_msg, size_t response_len)
+	if (response_len > 0 || response_msg != NULL)
+ * This function duplicates BMC functionality for Pldm self test
+ * This Genrate Filetable entry for self test
+ * The file table contains the list of files available and
+ * their attributes.
+ *
+ * Ex:
+ * {
+ *   "FileHandle": "11",
+ *   "FileNameLength": 12,
+ *   "FileName": "81e0066b.lid",
+ *   "FileSize": 589824,
+ *   "FileTraits": 6
+ * }
+ */
+uint32_t get_test_filetable_entry(uint8_t **file_attr_table, int *size)
+	struct pldm_file_attr_table_entry *pldm_file_attr_table_entry;
+	uint8_t FileName[] = TEST_FILE_IO_NAME;
+	uint32_t file_length = TEST_FILE_IO_LENGTH;
+	/* calculate sizeof whole struct */
+	*size = sizeof(struct pldm_file_attr_table_entry *) + strlen(FileName)
+			+ sizeof(file_length) - 1;
+	*file_attr_table = malloc(*size);
+	if (*file_attr_table == NULL)
+		return OPAL_RESOURCE;
+	pldm_file_attr_table_entry = (struct pldm_file_attr_table_entry *)*file_attr_table;
+	pldm_file_attr_table_entry->file_handle = TEST_FILE_IO_HANDLE;
+	pldm_file_attr_table_entry->file_name_length = strlen(FileName);
+	memcpy(pldm_file_attr_table_entry->file_attr_table_nst, FileName,
+		strlen(FileName));
+	memcpy(pldm_file_attr_table_entry->file_attr_table_nst + strlen(FileName),
+			(uint8_t *)&file_length,	sizeof(file_length));
+	return OPAL_SUCCESS;
+ * This function duplicates BMC functionality for Pldm self test
+ * It will only handle PLDM_OEM type request
+ * As fileio test will have only pldm request of type = PLDM_OEM
+ */
+int pldm_test_reply_request(void *request_msg, size_t request_len,
+		void **response_msg, size_t *response_len)
+	switch (((struct pldm_msg *)request_msg)->hdr.type) {
+	case PLDM_OEM:
+		return pldm_test_reply_request_file_io(request_msg, request_len,
+			response_msg, response_len);
+	default:
+		printf("PLDM_TEST : hdr type %d not expected\n",
+				((struct pldm_msg *)request_msg)->hdr.type);
+	}
+ * This function duplicates BMC functionality for Pldm self test
+ * it tries to handle PLDM_REQUEST for fileio and reply with appropriate PLDM_RESPONSE
+ * message
+ */
+int pldm_test_reply_request_file_io(void *request_msg, size_t request_len,
+			void **response_msg, size_t *response_len)
+	int rc;
+	int  payload_len = 0;
+	uint32_t transfer_handle;
+	uint8_t transfer_opflag;
+	uint8_t table_type;
+	uint8_t *file_attr_table;
+	uint32_t table_size;
+	/* check command received and reply with appropriate pldm response message */
+	switch (((struct pldm_msg *)request_msg)->hdr.command) {
+		payload_len = request_len - sizeof(struct pldm_msg_hdr);
+		rc = decode_get_file_table_req(request_msg, payload_len, &transfer_handle,
+				&transfer_opflag, &table_type);
+		if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS)
+			return OPAL_PARAMETER;
+		/* Get Filetable entry for self test */
+		rc = get_test_filetable_entry(&file_attr_table, &table_size);
+		if (rc != OPAL_SUCCESS)
+			return OPAL_PARAMETER;
+		*response_len = sizeof(struct pldm_msg_hdr)
+			+ sizeof(struct pldm_get_file_table_resp)
+			+ table_size - 1;
+		*response_msg = malloc(*response_len);
+		if (*response_msg == NULL)
+			return OPAL_RESOURCE;
+		rc = encode_get_file_table_resp(((struct pldm_msg *)request_msg)->hdr.instance_id,
+				file_attr_table, table_size, *response_msg);
+		if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS)
+			return OPAL_PARAMETER;
+		free(file_attr_table);
+		break;
+	default:
+	}
+	return OPAL_SUCCESS;
+int main(void)
+	size_t rc;
+	/* Init PLDM File IO */
+	rc = pldm_file_io_init();
+	if (rc != OPAL_SUCCESS) {
+		printf("PLDM_TEST : pldm_file_io_init failed");
+		return rc;
+	}
+	return OPAL_SUCCESS;

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