[Skiboot] [PATCH 2/3] CI: Update runs with P10 mambo

Cédric Le Goater clg at kaod.org
Tue Nov 9 04:45:43 AEDT 2021

Signed-off-by: Cédric Le Goater <clg at kaod.org>
 opal-ci/Dockerfile-centos8                    | 1 +
 opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora-rawhide             | 1 +
 opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora33                   | 1 +
 opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora34                   | 1 +
 opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora35                   | 1 +
 opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-20.04               | 1 +
 opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-rolling             | 1 +
 test/hello_world/run_mambo_p10_hello_world.sh | 2 +-
 8 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-centos8 b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-centos8
index c5897ed64b7e..d7cec7471389 100644
--- a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-centos8
+++ b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-centos8
@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ RUN curl -L https://github.com/dgibson/dtc/archive/refs/tags/v1.6.1.tar.gz|tar x
 RUN (cd dtc-1.6.1; make PREFIX=/usr/local install)
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then curl -L -O http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p8/packages/v1.0-2/systemsim-p8-1.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm; yum install -y systemsim-p8-1.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm; fi
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p9/packages/v1.1-0/systemsim-p9-1.1-0.f22.x86_64.rpm; fi
+RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p10/packages/v1.2-1/rhel8/systemsim-p10-1.2-1.x86_64.rpm; fi
 COPY . /build/
 WORKDIR /build
diff --git a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora-rawhide b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora-rawhide
index 0c9d239190a1..bf959045e974 100644
--- a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora-rawhide
+++ b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora-rawhide
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ RUN dnf -y install gcc-powerpc64-linux-gnu mbedtls-devel
 # below packages are for building dtc
 RUN dnf -y install flex bison
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p9/packages/v1.1-0/systemsim-p9-1.1-0.f22.x86_64.rpm; fi
+RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p10/packages/v1.2-1/rhel8/systemsim-p10-1.2-1.x86_64.rpm; fi
 COPY . /build/
 WORKDIR /build
diff --git a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora33 b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora33
index e5b582c1c32e..cbe32fa3dd4f 100644
--- a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora33
+++ b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora33
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ RUN dnf -y install --allowerasing wget curl xterm gcc git xz make diffutils find
 # for building documentation and the coverage report
 RUN dnf -y install python-pip lcov
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p9/packages/v1.1-0/systemsim-p9-1.1-0.f22.x86_64.rpm; fi
+RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p10/packages/v1.2-1/rhel8/systemsim-p10-1.2-1.x86_64.rpm; fi
 COPY . /build/
 WORKDIR /build
diff --git a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora34 b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora34
index 9c976a4f641f..6cc1241cadca 100644
--- a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora34
+++ b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora34
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ RUN dnf -y install --allowerasing wget curl xterm gcc git xz make diffutils find
 # for building documentation and the coverage report
 RUN dnf -y install python-pip lcov
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p9/packages/v1.1-0/systemsim-p9-1.1-0.f22.x86_64.rpm; fi
+RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p10/packages/v1.2-1/rhel8/systemsim-p10-1.2-1.x86_64.rpm; fi
 COPY . /build/
 WORKDIR /build
diff --git a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora35 b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora35
index 5373bac3faec..5c4d803cd5d2 100644
--- a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora35
+++ b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-fedora35
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ RUN dnf -y install --allowerasing wget curl xterm gcc git xz make diffutils find
 # for building documentation and the coverage report
 RUN dnf -y install python-pip lcov
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p9/packages/v1.1-0/systemsim-p9-1.1-0.f22.x86_64.rpm; fi
+RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p10/packages/v1.2-1/rhel8/systemsim-p10-1.2-1.x86_64.rpm; fi
 COPY . /build/
 WORKDIR /build
 RUN curl -L -O https://github.com/open-power/op-build/releases/download/v2.7/zImage.epapr
diff --git a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-20.04 b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-20.04
index a5741391ed30..3e481ca7ed41 100644
--- a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-20.04
+++ b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-20.04
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ RUN if [ `arch` != "ppc64le" ]; then apt-get install -y gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gn
 RUN apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi || true
 RUN apt-get install -y gcc ccache expect libssl-dev wget curl xterm device-tree-compiler build-essential gcc python g++ pkg-config libz-dev libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev libfdt-dev git libstdc++6 valgrind libtcl8.6 libmbedtls-dev
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then curl -O http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p9/packages/v1.1-0/systemsim-p9-1.1-0-trusty_amd64.deb; dpkg -i systemsim-p9-1.1-0-trusty_amd64.deb; fi
+RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then curl -O http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p10/packages/v1.2-1/ubuntu2004/systemsim-p10_1.2-1_amd64.deb; dpkg -i systemsim-p10_1.2-1_amd64.deb; fi
 COPY . /build/
 WORKDIR /build
diff --git a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-rolling b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-rolling
index 77c81e55307f..4a60fb31f6a8 100644
--- a/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-rolling
+++ b/opal-ci/Dockerfile-ubuntu-rolling
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ RUN if [ `arch` != "ppc64le" ]; then apt-get install -y gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gn
 RUN apt-get install -y gcc ccache expect libssl-dev wget curl xterm device-tree-compiler build-essential gcc python g++ pkg-config libz-dev libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev libfdt-dev git libstdc++6 valgrind libtcl8.6 qemu-system-ppc libmbedtls-dev
 RUN apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi || true
 RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then curl -O http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p9/packages/v1.1-0/systemsim-p9-1.1-0-trusty_amd64.deb; dpkg -i systemsim-p9-1.1-0-trusty_amd64.deb; fi
+RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then curl -O http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/server/powerfuncsim/p10/packages/v1.2-1/ubuntu2004/systemsim-p10_1.2-1_amd64.deb; dpkg -i systemsim-p10_1.2-1_amd64.deb; fi
 COPY . /build/
 WORKDIR /build
 RUN curl -L -O https://github.com/open-power/op-build/releases/download/v2.7/zImage.epapr
diff --git a/test/hello_world/run_mambo_p10_hello_world.sh b/test/hello_world/run_mambo_p10_hello_world.sh
index 4ce54494dcc2..b492a9f21a83 100755
--- a/test/hello_world/run_mambo_p10_hello_world.sh
+++ b/test/hello_world/run_mambo_p10_hello_world.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 if [ -z "$P10MAMBO_PATH" ]; then
-    P10MAMBO_PATH=/opt/ibm/systemsim-p10-1.1-0
+    P10MAMBO_PATH=/opt/ibm/systemsim-p10-1.2-1
 if [ -z "$P10MAMBO_BINARY" ]; then

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