[Skiboot] [PATCH] fix lock error when BT IRQ preempt BT timer

Vasant Hegde hegdevasant at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jan 11 17:12:20 AEDT 2021

On 1/11/21 8:39 AM, DD Aric li wrote:
> Vasant Hegde <hegdevasant at linux.vnet.ibm.com> 于2021年1月7日周四 下午7:36写道:
>> On 1/6/21 2:03 PM, lixg wrote:
>>> BT IRQ may preempt BT timer if BMC response host when bt msg timeout.
>>> When BT IRQ preempt BT timer, the infight_bt_msg did not protected by
>> bt.lock very well.
>>> And we will see the following log:
>>> [29006114.163785853,3] BT: seq 0x81 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x23: Timeout sending
>> message
>>> [29006114.288029290,3] BT: seq 0x81 netfn 0x0b cmd 0x23: Timeout sending
>> message
>>> [29006114.288917798,3] IPMI: Incorrect netfn 0x0b in response
>>> It may cause 'CPU Hardlock UP', 'memory refree', 'kernel crash' or
>> something else...
>>> Signed-off-by: lixg <867314078 at qq.com>
>>> ---
>>>    hw/bt.c | 9 +++++++--
>>>    1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/hw/bt.c b/hw/bt.c
>>> index cf967f89..24e6ef7f 100644
>>> --- a/hw/bt.c
>>> +++ b/hw/bt.c
>>> @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ struct bt {
>>>    };
>>>    static struct bt bt;
>>> -static struct bt_msg *inflight_bt_msg; /* Holds in flight message */
>>> +static struct bt_msg * volatile inflight_bt_msg; /* Holds in flight
>> message */
>> Why do we need volatile here?
> There will be multiple thread write " inflight_bt_msg ", so we need to
> ensure that it is always the latest value.

This is protected by locks. So we are good right?


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