[Skiboot] [PATCH 03/15] travis: Update config

Vasant Hegde hegdevasant at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Jun 18 16:40:38 AEST 2020

On 6/17/20 4:57 PM, Oliver O'Halloran wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 8:51 PM Vasant Hegde
> <hegdevasant at linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
>> On 6/12/20 7:54 AM, Oliver O'Halloran wrote:
>>> Move to using Ubuntu 18.04 rather than 14.04 (which has been out of
>>> support for years now) and fix up some warnings from the config file
>>> checker.
>>> Signed-off-by: Oliver O'Halloran <oohall at gmail.com>
>>> ---
>>>    .travis.yml | 38 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------
>>>    1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
>>> index 44079e669fde..da07f200a001 100644
>>> --- a/.travis.yml
>>> +++ b/.travis.yml
>>> @@ -4,21 +4,25 @@ os:
>>>     - linux
>>>     - linux-ppc64le
>>> +# NB: This is just the distro used for the container host
>>> +dist: bionic
>>> +services: docker
>>> +
>>>    cache: ccache
>>>    env:
>>> -    matrix:
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-18.04
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-20.04
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-latest
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=centos7
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=fedora32
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=fedora-rawhide
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=debian-stretch
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=debian-unstable
>>> -    - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=docs
>>> -
>>> -matrix:
>>> +    jobs:
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-18.04
>> For some weird reason I'm hitting below error on Ubuntu 18.04/ppc64le docker.
>>    ---> Running in 29008fc5cc75
>> standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "exec format error"
>> The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update -qq' returned a non-zero code: 1
>> The command "docker build --pull -t ${RUN_ON_CONTAINER} -f
>> opal-ci/Dockerfile-${RUN_ON_CONTAINER} ." failed and exited with 1 during .
>> Rest of the combination (including Ubuntu 18.04/x86_64) works fine.
> I was seeing that a while ago and it went away. I'm not entirely sure
> what I did, but it might be related to flushing the travis CI cache
> via the dashboard on their website. Give that a try.

Yeah. Somehow for me it was throwing `could not download cache` error.
Anyway that's travis issue. not related to this patchset.

>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-20.04
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-latest
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=centos7
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=fedora32
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=fedora-rawhide
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=debian-stretch
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=debian-unstable
>>> +      - RUN_ON_CONTAINER=docs
>>> +
>>> +jobs:
>>>      allow_failures:
>>>        - env: RUN_ON_CONTAINER=fedora-rawhide
>>>        - env: RUN_ON_CONTAINER=debian-unstable
>>> @@ -28,12 +32,6 @@ matrix:
>>>        - os: linux-ppc64le
>>>          env: RUN_ON_CONTAINER=docs
>>> -
>>> -sudo: required
>>> -services: docker
>>> -
>>> -dist: trusty
>>> -
>>>    script:
>>>        - docker build --pull -t ${RUN_ON_CONTAINER} -f opal-ci/Dockerfile-${RUN_ON_CONTAINER} . &&
>>>          docker run --volume $HOME/.ccache:/root/.ccache --volume `pwd`:/build --rm -t $RUN_ON_CONTAINER bash -c "./opal-ci/build-${RUN_ON_CONTAINER}.sh";
>>> @@ -51,8 +49,8 @@ addons:
>>>    deploy:
>>>      provider: pages
>>> -  skip-cleanup: true
>>> -  github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # set in travis-ci.org dashboard, marked secure
>>> +  skip_cleanup: true
>> Travis is still throwing below warning.
>>    - deploy: deprecated key skip_cleanup (not supported in dpl v2, use cleanup)
> I'm still not entirely sure what that's supposed to be. It sounds like
> they fipped the polarity of the boolean between the old and new
> versions, but I couldn't find any conclusive answer. It's just a
> warning though so I didn't look too hard.

Yeah. Just a warning. We can ignore for now.


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