[Skiboot] [PATCH 2/2] astbmc: Use oem hiomap ipmi command for bmc_sw_ami

Andrew Jeffery andrew at aj.id.au
Tue Feb 19 10:57:07 AEDT 2019

On Mon, 18 Feb 2019, at 17:57, Lei YU wrote:
> > How do we detect what firmware the BMC is running? Because it's a bit
> > misleading to use the _ami struct when we've only tested OpenBMC.
> Checking from code, there is no "openbmc" thing for ast2400, and there is not
> really a "detection" of the BMC, it is hardcoded by each `<machine>.c`.
> Skiboot "detects" the machine, which comes from `dt_root`.

So I guess we have "problem" for machines like Romulus where we can
"genuinely" be running either OpenBMC or AMI BMC firmware?

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