[Skiboot] [PATCH 4/7] capp/phb4: Force CAPP to PCIe mode during kernel shutdown

Andrew Donnellan andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com
Wed Sep 19 19:15:24 AEST 2018

On 19/9/18 6:36 pm, Stewart Smith wrote:>> +	return rc <= OPAL_SUCCESS;
> return true if success or failure? Is this one of the fun "true when
> done" functions?

Yep - there's no way to report an error as such. If you report false, 
that turns into an OPAL_BUSY being returned to Linux and you get polled 
a few ms later. If you report true, that turns into an OPAL_SUCCESS and 
you actually reboot.

Though if the PHB reset is failing, do we catch that and force a full 
IPL at some point?

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com  IBM Australia Limited

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