[Skiboot] [RFC PATCH] phb4: Make verbose EEH output less verbose

Oliver O'Halloran oohall at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 18:48:54 AEST 2018

Each PHB4 component has a error status register and a set of
component-specific registers that describe that error in more detail.
If the status register of a component has no bits set there's not much
point in dumping the error detail registers.

This patch modifies the verbose EEH dumping code so that it only
dumps the error registers of a component if there are bits set in the
error status register of that component. This limits the output to the
registers that are actually relevant to the error that occured which
makes interpreting the dumps slightly easier.

Signed-off-by: Oliver O'Halloran <oohall at gmail.com>
I've been using this in my debug builds for a while, but I'm not sure
if it's a great idea since sometimes other people want to full dump.
It's probably fine...
 hw/phb4.c | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/phb4.c b/hw/phb4.c
index f5953a78a051..bb382395026e 100644
--- a/hw/phb4.c
+++ b/hw/phb4.c
@@ -2158,38 +2158,62 @@ static void phb4_eeh_dump_regs(struct phb4 *p)
 	PHBERR(p, "                  lemFir = %016llx\n", s->lemFir);
 	PHBERR(p, "            lemErrorMask = %016llx\n", s->lemErrorMask);
 	PHBERR(p, "                  lemWOF = %016llx\n", s->lemWOF);
-	PHBERR(p, "          phbErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "     phbFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbFirstErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "            phbErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbErrorLog0);
-	PHBERR(p, "            phbErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbErrorLog1);
-	PHBERR(p, "       phbTxeErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "  phbTxeFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeFirstErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "         phbTxeErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeErrorLog0);
-	PHBERR(p, "         phbTxeErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeErrorLog1);
-	PHBERR(p, "    phbRxeArbErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "phbRxeArbFrstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbFirstErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeArbErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbErrorLog0);
-	PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeArbErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbErrorLog1);
-	PHBERR(p, "    phbRxeMrgErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "phbRxeMrgFrstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgFirstErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeMrgErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgErrorLog0);
-	PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeMrgErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgErrorLog1);
-	PHBERR(p, "    phbRxeTceErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "phbRxeTceFrstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceFirstErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeTceErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceErrorLog0);
-	PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeTceErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceErrorLog1);
-	PHBERR(p, "       phbPblErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbPblErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "  phbPblFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbPblFirstErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "         phbPblErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbPblErrorLog0);
-	PHBERR(p, "         phbPblErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbPblErrorLog1);
-	PHBERR(p, "     phbPcieDlpErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbPcieDlpErrorLog1);
-	PHBERR(p, "     phbPcieDlpErrorLog2 = %016llx\n", s->phbPcieDlpErrorLog2);
-	PHBERR(p, "   phbPcieDlpErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbPcieDlpErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "      phbRegbErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, " phbRegbFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbFirstErrorStatus);
-	PHBERR(p, "        phbRegbErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbErrorLog0);
-	PHBERR(p, "        phbRegbErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbErrorLog1);
+	/* Only dump the detailed regs if the error reg is non-zero */
+	if (s->phbErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "          phbErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "     phbFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbFirstErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "            phbErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbErrorLog0);
+		PHBERR(p, "            phbErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbErrorLog1);
+	}
+	if (s->phbTxeErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "       phbTxeErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "  phbTxeFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeFirstErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "         phbTxeErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeErrorLog0);
+		PHBERR(p, "         phbTxeErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbTxeErrorLog1);
+	}
+	if (s->phbRxeArbErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "    phbRxeArbErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "phbRxeArbFrstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbFirstErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeArbErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbErrorLog0);
+		PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeArbErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeArbErrorLog1);
+	}
+	if (s->phbRxeMrgErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "    phbRxeMrgErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "phbRxeMrgFrstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgFirstErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeMrgErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgErrorLog0);
+		PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeMrgErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeMrgErrorLog1);
+	}
+	if (s->phbRxeTceErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "    phbRxeTceErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "phbRxeTceFrstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceFirstErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeTceErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceErrorLog0);
+		PHBERR(p, "      phbRxeTceErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRxeTceErrorLog1);
+	}
+	if (s->phbPblErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "       phbPblErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbPblErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "  phbPblFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbPblFirstErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "         phbPblErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbPblErrorLog0);
+		PHBERR(p, "         phbPblErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbPblErrorLog1);
+	}
+	if (s->phbPcieDlpErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "   phbPcieDlpErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbPcieDlpErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "     phbPcieDlpErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbPcieDlpErrorLog1);
+		PHBERR(p, "     phbPcieDlpErrorLog2 = %016llx\n", s->phbPcieDlpErrorLog2);
+	}
+	if (s->phbRegbErrorStatus) {
+		PHBERR(p, "      phbRegbErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, " phbRegbFirstErrorStatus = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbFirstErrorStatus);
+		PHBERR(p, "        phbRegbErrorLog0 = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbErrorLog0);
+		PHBERR(p, "        phbRegbErrorLog1 = %016llx\n", s->phbRegbErrorLog1);
+	}
 	for (i = 0; i < OPAL_PHB4_NUM_PEST_REGS; i++) {
 		if (!s->pestA[i] && !s->pestB[i])

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