[Simplicity] Simplicity Video from Scale by the Bay 2018

Russell O'Connor roconnor at blockstream.io
Sun Dec 23 08:21:05 AEDT 2018

Chris has brought to my attention that my presentation of Simplicity at
this year's Scale by the Bay has been available for a few weeks at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4XnDrRIKx8.  In that video I give a worked
example of a shallow embedding of Simplicity into Agda and proving the
correctness of a multi-bit adder.

Simplicity isn't officially being developed in Agda, however Agda has some
features that make it a nice language to use for presentation purposes.  I
am attaching the Agda source files (before and after) that I used for the
presentation so that you can follow along.

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--                               Simplicity for Programable Money
--                                Russell O'Connor (Blockstream)
--                                     November 17th, 2018
--                                      Scale by the Bay
-- Background 
-- * In Bitcoin funds are guarded by small programs written in Bitcoin Script.
-- * A typical program in Bitcoin script validates a digital signature to authorize a transaction.
-- * Other, more complex, programs allow one to create "smart contracts":
--   + Cross-chain atomic transactions
--   + Hash Time-lock Contracts
--   + Bi-directional payment channels
--   + Lightning Network
--   + and more.
-- * Bitcoin is programable money.
-- Bitcoin Script
-- * Stack machine without looping instructions
-- * Enables static analysis
--   + You can bound the maximum number of each operation that will be evaluated.
--   + Bitcoin rejects programs that have too many, expensive, signature verification
--     operations.
-- * Allows caching of results
--   + Evaluation depends only on the transaction data.
--   + If the Bitcoin Script is successful, that result holds no matter where the
--     transaction is added to the blockchain.
-- Problem
-- Many operations in Bitcoin Script were disabled by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2010.
-- For example, integer multiplication.
-- This limits what smart contracts we can develop for Bitcoin.
-- Motivation
-- If I were designing a programming langauge for Bitcoin, what would it be like?
-- * Create an expressive language that lets users build novel programs and smart
--   contracts.
-- * Enable useful static analysis to bound computational resource usage of programs.
-- * Provide formal semantics for reasoning using off-the-shelf proof-assistant
--   software.
-- I call my new langauge, Simplicity.

module Simplicity where

-- Simplicity is a combinator based, typed, functional programming langauge
-- Simplicity has 3 kinds of type
-- * The unit type: 𝟙
-- * Product types: A × B
-- * Sum types: A ⊎ B
-- Simplicity has no function types.

data 𝟙 : Set where
  ⟨⟩ : 𝟙

infix 40 _×_
data _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  ⟨_,_⟩ : A → B → A × B

infix 30 _⊎_
data _⊎_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  σᴸ : A → A ⊎ B
  σᴿ : B → A ⊎ B

-- Every Simplicity expression, t, denotes a function from a Simplicity type to a Simplicity type.
-- We write t : A ⊢ B

_⊢_ : Set → Set → Set
A ⊢ B = A → B

-- Simplicity expressions always denotes functions and cannot express values.

-- The core Simplicity language consists of nine combinators.

-- The iden expression denotes the identity function
iden : ∀ {A}
     → A ⊢ A
iden = λ z → z

-- The comp combinator composes Simplicity expressions 
comp : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ B
     → B ⊢ C
     → A ⊢ C
comp s t = λ x →  t ( s x) 

-- The unit expression returns the value of the unit type.
unit : ∀ {A}
     → A ⊢ 𝟙
unit = λ _ → ⟨⟩

-- The pair combinator combines the results of two function on the same input.
pair : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ B
     → A ⊢ C
     → A ⊢ B × C
pair s t = λ z → ⟨ s z , t z ⟩

-- The take combinator evalutes a function on the first component of a pair.
take : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ C
     → A × B ⊢ C
take t = λ { ⟨ x , y ⟩ → t x }

-- The drop combinator evaluates a function on the second component of a pair.
drop : ∀ {A B C}
     → B ⊢ C
     → A × B ⊢ C
drop t = λ { ⟨ x , y ⟩ → t y }

-- The injl combinator tags the result of a function with a σᴸ tag.
injl : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ B
     → A ⊢ B ⊎ C
injl t = λ z → σᴸ (t z)

-- The injr combinator tags the result of a function with a σᴿ tag.
injr : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ C
     → A ⊢ B ⊎ C
injr t = λ z → σᴿ (t z)

-- The case combinator evalutes of of two functions depending on the tag of
-- the first component of the input.
case : ∀ {A B C D}
     → A × C ⊢ D
     → B × C ⊢ D
     → (A ⊎ B) × C ⊢ D
case s t = λ { ⟨ σᴸ a , c ⟩ → s ⟨ a , c ⟩
             ; ⟨ σᴿ b , c ⟩ → t ⟨ b , c ⟩

-- Simplicity isn't meant to be directly programmed in,
-- but we are going to do that anyways.

𝟚 = 𝟙 ⊎ 𝟙

true : ∀ {A}
     → A ⊢ 𝟚
true = injr unit

false : ∀ {A}
      → A ⊢ 𝟚
false = injl unit

infix 30 _▵_
_▵_ = pair

infixr 20 _⨾_
_⨾_ = comp

not : 𝟚 ⊢ 𝟚
not =  iden ▵ unit
       ⨾ case true false

or : 𝟚 × 𝟚 ⊢ 𝟚
or = case (drop iden) true

import Data.Nat
open Data.Nat

word-2^ : ℕ → Set
word-2^ zero = 𝟚
word-2^ (suc n) = word-2^ n × word-2^ n

adder : 𝟚 × 𝟚 ⊢ word-2^ 1
adder = case (drop (false ▵ iden)) (drop (iden ▵ not))

fulladder : (𝟚 × 𝟚) × 𝟚 ⊢ word-2^ 1
fulladder = take adder ▵ drop iden
          ⨾ take (take iden) ▵ (take (drop iden) ▵ drop iden ⨾ adder)
          ⨾ (take iden ▵ drop (take iden) ⨾ or) ▵ drop (drop iden)

import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

⌈_⌉ : ∀ {n} → word-2^ n → ℕ
⌈_⌉ {zero} (σᴸ x) = 0
⌈_⌉ {zero} (σᴿ x) = 1
⌈_⌉ {suc n} ⟨ xhi , xlo ⟩ = ⌈ xhi ⌉ * 2 ^ (2 ^ n) + ⌈ xlo ⌉

fulladder-correct : ∀ a b c → ⌈ a ⌉ + ⌈ b ⌉ + ⌈ c ⌉ ≡ ⌈ fulladder ⟨ ⟨ a , b ⟩ , c ⟩ ⌉
fulladder-correct (σᴸ x) (σᴸ x₁) c = refl
fulladder-correct (σᴸ x) (σᴿ x₁) (σᴸ x₂) = refl
fulladder-correct (σᴸ x) (σᴿ x₁) (σᴿ x₂) = refl
fulladder-correct (σᴿ x) (σᴸ x₁) (σᴸ x₂) = refl
fulladder-correct (σᴿ x) (σᴸ x₁) (σᴿ x₂) = refl
fulladder-correct (σᴿ x) (σᴿ x₁) c = refl

fulladder-word : ∀ {n}
               → (word-2^ n × word-2^ n) × 𝟚 ⊢ 𝟚 × word-2^ n
fulladder-word {zero} = fulladder
fulladder-word {suc n} = take (take (take iden) ▵ drop (take iden))
                         ▵ (take (take (drop iden) ▵ drop (drop iden)) ▵ drop iden
                           ⨾ fulladder-word)
                       ⨾ (take iden ▵ drop (take iden) ⨾ fulladder-word)
                         ▵ drop (drop iden)
                       ⨾ take (take iden) ▵ (take (drop iden) ▵ drop iden)

open ≡-Reasoning
import Data.Nat.Properties
open Data.Nat.Properties
open SemiringSolver

⌈_⌉₁ : ∀ {n} → 𝟚 × word-2^ n → ℕ
⌈_⌉₁ {n} ⟨ c , y ⟩ = ⌈ c ⌉ * 2 ^ (2 ^ n) + ⌈ y ⌉

fulladder-word-correct : ∀ {n} → (a b : word-2^ n) → (c : 𝟚)
                       → ⌈ a ⌉ + ⌈ b ⌉ + ⌈ c ⌉ ≡ ⌈ fulladder-word (⟨ ⟨ a , b ⟩ , c ⟩) ⌉₁
fulladder-word-correct {zero} a b c = fulladder-correct a b c
fulladder-word-correct {suc n} ⟨ ahi , alo ⟩ ⟨ bhi , blo ⟩ c
 with fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ alo , blo ⟩ , c ⟩
    | inspect fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ alo , blo ⟩ , c ⟩
fulladder-word-correct {suc n} ⟨ ahi , alo ⟩ ⟨ bhi , blo ⟩ c | ⟨ c₁ , rlo ⟩ | [ eq₁ ]
 with fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ ahi , bhi ⟩ , c₁ ⟩
    | inspect fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ ahi , bhi ⟩ , c₁ ⟩
fulladder-word-correct {suc n} ⟨ ahi , alo ⟩ ⟨ bhi , blo ⟩ c | ⟨ c₁ , rlo ⟩ | [ eq₁ ]
    | ⟨ c₂ , rhi ⟩ | [ eq₂ ] = 
       ⌈ ahi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ alo ⌉ +
         (⌈ bhi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ blo ⌉)
         + ⌈ c ⌉
         ≡⟨ solve 6
              (λ ah al bh bl c₃ z →
                 ah :* z :+ al :+ (bh :* z :+ bl) :+ c₃ :=
                 (ah :+ bh) :* z :+ (al :+ bl :+ c₃))
              refl ⌈ ahi ⌉ ⌈ alo ⌉ ⌈ bhi ⌉ ⌈ blo ⌉ ⌈ c ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) ⟩
       (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + 
         ( ⌈ alo ⌉ + ⌈ blo ⌉  + ⌈ c ⌉)
         ≡⟨ cong (λ x → (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + x) (fulladder-word-correct alo blo c) ⟩
       (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + 
         ( ⌈ fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ alo , blo ⟩ , c ⟩ ⌉₁)
         ≡⟨ cong (λ x → (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ x ⌉₁) eq₁ ⟩
       (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + 
         ( ⌈ ⟨ c₁ , rlo ⟩ ⌉₁)
       (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + 
         ( ⌈ c₁ ⌉ * 2 ^ (2 ^ n) + ⌈ rlo ⌉)
         ≡⟨ solve 5
              (λ ah bh rl c₃ z →
                 (ah :+ bh) :* z :+ (c₃ :* z :+ rl) := (ah :+ bh :+ c₃) :* z :+ rl)
              refl ⌈ ahi ⌉ ⌈ bhi ⌉ ⌈ rlo ⌉ ⌈ c₁ ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) ⟩
       (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉ + ⌈ c₁ ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉
         ≡⟨ cong (λ x → x  * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉) (fulladder-word-correct ahi bhi c₁) ⟩
       (⌈ fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ ahi , bhi ⟩ , c₁ ⟩ ⌉₁) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉
         ≡⟨ cong (λ x → ⌈ x ⌉₁ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉) eq₂ ⟩  
       (⌈ c₂ ⌉ * 2 ^ (2 ^ n) + ⌈ rhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉
         ≡⟨ reasons ⟩
       ⌈ c₂ ⌉ * (2 ^ ((2 ^ n) + ((2 ^ n) + zero))) +
         (⌈ rhi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉)
   reasons = trans (solve 4
          (λ rh rl c₃ z →
             (c₃ :* z :+ rh) :* z :+ rl := c₃ :* (z :* z) :+ (rh :* z :+ rl))
          refl ⌈ rhi ⌉ ⌈ rlo ⌉ ⌈ c₂ ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n))) (cong (λ x → ⌈ c₂ ⌉ * x + (⌈ rhi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉))
                (sym (^-distribˡ-+-* 2 (2 ^ n) (2 ^ n)))
                (cong (λ x → 2 ^ ((2 ^ n) + x)) (sym (+-identityʳ (2 ^ n))))))

-- Thank You!
-- A Coq implementation and Haskell implementation can be found at
--    ⟨ https://github.com/ElementsProject/simplicity ⟩
-------------- next part --------------
--                               Simplicity for Programable Money
--                                Russell O'Connor (Blockstream)
--                                     November 17th, 2018
--                                      Scale by the Bay
-- Background 
-- * In Bitcoin funds are guarded by small programs written in Bitcoin Script.
-- * A typical program in Bitcoin script validates a digital signature to authorize a transaction.
-- * Other, more complex, programs allow one to create "smart contracts":
--   + Cross-chain atomic transactions
--   + Hash Time-lock Contracts
--   + Bi-directional payment channels
--   + Lightning Network
--   + and more.
-- * Bitcoin is programable money.
-- Bitcoin Script
-- * Stack machine without looping instructions
-- * Enables static analysis
--   + You can bound the maximum number of each operation that will be evaluated.
--   + Bitcoin rejects programs that have too many, expensive, signature verification
--     operations.
-- * Allows caching of results
--   + Evaluation depends only on the transaction data.
--   + If the Bitcoin Script is successful, that result holds no matter where the
--     transaction is added to the blockchain.
-- Problem
-- Many operations in Bitcoin Script were disabled by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2010.
-- For example, integer multiplication.
-- This limits what smart contracts we can develop for Bitcoin.
-- Motivation
-- If I were designing a programming langauge for Bitcoin, what would it be like?
-- * Create an expressive language that lets users build novel programs and smart
--   contracts.
-- * Enable useful static analysis to bound computational resource usage of programs.
-- * Provide formal semantics for reasoning using off-the-shelf proof-assistant
--   software.
-- I call my new langauge, Simplicity.

module Simplicity where

-- Simplicity is a combinator based, typed, functional programming langauge
-- Simplicity has 3 kinds of type
-- * The unit type: 𝟙
-- * Product types: A × B
-- * Sum types: A ⊎ B
-- Simplicity has no function types.

data 𝟙 : Set where
  ⟨⟩ : 𝟙

infix 40 _×_
data _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  ⟨_,_⟩ : A → B → A × B

infix 30 _⊎_
data _⊎_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  σᴸ : A → A ⊎ B
  σᴿ : B → A ⊎ B

-- Every Simplicity expression, t, denotes a function from a Simplicity type to a Simplicity type.
-- We write t : A ⊢ B

_⊢_ : Set → Set → Set
A ⊢ B = A → B

-- Simplicity expressions always denotes functions and cannot express values.

-- The core Simplicity language consists of nine combinators.

-- The iden expression denotes the identity function
iden : ∀ {A}
     → A ⊢ A
iden = {!!}

-- The comp combinator composes Simplicity expressions 
comp : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ B
     → B ⊢ C
     → A ⊢ C
comp s t = {!!}

-- The unit expression returns the value of the unit type.
unit : ∀ {A}
     → A ⊢ 𝟙
unit = {!!}

-- The pair combinator combines the results of two function on the same input.
pair : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ B
     → A ⊢ C
     → A ⊢ B × C
pair s t = {!!}

-- The take combinator evalutes a function on the first component of a pair.
take : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ C
     → A × B ⊢ C
take t = {!!}

-- The drop combinator evaluates a function on the second component of a pair.
drop : ∀ {A B C}
     → B ⊢ C
     → A × B ⊢ C
drop t = {!!}

-- The injl combinator tags the result of a function with a σᴸ tag.
injl : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ B
     → A ⊢ B ⊎ C
injl t = {!!}

-- The injr combinator tags the result of a function with a σᴿ tag.
injr : ∀ {A B C}
     → A ⊢ C
     → A ⊢ B ⊎ C
injr t = {!!}

-- The case combinator evalutes of of two functions depending on the tag of
-- the first component of the input.
case : ∀ {A B C D}
     → A × C ⊢ D
     → B × C ⊢ D
     → (A ⊎ B) × C ⊢ D
case s t = {!!}

-- Simplicity isn't meant to be directly programmed in,
-- but we are going to do that anyways.

𝟚 = 𝟙 ⊎ 𝟙

true : ∀ {A}
     → A ⊢ 𝟚
true = {!!}

false : ∀ {A}
      → A ⊢ 𝟚
false = {!!}

infix 30 _▵_
_▵_ = pair

infixr 20 _⨾_
_⨾_ = comp

not : 𝟚 ⊢ 𝟚
not = {!!}

or : 𝟚 × 𝟚 ⊢ 𝟚
or = {!!}

import Data.Nat
open Data.Nat

word-2^ : ℕ → Set
word-2^ zero = 𝟚
word-2^ (suc n) = word-2^ n × word-2^ n

adder : 𝟚 × 𝟚 ⊢ word-2^ 1
adder = {!case (drop (false ▵ iden)) (drop (iden ▵ not))!}

fulladder : (𝟚 × 𝟚) × 𝟚 ⊢ word-2^ 1
fulladder = {!take adder ▵ drop iden!}
          ⨾ {!take (take iden) ▵ (take (drop iden) ▵ drop iden ⨾ adder)!}
          ⨾ {!(take iden ▵ drop (take iden) ⨾ or) ▵ drop (drop iden)!}

import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

⌈_⌉ : ∀ {n} → word-2^ n → ℕ
⌈_⌉ {n} w = {!!}

fulladder-correct : ∀ a b c → ⌈ a ⌉ + ⌈ b ⌉ + ⌈ c ⌉ ≡ ⌈ fulladder ⟨ ⟨ a , b ⟩ , c ⟩ ⌉
fulladder-correct a b c = {!!}

fulladder-word : ∀ {n}
               → (word-2^ n × word-2^ n) × 𝟚 ⊢ 𝟚 × word-2^ n
fulladder-word {zero} = fulladder
fulladder-word {suc n} = {!take (take (take iden) ▵ drop (take iden))
                         ▵ (take (take (drop iden) ▵ drop (drop iden)) ▵ drop iden
                           ⨾ fulladder-word)!}
                       ⨾ {!(take iden ▵ drop (take iden) ⨾ fulladder-word)
                         ▵ drop (drop iden)!}
                       ⨾ {!take (take iden) ▵ (take (drop iden) ▵ drop iden)!}

open ≡-Reasoning
import Data.Nat.Properties
open Data.Nat.Properties
open SemiringSolver

⌈_⌉₁ : ∀ {n} → 𝟚 × word-2^ n → ℕ
⌈_⌉₁ {n} ⟨ c , y ⟩ = {!⌈ c ⌉ * 2 ^ (2 ^ n) + ⌈ y ⌉!}

fulladder-word-correct : ∀ {n} → (a b : word-2^ n) → (c : 𝟚)
                       → ⌈ a ⌉ + ⌈ b ⌉ + ⌈ c ⌉ ≡ ⌈ fulladder-word (⟨ ⟨ a , b ⟩ , c ⟩) ⌉₁
fulladder-word-correct {zero} a b c = fulladder-correct a b c
fulladder-word-correct {suc n} ⟨ ahi , alo ⟩ ⟨ bhi , blo ⟩ c
 with fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ alo , blo ⟩ , c ⟩
    | inspect fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ alo , blo ⟩ , c ⟩
fulladder-word-correct {suc n} ⟨ ahi , alo ⟩ ⟨ bhi , blo ⟩ c | ⟨ c₁ , rlo ⟩ | [ eq₁ ]
 with fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ ahi , bhi ⟩ , c₁ ⟩
    | inspect fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ ahi , bhi ⟩ , c₁ ⟩
fulladder-word-correct {suc n} ⟨ ahi , alo ⟩ ⟨ bhi , blo ⟩ c | ⟨ c₁ , rlo ⟩ | [ eq₁ ]
    | ⟨ c₂ , rhi ⟩ | [ eq₂ ] = {!!}

--      ≡⟨ solve 5
--           (λ ah bh rl c₃ z →
--              (ah :+ bh) :* z :+ (c₃ :* z :+ rl) := (ah :+ bh :+ c₃) :* z :+ rl)
--           refl ⌈ ahi ⌉ ⌈ bhi ⌉ ⌈ rlo ⌉ ⌈ c₁ ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) ⟩

--   where
--    reasons = trans (solve 4
--           (λ rh rl c₃ z →
--              (c₃ :* z :+ rh) :* z :+ rl := c₃ :* (z :* z) :+ (rh :* z :+ rl))
--           refl ⌈ rhi ⌉ ⌈ rlo ⌉ ⌈ c₂ ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n))) (cong (λ x → ⌈ c₂ ⌉ * x + (⌈ rhi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉))
--              (trans
--                 (sym (^-distribˡ-+-* 2 (2 ^ n) (2 ^ n)))
--                 (cong (λ x → 2 ^ ((2 ^ n) + x)) (sym (+-identityʳ (2 ^ n))))))

-- --
-- --
-- -- Thank You!
-- --
-- -- A Coq implementation and Haskell implementation can be found at
-- --
-- --    ⟨ https://github.com/ElementsProject/simplicity ⟩
-- -- 
-- --

 --  --     Cheat:
 --  --
 --  --     begin
 --  --      ⌈ ahi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ alo ⌉ +
 --  --        (⌈ bhi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ blo ⌉)
 --  --        + ⌈ c ⌉
 --  --        ≡⟨ solve 6
 --  --             (λ ah al bh bl c₃ z →
 --  --                ah :* z :+ al :+ (bh :* z :+ bl) :+ c₃ :=
 --  --                (ah :+ bh) :* z :+ (al :+ bl :+ c₃))
 --  --             refl ⌈ ahi ⌉ ⌈ alo ⌉ ⌈ bhi ⌉ ⌈ blo ⌉ ⌈ c ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) ⟩
 --  --      (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) +
 --  --        ( ⌈ alo ⌉ + ⌈ blo ⌉  + ⌈ c ⌉ )
 --  --        ≡⟨ cong (λ x →  (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + x)
 --  --           (fulladder-word-correct alo blo c) ⟩
 --  --      (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) +
 --  --        ( ⌈ fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ alo , blo ⟩ , c ⟩ ⌉₁ )
 --  --        ≡⟨ cong (λ x → (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ x ⌉₁) eq₁ ⟩
 --  --      (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) +
 --  --        ( ⌈ ⟨ c₁ , rlo ⟩ ⌉₁ )
 --  --        ≡⟨⟩
 --  --      (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) +
 --  --        ( ⌈ c₁ ⌉ * 2 ^ (2 ^ n) + ⌈ rlo ⌉ )
 --  --        ≡⟨ solve 5
 --  --          (λ ah bh rl c₃ z →
 --  --            (ah :+ bh) :* z :+ (c₃ :* z :+ rl) := (ah :+ bh :+ c₃) :* z :+ rl)
 --  --          refl ⌈ ahi ⌉ ⌈ bhi ⌉ ⌈ rlo ⌉ ⌈ c₁ ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) ⟩
 --  --      (⌈ ahi ⌉ + ⌈ bhi ⌉ + ⌈ c₁ ⌉) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉
 --  --        ≡⟨ cong (λ x → x  * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉) (fulladder-word-correct ahi bhi c₁) ⟩
 --  --      (⌈ fulladder-word ⟨ ⟨ ahi , bhi ⟩ , c₁ ⟩ ⌉₁ ) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉
 --  --        ≡⟨ cong (λ x → ⌈ x ⌉₁ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉) eq₂ ⟩
 --  --      (⌈ c₂ ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rhi ⌉ ) * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉
 --  --        ≡⟨ reasons ⟩
 --  --      ⌈ c₂ ⌉ * (2 ^ ((2 ^ n) + ((2 ^ n) + zero))) +
 --  --        (⌈ rhi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉)
 --  --     ∎
 --  -- where
 --  --  reasons = trans (solve 4
 --  --         (λ rh rl c₃ z →
 --  --            (c₃ :* z :+ rh) :* z :+ rl := c₃ :* (z :* z) :+ (rh :* z :+ rl))
 --  --         refl ⌈ rhi ⌉ ⌈ rlo ⌉ ⌈ c₂ ⌉ (2 ^ (2 ^ n))) (cong (λ x → ⌈ c₂ ⌉ * x + (⌈ rhi ⌉ * (2 ^ (2 ^ n)) + ⌈ rlo ⌉))
 --  --            (trans
 --  --               (sym (^-distribˡ-+-* 2 (2 ^ n) (2 ^ n)))
 --  --               (cong (λ x → 2 ^ ((2 ^ n) + x)) (sym (+-identityʳ (2 ^ n))))))

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