[Simplicity] Translating a Simplicity Dialect to MAST-enabled Bitcoin SCRIPT

ZmnSCPxj ZmnSCPxj at protonmail.com
Tue Dec 4 15:01:03 AEDT 2018

Good morning Russell,

> A big problem is that translating Simplicity to Bitcoin Script would miss out on a whole host of Simplicity features.  In particular, we wouldn't have sub-expression sharing, which is likely going to be quite important for many sophisticated programs.  Sub-expression sharing lets you "unroll" bounded loops without multiplying the size of your program.

My understanding is the value of sub-expression sharing is visible in storing the Simplicity contract offchain --- onchain, only the specific path that the contract took is visible, and sub-expression sharing is not in effect.
Is my understanding wrong?


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