[PATCH] jenkins: Add build jobs

Geoff Levand geoff at infradead.org
Thu May 24 10:25:57 AEST 2018

Adds two Jenkins pipeline jobs pb-upstream-trigger and pb-build-matrix.
pb-upstream-trigger checks for upstream updates and runs
pb-build-matrix.  pb-build-matrix builds a pb-builder image and runs the
build-pb script.

Signed-off-by: Geoff Levand <geoff at infradead.org>
Hi Sam,

Here is a first cut at Jenkins pipeline support.  The Jenkins
master will need the plugins: build-timeout, copyartifact, git,
pipeline, ssh-agent, workflow-aggregator, and maybe some others.

The matrix job expects worker nodes to have labels to indicate
the machine arch; amd64, arm64, etc., and the 'docker' tag to
indicate that the Jenkins account can run docker commands.

Now I have the default values for BUILD_ARCH_LIST and GIT_URL
hard coded into the jobs, but I think having a site specific
profile file that gets loaded would be a better solution as not
all sites will have say an arm64 Jenkins worker node.  Maybe
you would want to put something like 'ppc64le' in yours...

Please consider.


 jenkins/pb-build-matrix.groovy     | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 jenkins/pb-upstream-trigger.groovy | 24 +++++++++++
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 jenkins/pb-build-matrix.groovy
 create mode 100644 jenkins/pb-upstream-trigger.groovy

diff --git a/jenkins/pb-build-matrix.groovy b/jenkins/pb-build-matrix.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7547612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/pb-build-matrix.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Builds pb-builder image and runs build-pb script.
+// The `jenkins` user must be in the `docker` user group.
+// Requires nodes with labels: `amd64`, `arm64`, `docker`.
+// Required plugins: build-timeout, copyartifact, git, pipeline, ssh-agent,
+// workflow-aggregator.
+    buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '30', numToKeepStr: '5')),
+    parameters([
+    string(name: 'BUILD_ARCH_LIST',
+        defaultValue: 'amd64 arm64',
+        description: 'List of Jenkins node architectures to build on.'),
+    booleanParam(name: 'DOCKER_PURGE',
+        defaultValue: false,
+        description: 'Remove existing pb-builder docker image and rebuild.'),
+    booleanParam(name: 'DRY_RUN',
+        defaultValue: false,
+        description: 'Dry run, do not build.'),
+    string(name: 'GIT_URL',
+        defaultValue: 'git://ozlabs.org/petitboot',
+        description: 'URL of petitboot git repository.'),
+    ])
+def build_pb = { String _build_arch, Boolean _dry_run, String _git_url,
+    Boolean _purge
+    ->
+    String build_arch = _build_arch
+    Boolean dry_run = _dry_run
+    String git_url = _git_url
+    Boolean purge = _purge
+    String builder_args = ""
+    String pb_args = ""
+    if (dry_run) {
+        builder_args += " --dry-run"
+        pb_args += " --dry-run"
+    }
+    if (purge) {
+        builder_args += " --purge"
+    }
+    // timeout if no build_arch node is available.
+    timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+        node("${build_arch} && docker") {
+            git(poll: false, changelog: false, url: git_url)
+            stage("[${build_arch}--build-builder]") {
+                sh("""./docker/build-builder --verbose ${builder_args}""")
+            }
+            stage("[${build_arch}--build-pb]") {
+                sh("""./docker/build-pb --verbose --check ${pb_args}""")
+            }
+            stage('Post-build') {
+                String result_file = "${BUILD_TAG}-${build_arch}-test-results.tar.xz"
+                String test_info = """build_arch=${build_arch}
+    """
+                writeFile(file: 'test-info.txt', text: test_info)
+                sh("tar -cJf ${result_file} test-info.txt test-suite.log \
+                    \$(find test -name '*.log')")
+                archiveArtifacts  "${result_file}"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+def build_map = [:]
+build_map.failFast = false
+for (build_arch in params.BUILD_ARCH_LIST.split()) {
+    build_map[build_arch] = build_pb.curry(build_arch, params.DRY_RUN,
+        params.GIT_URL, params.DOCKER_PURGE)
+parallel build_map
diff --git a/jenkins/pb-upstream-trigger.groovy b/jenkins/pb-upstream-trigger.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab67e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/pb-upstream-trigger.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Check for upstream updates and run builds.
+    buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '30', numToKeepStr: '5')),
+    pipelineTriggers([pollSCM('H/30 * * * *')]),
+    parameters([
+    string(name: 'GIT_URL',
+        defaultValue: 'git://ozlabs.org/petitboot',
+        description: 'URL of petitboot git repository.'),
+    ])
+stage('Build') {
+    node {
+        git(poll: true, changelog: false, url: params.GIT_URL)
+        build(
+            job: 'pb-build-matrix',
+            parameters: [
+                string(name: 'GIT_URL', value: params.GIT_URL),
+            ],
+        )
+    }

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