Petitboot v1.3.0 released

Samuel Mendoza-Jonas sam at
Thu Sep 8 16:12:05 AEST 2016

Petitboot v1.3.0 has been tagged which includes the following new
features and fixes since v1.2.3.

- Support for booting signed and encrypted boot options.
  This uses GPGME to optionally verify and/or decrypt boot option
  images (kernel, initrd, etc) before booting. See the relevant commits
  and a note in lib/security/gpg.c about using this.
  Thanks to Timothy from Raptor Engineering for this feature!

- discover/event: Ensure event struct exists for async callers
  Fixes a crash when 'IPAPPEND' was used in PXE configs

- Prefer UUIDs for referring to discover devices
  Makes the handling of network devices more robust, and fixes a crash
  which can occur in some specific scenarios with many network

- discover: Avoid writing network overrides to NVRAM

- Consolidate petitboot,tty and petitboot,console

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