[Pdbg] [PATCH] htm: Avoid segfault when an option is omitted

Rashmica Gupta rashmica.g at gmail.com
Tue May 8 10:06:56 AEST 2018

Currently if the user omits an htm command such as 'start' or 'stop'
we segfault. This happens because we check for the wrong number of

Signed-off-by: Rashmica Gupta <rashmica.g at gmail.com>
 src/htm.c | 9 ++++++++-
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/htm.c b/src/htm.c
index 566687e..084a3ba 100644
--- a/src/htm.c
+++ b/src/htm.c
@@ -279,7 +279,14 @@ int run_htm(int optind, int argc, char *argv[])
 	struct pdbg_target *core_target = NULL;
 	int i, rc = 0;
-	if (argc - optind < 2) {
+	/*
+	 * As the index of the last argument is one less than argc, the difference
+	 * between optind and argc will always be at least 1. Here optind is pointing
+	 * to the 'htm' arg and we need at least 2 more following arguments, eg:
+	 * htm <nest/core> <start/stop/etc>
+	 * so argc-optind >= 3 to proceed.
+	 */
+	if (argc - optind < 3) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "Expecting one of 'core' or 'nest' with a command\n");
 		return 0;

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