Patchwork Discord

Daniel Axtens dja at
Fri Sep 3 10:57:09 AEST 2021

Hi all,

Recently I set up a Discord 'server' for patchwork discussions.

We used it a bit during Raxel's internship at Google and it was quite
helpful to have a slightly lower latency and less formal place to
chat. I'd like to welcome anyone else interested in patchwork or related
projects (git-pw, snowpatch etc) to join.

It's not intended to displace the mailing list. We have and will
continue to encourage significant topics to be discussed on the mailing
list. The discord is intended to supplement the list in much the same
way that IRC does. You can very much continue to be a valuable part of
the patchwork project just by participating on the mailing list.

Discord also doesn't replace the IRC channel. (I didn't hang out there
before, but I think Stephen did.)

[Why Discord? Isn't that less free than IRC? something something FOSS?!
This is a fair point. But I'm already using Slack, Discord, Element,
Keybase and I've recently started needing to use Zulip too. I don't want
to add _another_ one, especially since patchwork is already a side
project and this is not the sole or even primary communications platform
for Patchwork. And also - last I checked - I need to pay IRCCloud if I
want to get a mobile app for IRC and that's a bummer.]

Kind regards,

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