[PATCH v3 5/5] REST: Add submission relations

Daniel Axtens dja at axtens.net
Sat Jan 11 23:54:17 AEDT 2020

Mete Polat <metepolat2000 at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Daniel,
> (sorry for the short delay)
> On 06.11.19 16:12, Daniel Axtens wrote:
>> Mete Polat <metepolat2000 at gmail.com> writes:
>>> View relations or add/update/delete them as a maintainer. Maintainers
>>> can only create relations of submissions (patches/cover letters) which
>>> are part of a project they maintain.
>>> New REST API urls:
>>> api/relations/
>>> api/relations/<relation_id>/
>>> Signed-off-by: Mete Polat <metepolat2000 at gmail.com>
>>> ---
>>> Previously it was possible to use the PatchSerializer. As we expanded the
>>> support to submissions in general, it isn't a simple task anymore showing
>>> hyperlinked submissions (as Patch and CoverLetter are not flattened into
>>> one model yet). Right now only the submission ids are shown.
>> Hmm, that's unfortunate. I didn't intend to lead you in to this problem,
>> sorry! Having said that, it'd be good to supply some common information.
>> How about this, which is super-gross but which I think is probably the
>> best we can do unless Stephen can chime in with something better...
>> diff --git a/patchwork/api/embedded.py b/patchwork/api/embedded.py
>> index de4f31165ee7..8d44592b51f1 100644
>> --- a/patchwork/api/embedded.py
>> +++ b/patchwork/api/embedded.py
>> @@ -102,6 +102,45 @@ class CheckSerializer(SerializedRelatedField):
>>              }
>> +def _upgrade_instance(instance):
>> +    if hasattr(instance, 'patch'):
>> +        return instance.patch
>> +    else:
>> +        return instance.coverletter
>> +
>> +
>> +class SubmissionSerializer(SerializedRelatedField):
>> +
>> +    class _Serializer(BaseHyperlinkedModelSerializer):
>> +        """We need to 'upgrade' or specialise the submission to the relevant
>> +        subclass, so we can't use the mixins. This is gross but can go away
>> +        once we flatten the models."""
>> +        url = SerializerMethodField()
>> +        web_url = SerializerMethodField()
>> +        mbox = SerializerMethodField()
>> +
>> +        def get_url(self, instance):
>> +            instance = _upgrade_instance(instance)
>> +            request = self.context.get('request')
>> +            return request.build_absolute_uri(instance.get_absolute_url())
>> +
>> +        def get_web_url(self, instance):
>> +            instance = _upgrade_instance(instance)
>> +            request = self.context.get('request')
>> +            return request.build_absolute_uri(instance.get_absolute_url())
>> +
> Nice, thank you. I think this should be sufficient. Just want to note
> that get_url and get_web_url are showing the same url. I will change
> that in the next revision.
>> +        def get_mbox(self, instance):
>> +            instance = _upgrade_instance(instance)
>> +            request = self.context.get('request')
>> +            return request.build_absolute_uri(instance.get_mbox_url())
>> +
>> +        class Meta:
>> +            model = models.Submission
>> +            fields = ('id', 'url', 'web_url', 'msgid', 'list_archive_url',
>> +                      'date', 'name', 'mbox')
>> +            read_only_fields = fields
>> +
>> +
>>  class CoverLetterSerializer(SerializedRelatedField):
>>      class _Serializer(MboxMixin, WebURLMixin, BaseHyperlinkedModelSerializer):
>> diff --git a/patchwork/api/relation.py b/patchwork/api/relation.py
>> index e7d002b9375a..c02a6fe67e2c 100644
>> --- a/patchwork/api/relation.py
>> +++ b/patchwork/api/relation.py
>> @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from rest_framework.generics import ListCreateAPIView
>>  from rest_framework.generics import RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
>>  from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
>> +from patchwork.api.embedded import SubmissionSerializer
>>  from patchwork.models import SubmissionRelation
>> @@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ class MaintainerPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
>>  class SubmissionRelationSerializer(ModelSerializer):
>> +    submissions = SubmissionSerializer(many=True)
>> +
>>      class Meta:
>>          model = SubmissionRelation
>>          fields = ('id', 'url', 'submissions',)
>>>  docs/api/schemas/latest/patchwork.yaml        | 218 +++++++++++++++++
>>>  docs/api/schemas/patchwork.j2                 | 230 ++++++++++++++++++
>>>  docs/api/schemas/v1.2/patchwork.yaml          | 218 +++++++++++++++++
>>>  patchwork/api/index.py                        |   1 +
>>>  patchwork/api/relation.py                     |  73 ++++++
>>>  patchwork/tests/api/test_relation.py          | 194 +++++++++++++++
>>>  patchwork/tests/utils.py                      |  11 +
>>>  patchwork/urls.py                             |  11 +
>>>  ...submission-relations-c96bb6c567b416d8.yaml |  10 +
>>>  9 files changed, 966 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/patchwork/api/relation.py b/patchwork/api/relation.py
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..e7d002b
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/patchwork/api/relation.py
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
>>> +# Patchwork - automated patch tracking system
>>> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
>>> +#
>>> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
>>> +
>>> +from django.db.models import Count
>>> +from rest_framework import permissions
>>> +from rest_framework.generics import ListCreateAPIView
>>> +from rest_framework.generics import RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
>>> +from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
>>> +
>>> +from patchwork.models import SubmissionRelation
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class MaintainerPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
>>> +
>>> +    def has_object_permission(self, request, view, submissions):
>>> +        if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
>>> +            return True
>>> +
>>> +        user = request.user
>>> +        if not user.is_authenticated:
>>> +            return False
>>> +
>>> +        if isinstance(submissions, SubmissionRelation):
>>> +            submissions = list(submissions.submissions.all())
>>> +        maintaining = user.profile.maintainer_projects.all()
>>> +        return all(s.project in maintaining for s in submissions)
>>> If I understand this correctly, you are saying that to have permissions,
>> for all patches, you must be a maintainer of that project.
>> That's correct, I think, but a comment spelling it out would be helpful:
>> perhaps it's because I don't do enough functional programming but it
>> took me a while to understand what you'd written.
>> Partially due to my lack of expertise with DRF, it wasn't clear to me
>> that this prevents the _creation_ (as opposed to modification) of a
>> relation where you're not the maintainer of all the involved projects,
>> but upon testing it would appear that it does, so that's good.
>>> +
>>> +    def has_permission(self, request, view):
>>> +        return request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS or \
>>> +               (request.user.is_authenticated and
>>> +                request.user.profile.maintainer_projects.count() > 0)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class SubmissionRelationSerializer(ModelSerializer):
>>> +    class Meta:
>>> +        model = SubmissionRelation
>>> +        fields = ('id', 'url', 'submissions',)
>>> +        read_only_fields = ('url',)
>>> +        extra_kwargs = {
>>> +            'url': {'view_name': 'api-relation-detail'},
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class SubmissionRelationMixin:
>>> +    serializer_class = SubmissionRelationSerializer
>>> +    permission_classes = (MaintainerPermission,)
>>> +
>>> +    def get_queryset(self):
>>> +        return SubmissionRelation.objects.all() \
>>> +            .prefetch_related('submissions')
>> So prefetch_related always makes me perk up my ears.
>> Here, we end up doing an individual database query for every submission
>> that is in a relation (you can observe this with the Django Debug
>> Toolbar). That's probably not ideal: you could get potentially a large
>> number of relations per page with a large number of patches per
>> relation.
>> > More interestingly, looking into it I think the way you've implemented
>> the model in patch 3 means that a patch can only have at most one
>> relation? Indeed, testing it shows that to be the case.
>> That's deeply counter-intuitive to me - shouldn't a patch be able to be
>> involved in multiple relations? Currently it can only be in one set of
>> relations (belong to one SubmissionRelation), it seems to me that it
>> ought to be able to be in multiple sets of relations.
>> I'm trying to think of a good example of where that makes sense, and I
>> think one is versions vs backports. So I say that v1 of patch A is
>> related to v2 and v3 of patch A, and it makes sense for that to be one
>> SubmissionRelation which v1, v2 and v3 all belong to. Then say that v3
>> is accepted, and then there's a stable backport of that to some old
>> trees. I would then say that v3 was related to the backport, but I'm not
>> sure I'd say that v1 was related to the backport in quite the same way.
>> So I would have thought there would be a many-to-many relationship
>> between submissions and relations. This would also facilitate relations
>> set by multiple tools where we want to be able to maintain some
>> separation.
>> Perhaps there's a good rationale for the current one-to-many
>> relationship, and I'm open to hearing it. If that's the case, then at the
>> very least, you shouldn't be able to silently _remove_ a patch from a
>> relation by adding it to another. You should be forced to first remove
>> the patch from the original relationship explictly, leaving it with
>> related=NULL, and then you can set another relationship.
> I think you are right that there are different types of relations
> however I am not sure how you exactly want to display them.
> When viewing a submission, how do we decide which SubmissionRelation to
> display under 'related'? Do we list the submissions of every
> SubmissionRelation a specific submission is part of? Do we list them
> separately or combined? Should users be able to mark a
> SubmissionRelation as something like "backport-relation" which can then
> be displayed in a separate row when viewing a submission?
> I think a more complex relation model could possibly lead to some
> confusion and unnecessary difficulties.
> Furthermore  I am not sure whether a more complex model really
> facilitates tools. As an example, PaStA, the analysis tool we are
> currently using for finding relations and commit_refs for a specific
> patch, does not differentiate between different types of relations.
> Nevertheless I am open to be convinced. I just don't want to complicate
> things if there is really no need.

Sorry I missed this - December was crazy with the non-patchwork parts of
my job.

My vision was to list them all, but I agree that figuring out how to do
that is a bit tricky...

>> Further to that, please could you add a field to SubmissionRelation with
>> some sort of comment/context/tool identification/etc so we can track
>> who's doing what. See e.g. the context field in the Check model.

I was hoping a context field would provide space for something like
"backports" or "PaStA-bot" so people could identify what was creating
the relation. That would then provide headings for the list.

But I agree it's complex, so let's get the simple one deployed in 2.2
and see what people do with it. It _may_ limit people to ~1 bot per
mailing list, but let's see what happens.

Again, apologies for dropping this on the floor.


>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class SubmissionRelationList(SubmissionRelationMixin, ListCreateAPIView):
>>> +    ordering = 'id'
>>> +    ordering_fields = ['id', 'submission_count']
>> What is the benefit of being able to order by submission_count?
> We can remove this. I just used it to see how the UI looks like for
> different relation counts.
>> It would be really nice to be able to filter by project, depending on
>> how feasible that is - it requires jumping though a JOIN which is
>> unpleasant...
> I will see how manageable this is.
>>> +
>>> +    def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
>>> +        serializer = self.get_serializer(data=request.data)
>>> +        serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True)
>>> +        submissions = serializer.validated_data['submissions']
>>> +        self.check_object_permissions(request, submissions)
>>> +        return super().create(request, *args, **kwargs)
>>> +
>>> +    def get_queryset(self):
>>> +        return super().get_queryset() \
>>> +            .annotate(submission_count=Count('submission'))
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class SubmissionRelationDetail(SubmissionRelationMixin,
>>> +                               RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
>>> +    pass
>>> diff --git a/patchwork/tests/api/test_relation.py b/patchwork/tests/api/test_relation.py
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..296926d
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/patchwork/tests/api/test_relation.py
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
>>> +# Patchwork - automated patch tracking system
>>> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
>>> +#
>>> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
>>> +
>>> +import unittest
>>> +from enum import Enum
>>> +from enum import auto
>>> +
>>> +import six
>>> +from django.conf import settings
>>> +from django.urls import reverse
>>> +
>>> +from patchwork.models import SubmissionRelation
>>> +from patchwork.tests.api import utils
>>> +from patchwork.tests.utils import create_maintainer
>>> +from patchwork.tests.utils import create_patches
>>> +from patchwork.tests.utils import create_project
>>> +from patchwork.tests.utils import create_relation
>>> +from patchwork.tests.utils import create_user
>>> +
>>> +if settings.ENABLE_REST_API:
>>> +    from rest_framework import status
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class UserType(Enum):
>>> +    ANONYMOUS = auto()
>>> +    NON_MAINTAINER = auto()
>>> +    MAINTAINER = auto()
>>> +
>>> + at unittest.skipUnless(settings.ENABLE_REST_API, 'requires ENABLE_REST_API')
>>> +class TestRelationAPI(utils.APITestCase):
>>> +    fixtures = ['default_tags']
>>> +
>>> +    @staticmethod
>>> +    def api_url(item=None):
>>> +        kwargs = {}
>>> +        if item is None:
>>> +            return reverse('api-relation-list', kwargs=kwargs)
>>> +        kwargs['pk'] = item
>>> +        return reverse('api-relation-detail', kwargs=kwargs)
>>> +
>>> +    def request_restricted(self, method, user_type: UserType):
>>> +        # setup
>>> +
>>> +        project = create_project()
>>> +
>>> +        if user_type == UserType.ANONYMOUS:
>>> +            expected_status = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
>>> +        elif user_type == UserType.NON_MAINTAINER:
>>> +            expected_status = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
>>> +            self.client.force_authenticate(user=create_user())
>>> +        elif user_type == UserType.MAINTAINER:
>>> +            if method == 'post':
>>> +                expected_status = status.HTTP_201_CREATED
>>> +            elif method == 'delete':
>>> +                expected_status = status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
>>> +            else:
>>> +                expected_status = status.HTTP_200_OK
>>> +            user = create_maintainer(project)
>>> +            self.client.force_authenticate(user=user)
>>> +        else:
>>> +            raise ValueError
>>> +
>>> +        resource_id = None
>>> +        send = None
>>> +
>>> +        if method == 'delete':
>>> +            resource_id = create_relation(project=project).id
>>> +        elif method == 'post':
>>> +            patch_ids = [p.id for p in create_patches(2, project=project)]
>>> +            send = {'submissions': patch_ids}
>>> +        elif method == 'patch':
>>> +            resource_id = create_relation(project=project).id
>>> +            patch_ids = [p.id for p in create_patches(2, project=project)]
>>> +            send = {'submissions': patch_ids}
>>> +        else:
>>> +            raise ValueError
>>> +
>>> +        # request
>>> +
>>> +        resp = getattr(self.client, method)(self.api_url(resource_id), send)
>>> +
>>> +        # check
>>> +
>>> +        self.assertEqual(expected_status, resp.status_code)
>>> +
>>> +        if resp.status_code not in range(200, 202):
>>> +            return
>>> +
>>> +        if resource_id:
>>> +            self.assertEqual(resource_id, resp.data['id'])
>>> +
>>> +        send_ids = send['submissions']
>>> +        resp_ids = resp.data['submissions']
>>> +        six.assertCountEqual(self, resp_ids, send_ids)
>>> +
>>> +    def assertSerialized(self, obj: SubmissionRelation, resp: dict):
>>> +        self.assertEqual(obj.id, resp['id'])
>>> +        obj = [s.id for s in obj.submissions.all()]
>>> +        six.assertCountEqual(self, obj, resp['submissions'])
>>> +
>>> +    def test_list_empty(self):
>>> +        """List relation when none are present."""
>>> +        resp = self.client.get(self.api_url())
>>> +        self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_200_OK, resp.status_code)
>>> +        self.assertEqual(0, len(resp.data))
>>> +
>>> +    @utils.store_samples('relation-list')
>>> +    def test_list(self):
>>> +        """List relations."""
>>> +        relation = create_relation()
>>> +
>>> +        resp = self.client.get(self.api_url())
>>> +        self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_200_OK, resp.status_code)
>>> +        self.assertEqual(1, len(resp.data))
>>> +        self.assertSerialized(relation, resp.data[0])
>>> +
>>> +    def test_detail(self):
>>> +        """Show relation."""
>>> +        relation = create_relation()
>>> +
>>> +        resp = self.client.get(self.api_url(relation.id))
>>> +        self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_200_OK, resp.status_code)
>>> +        self.assertSerialized(relation, resp.data)
>>> +
>>> +    @utils.store_samples('relation-update-error-forbidden')
>>> +    def test_update_anonymous(self):
>>> +        """Update relation as anonymous user.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure updates can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('patch', UserType.ANONYMOUS)
>>> +
>>> +    def test_update_non_maintainer(self):
>>> +        """Update relation as non-maintainer.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure updates can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('patch', UserType.NON_MAINTAINER)
>>> +
>>> +    @utils.store_samples('relation-update')
>>> +    def test_update_maintainer(self):
>>> +        """Update relation as maintainer.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure updates can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('patch', UserType.MAINTAINER)
>>> +
>>> +    @utils.store_samples('relation-delete-error-forbidden')
>>> +    def test_delete_anonymous(self):
>>> +        """Delete relation as anonymous user.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure deletes can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('delete', UserType.ANONYMOUS)
>>> +
>>> +    def test_delete_non_maintainer(self):
>>> +        """Delete relation as non-maintainer.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure deletes can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('delete', UserType.NON_MAINTAINER)
>>> +
>>> +    @utils.store_samples('relation-update')
>>> +    def test_delete_maintainer(self):
>>> +        """Delete relation as maintainer.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure deletes can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('delete', UserType.MAINTAINER)
>>> +
>>> +    @utils.store_samples('relation-create-error-forbidden')
>>> +    def test_create_anonymous(self):
>>> +        """Create relation as anonymous user.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure creates can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('post', UserType.ANONYMOUS)
>>> +
>>> +    def test_create_non_maintainer(self):
>>> +        """Create relation as non-maintainer.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure creates can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('post', UserType.NON_MAINTAINER)
>>> +
>>> +    @utils.store_samples('relation-create')
>>> +    def test_create_maintainer(self):
>>> +        """Create relation as maintainer.
>>> +
>>> +        Ensure creates can be performed by maintainers.
>>> +        """
>>> +        self.request_restricted('post', UserType.MAINTAINER)
>>> diff --git a/patchwork/tests/utils.py b/patchwork/tests/utils.py
>>> index 577183d..47149de 100644
>>> --- a/patchwork/tests/utils.py
>>> +++ b/patchwork/tests/utils.py
>>> @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from patchwork.models import Check
>>>  from patchwork.models import Comment
>>>  from patchwork.models import CoverLetter
>>>  from patchwork.models import Patch
>>> +from patchwork.models import SubmissionRelation
>>>  from patchwork.models import Person
>>>  from patchwork.models import Project
>>>  from patchwork.models import Series
>>> @@ -347,3 +348,13 @@ def create_covers(count=1, **kwargs):
>>>          kwargs (dict): Overrides for various cover letter fields
>>>      """
>>>      return _create_submissions(create_cover, count, **kwargs)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def create_relation(count_patches=2, **kwargs):
>>> +    relation = SubmissionRelation.objects.create()
>>> +    values = {
>>> +        'related': relation
>>> +    }
>>> +    values.update(kwargs)
>>> +    create_patches(count_patches, **values)
>>> +    return relation
>> I haven't looked at the tests in great detail, but they look very
>> comprehensive. You can get coverage data out of tox with -e coverage, so
>> just check that you've covered a reasonably amount of the new code
>> you're adding. (It doesn't necessarily have to be 100%.)
>> Lastly, you should probably also add a field on Patch and CoverLetter
>> that links to the related submissions if they exist. Otherwise I think
>> you have to enumerate all the relations in the API to determine if there
>> is one for the patch/cover letter that you're interested in?
> I am not entirely sure but I will have a closer look at this.
>> Feel free to respin after you address these comments. Keep up the good
>> work!
>> Regards,
>> Daniel
> Thank you for reviewing!
> Best regards,
> Mete

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