DB-murdering API query (index suggestions needed)

Andrew Donnellan ajd at linux.ibm.com
Fri Nov 15 19:51:22 AEDT 2019

On 15/11/19 11:44 am, Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
> Hi, all:
> Today, the DB behind patchwork.kernel.org was in a semi-permanent state
> of suffering due to someone trying to suck down all patches in the
> linux-arm-kernel project. This is what the API request looked like:
> GET /api/1.1/patches/?project=62&before=2019-11-01T00:00:00&per_page=100&page=6150
> The query behind this takes about 1 minute to run on a 20-core HT Xeon
> system and requires creating a huge temporary file (there are 18375
> patches in that project).
> So, two questions, really:
> 1. Any indexes we can put in place to make this query perform better?
> 2. Is there a way to disable anonymous API access?

Not currently, but it would be fairly easy to do...


Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
ajd at linux.ibm.com             IBM Australia Limited

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