[PATCH] api: support filtering patches by hash

Daniel Axtens dja at axtens.net
Thu Nov 7 15:09:44 AEDT 2019

Stephen Finucane <stephen at that.guru> writes:

> On Thu, 2019-11-07 at 00:44 +1100, Daniel Axtens wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> >       class Meta:
>> >           model = Patch
>> > +        # NOTE(dja): ideally we want to version the hash field, but I cannot
>> > +        # find a way to do that which is reliable and not extremely ugly.
>> > +        # The best I can come up with is manually working with request.GET
>> > +        # which seems to rather defeat the point of using django-filters.
>> >           fields = ('project', 'series', 'submitter', 'delegate',
>> > -                  'state', 'archived')
>> > +                  'state', 'archived', 'hash')
>> > 
>> Just hoping to get your Ack on this part of the patch, in case you had
>> some Deep Magic that could achieve your goals of API purity.
> It's definitely possible, but I'm at the OpenInfra Summit this week so
> I won't have time to complete it. Is next week okay? You could merge
> this as-is and I could fix before we cut v2.2, if you'd like?

I'm in no rush. I'd like to get 2.2 out sometime in November, but
beyond that I'm not fussy. I think there might be some shared logic
between this and versioning the order-by-date stuff, so why don't we
wait and handle them both when you're back on deck fully.


> Stephen
>> Regards,
>> Daniel

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