[PATCH 11/17] docs: Document the '/patches' resource

Stephen Finucane stephen at that.guru
Tue Oct 30 22:19:10 AEDT 2018

The big one (TM). Nothing too odd here though.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephen at that.guru>
 docs/api/schemas/patchwork.yaml | 351 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 351 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/api/schemas/patchwork.yaml b/docs/api/schemas/patchwork.yaml
index 3cadd35a..0763bd50 100644
--- a/docs/api/schemas/patchwork.yaml
+++ b/docs/api/schemas/patchwork.yaml
@@ -163,6 +163,186 @@ paths:
                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
       - covers
+  /api/patches/:
+    get:
+      description: List patches.
+      operationId: patches_list
+      parameters:
+      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Page'
+      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/PageSize'
+      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Order'
+      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Search'
+      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/BeforeFilter'
+      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SinceFilter'
+      - in: query
+        name: project
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      - in: query
+        name: series
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      - in: query
+        name: submitter
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      - in: query
+        name: delegate
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      - in: query
+        name: state
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      - in: query
+        name: archived
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: ''
+          headers:
+            Link:
+              $ref: '#/components/headers/Link'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchList'
+      tags:
+      - patches
+  /api/patches/{id}/:
+    get:
+      description: Show a patch.
+      operationId: patches_read
+      parameters:
+      - in: path
+        name: id
+        required: true
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      tags:
+      - patches
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: ''
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchDetail'
+        '403':
+          description: 'Forbidden'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
+        '404':
+          description: 'Not found'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
+    patch:
+      description: Update a patch (partial).
+      operationId: patches_partial_update
+      parameters:
+      - in: path
+        name: id
+        required: true
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchUpdate'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: ''
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchDetail'
+        '400':
+          description: 'Invalid Request'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorPatchUpdate'
+        '403':
+          description: 'Forbidden'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
+        '404':
+          description: 'Not found'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
+      tags:
+      - patches
+    put:
+      description: Update a patch.
+      operationId: patches_update
+      parameters:
+      - in: path
+        name: id
+        required: true
+        schema:
+          description: ''
+          title: ''
+          type: string
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchUpdate'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: ''
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchDetail'
+        '400':
+          description: 'Invalid Request'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorPatchUpdate'
+        '403':
+          description: 'Forbidden'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
+        '404':
+          description: 'Not found'
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
+      tags:
+      - patches
       description: List people.
@@ -701,6 +881,158 @@ components:
             type: string
             readOnly: true
             minLength: 1
+    PatchList:
+      required:
+        - state
+        - delegate
+      type: object
+      properties:
+        id:
+          title: ID
+          type: integer
+          readOnly: true
+        url:
+          title: Url
+          type: string
+          format: uri
+          readOnly: true
+        web_url:
+          title: Web url
+          type: string
+          format: uri
+          readOnly: true
+        project:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProjectEmbedded'
+        msgid:
+          title: Msgid
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
+          minLength: 1
+        date:
+          title: Date
+          type: string
+          format: date-time
+          readOnly: true
+        name:
+          title: Name
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
+          minLength: 1
+        commit_ref:
+          title: Commit ref
+          type: string
+          maxLength: 255
+          x-nullable: true
+        pull_url:
+          title: Pull URL
+          type: string
+          format: uri
+          maxLength: 255
+          x-nullable: true
+        state:
+          title: State
+          type: string
+        archived:
+          title: Archived
+          type: boolean
+        hash:
+          title: Hash
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
+          minLength: 1
+        submitter:
+          allOf:
+          - $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
+          - title: Submitter
+          - readOnly: true
+        delegate:
+          allOf:
+          - $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
+          - title: Delegate
+        mbox:
+          title: Mbox
+          type: string
+          format: uri
+          readOnly: true
+        series:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/SeriesEmbedded'
+        comments:
+          title: Comments
+          type: string
+          format: uri
+          readOnly: true
+        check:
+          title: Check
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
+          enum:
+          - pending
+          - success
+          - warning
+          - fail
+        checks:
+          title: Checks
+          type: string
+          format: uri
+          readOnly: true
+        tags:
+          title: Tags
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: string
+          readOnly: true
+    PatchDetail:
+      allOf:
+      - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchList'
+      - properties:
+          headers:
+            title: Headers
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: string
+            readOnly: true
+          content:
+            title: Content
+            type: string
+            readOnly: true
+            minLength: 1
+          diff:
+            title: Diff
+            type: string
+            readOnly: true
+            minLength: 1
+          prefixes:
+            title: Prefixes
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: string
+            readOnly: true
+    PatchUpdate:
+      required:
+        - state
+        - delegate
+      type: object
+      properties:
+        commit_ref:
+          title: Commit ref
+          type: string
+          maxLength: 255
+          x-nullable: true
+        pull_url:
+          title: Pull URL
+          type: string
+          format: uri
+          maxLength: 255
+          x-nullable: true
+        state:
+          title: State
+          type: string
+        archived:
+          title: Archived
+          type: boolean
+        delegate:
+          title: Delegate
+          type: integer
       type: object
@@ -1020,6 +1352,25 @@ components:
           title: Detail
           type: string
           readOnly: true
+    ErrorPatchUpdate:
+      type: object
+      properties:
+        state:
+          title: State
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
+        delegate:
+          title: Delegate
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
+        commit_ref:
+          title: Commit ref
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
+        archived:
+          title: Archived
+          type: string
+          readOnly: true
       type: object

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