[PATCH 1/3] travis: test against postgresql 10

Stephen Finucane stephen at that.guru
Sat Jul 14 03:31:09 AEST 2018

On Tue, 2018-07-03 at 16:37 +1000, Daniel Black wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Daniel Black <daniel at linux.ibm.com>
> ---
>  .travis.yml | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>  1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Thanks for the contribution :) Some comments below.

> diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
> index 6cb983f..d61b255 100644
> --- a/.travis.yml
> +++ b/.travis.yml
> @@ -23,14 +23,55 @@ env:
>    global:
>      - PW_TEST_DB_PASS=""
> +matrix:
> +  include:
> +    - addons:
> +        postgresql: "10"
> +        apt:
> +          packages:
> +          - postgresql-10
> +          - postgresql-client-10
> +      env:
> +        - PGPORT=5433
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_PORT=5433
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_TYPE=postgres
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_USER=travis
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_PASS=""
> +      python: 3.6
> +      sudo: true
> +      before_install:
> +        - sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant ALL on DATABASE postgres to travis WITH GRANT OPTION;"
> +    - env:
> +        - PGPORT=5432
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_PORT=5432
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_TYPE=postgres
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_USER=travis
> +        - PW_TEST_DB_PASS=""
> +      python: 3.6
> +      addons:
> +        postgresql: "9.6"
> +        apt:
> +          packages:
> +          - postgresql-9.6
> +          - postgresql-client-9.6
> +
> +

[Forgive me if this comes across rather silly - I'm no Travis expert]

I initially read this and thought...aren't we already doing this?
Looking into it more, it seems we're not quite. What we are doing is
running a test matrix of supported Python (and Python package) versions
(currently Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6) against the supported
database backends (currently MariaDB/MySQL  and PostgreSQL). That gives
us 8 variations. This seems to be adding three more - one using MariaDB
10 and Python 2.7, one using PostgreSQL 9.6 and Python 3.6 and one
using PostgreSQL 10 and Python 3.6. Is that all correct so far?

If so, I have the following comments/questions:

 * The addtional PostgreSQL 9.6 environment seems unnecessary, given
   that we're already testing this with multiple Python versions
 * Is there any real reason we need to keep testing the older versions
   of the databases?
 * If so, is there any reason we need to run multiple the tests for
   multiple Python versions against both PostgreSQL and MariaDB?
   Couldn't we just run them against e.g. PostgreSQL 10 and then simply
   run the Python 3.6 tests against the other three possible backends?

>  before_script:
> -  - mysql -e 'create database patchwork character set utf8;'
> -  - psql -c "create database patchwork with ENCODING = 'UTF8';" -U postgres
> +  - if [[ $PW_TEST_DB_TYPE == mysql ]]; then mysql -e 'create database patchwork character set utf8;'; fi
> +  - if [[ $PW_TEST_DB_TYPE == postgres ]]; then psql -c "create database patchwork with ENCODING = 'UTF8';" -U $PW_TEST_DB_USER; fi
>  install:
>    - pip install tox-travis
>  script:
> +  - >
> +    if [[ $PW_TEST_DB_TYPE == mysql ]];
> +    then
> +      mysql -e 'SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_USER();' -u $PW_TEST_DB_USER patchwork;
> +    else
> +      psql -c "SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_USER, current_database()" -U $PW_TEST_DB_USER patchwork;
> +      psql -c "SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_USER, current_database()" -U $PW_TEST_DB_USER postgres;
> +    fi
>    - tox
>    - tox -e coverage


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