[PATCH 0/6] Switch to docker-compose 3.0 file format

Stephen Finucane stephen at that.guru
Thu Apr 26 20:28:21 AEST 2018

On Tue, 2018-04-24 at 22:05 +0100, Stephen Finucane wrote:
> There's long been an outstanding issue with the use of 'docker-compose'
> by user accounts with non-1000 UIDs. Unfortunately we were prevented
> from using the newer file formats, which can somewhat solve these
> issues, due to the older versions of the 'docker-compose' package found
> on Ubuntu 16.04.
> Thankfully, with the release of Ubuntu 18.04 this week we can now bump
> the version of these files. We skip the 2.x series and head straight to
> the latest and greatest version supported, 3.x. Along the way we do some
> cleanup of the docker configuration, switch our images to 18.04, and
> remove some tests that nobody really cared for or was running.

This has caused me pain for far too long. Given that Ubuntu 18.04 was
released today, I've gone ahead and merged this series. Happy to revert
anything anyone is more sceptical about.


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