[PATCH] travis: switch to using root user

Daniel Axtens dja at axtens.net
Wed Sep 6 23:59:08 AEST 2017

Stephen Finucane <stephen at that.guru> writes:

> On Wed, 2017-09-06 at 02:35 +1000, Daniel Axtens wrote:
>> > When I pushed the last change, I noticed that Travis was beginning
>> > to fail due to db permission errors. This is a trivial fixup.
>> As this is:
>>  - a trivial fix
>>  - needed to get Travis to work
>>  - tested in my postgres work
>> ... I have merged it to master at 10a132f134cef46aabb01ca88a32d06bdc8cf320 
>> Because we'll do at least one 2.0.n point release, I figure it's worth
>> having in stable, too. So I have merged it to stable/2.0 at
>> 8940289eeec123b9f8330bb54d8a3ee8b98c83af
>> Happy to revert or modify if this is problematic.
> Nope, that makes sense. If Travis isn't testing stable/2.0 then I should
> probably fix that. Will investigate today.

As you have probably discovered by now, it is testing that - indeed it
automatically tests all branches:

> I'll review the PostgreSQL patches you sent this evening and see which of
> backportable. After that, I think v2.0.1 is probably in order.

Agreed. We're going to need to make some tough choices on the v2
performance regression caused by the django bug too - do we want to
monkeypatch that or push it to sysadmins?


> Stephen

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