[PATCH 3/4] parser: allow to handle multiple projects under the same list

Andrew Donnellan andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com
Tue May 30 14:23:43 AEST 2017

On 30/05/17 08:50, Stephen Finucane wrote:
> On Sat, 2017-05-27 at 20:17 +0200, Philippe Pepiot wrote:
>> By adding a `subject_prefix` settings to Project. Mail will be
>> assigned
>> to project if List-Id match and prefix is present.
>> Signed-off-by: Philippe Pepiot <phil at philpep.org>
> Hmm, so I'm not entirely sure about this. On one hand, I understand why
> it would be helpful to do this. However, commit '66a88a46' was supposed
> to address this. Is there something that that change doesn't have that
> you need to expose? I've CCd the authors/reviewers of that change to
> get their input.
> fwiw, in the longer term I'd like to add a label feature that would
> track most of the labels found in subjects (i.e. everything except
> 'PATCH', 'RFC', 'nn/mm' and 'vNN' tags). This is decidedly a 2.1+ goal,
> however.

66a88a46 was designed purely to solve the issue of figuring out which 
repository to apply a patch to for CI purposes, nothing more.

I can see why a maintainer may want to go all the way and consider it to 
be a full separate patchwork project, but I don't think the maintainers 
of any of the lists I'm on that use subject prefixes would want to do this.

You're also going to have to deal with the inevitable patch that misses 
the correct prefix (a particular trap for new contributors).

I'm not opposed to adding this if there are maintainers who have reasons 
why they would like to have completely separate projects, though from a 
CI perspective I think we're adequately served already.


Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com  IBM Australia Limited

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