[PATCH] REST: allow fetching of subject prefixes (categories)

Andrew Donnellan andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com
Tue Feb 14 17:48:31 AEDT 2017

On 14/02/17 08:47, Daniel Axtens wrote:
>> Could you provide an example of a mailing list that does this?
> Yes - OpenBMC does this. The one mailing list supports the OpenBMC
> project, and within that they deal with code for several different
> components - the kernel, u-boot, etc:

Kernel netdev also tends to use subject prefixes to specify when they're 
sending a patch for -next vs stable, as well as a handful of userspace 
applications that they maintain, like iproute2.


>> Do we want to be able to filter on these? I don't know if you can do
>> this for non-model fields though...
> At the moment, no. The use case is our CI system where we want to be
> able to take each patch one by one and figure out which tree to apply it
> to. So we don't need to filter on categories/prefixes.

I think it would be useful to implement regardless.

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com  IBM Australia Limited

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