[PATCH v7 5/8] tests: Add tests for series

Stephen Finucane stephen at that.guru
Sun Oct 30 00:13:37 AEDT 2016

Add a number of integration tests for parsing real series mbox files.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephen at that.guru>
Reviewed-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan at linaro.org>
Tested-by: Russell Currey <ruscur at russell.cc>
- Update to reference 'latest_series' property
- Split mbox files into a precursor patch to mitigate mailman issues
- Add tests for series name parsing
 patchwork/tests/test_series.py | 408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 408 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 patchwork/tests/test_series.py

diff --git a/patchwork/tests/test_series.py b/patchwork/tests/test_series.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7879db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patchwork/tests/test_series.py
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# Patchwork - automated patch tracking system
+# Copyright (C) 2016 Stephen Finucane <stephenfinucane at hotmail.com>
+# This file is part of the Patchwork package.
+# Patchwork is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Patchwork is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Patchwork; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import mailbox
+import os
+from django.test import TestCase
+from patchwork import models
+from patchwork import parser
+from patchwork.tests import utils
+TEST_SERIES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'series')
+class _BaseTestCase(TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.project = utils.create_project()
+        utils.create_state()
+    def _parse_mbox(self, name, counts):
+        """Parse an mbox file and return the results.
+        :param name: Name of mbox file
+        :param counts: A three-tuple of expected number of cover
+            letters, patches and replies parsed
+        """
+        results = [[], [], []]
+        mbox = mailbox.mbox(os.path.join(TEST_SERIES_DIR, name))
+        for msg in mbox:
+            obj = parser.parse_mail(msg, self.project.listid)
+            if type(obj) == models.CoverLetter:
+                results[0].append(obj)
+            elif type(obj) == models.Patch:
+                results[1].append(obj)
+            else:
+                results[2].append(obj)
+        self.assertParsed(results, counts)
+        return results
+    def assertParsed(self, results, counts):
+        self.assertEqual([len(x) for x in results], counts)
+    def assertSerialized(self, patches, counts):
+        """Validate correct series-ification.
+        TODO(stephen): Eventually this should ensure the series
+          revisions correctly linked and ordered in a series group
+        :param patches: list of Patch instances
+        :param count: list of integers corrsponding to number of
+            patches per series
+        """
+        series = models.Series.objects.all().order_by('date')
+        # sanity checks
+        self.assertEqual(series.count(), len(counts))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(counts), len(patches))
+        # walk through each series, ensuring each indexed patch
+        # corresponds to the correct series
+        start_idx = 0
+        for idx, count in enumerate(counts):
+            end_idx = start_idx + count
+            patches_ = patches[start_idx:end_idx]
+            for patch in patches_:
+                self.assertEqual(patch.latest_series, series[idx])
+            start_idx = end_idx
+class BaseSeriesTest(_BaseTestCase):
+    """Tests for a series without any revisions."""
+    def test_cover_letter(self):
+        """Series with a cover letter.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        covers, patches, comments = self._parse_mbox(
+            'base-cover-letter.mbox', [1, 2, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1])
+    def test_no_cover_letter(self):
+        """Series without a cover letter.
+        Parse a series with two patches but no cover letter.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        _, patches, _ = self._parse_mbox(
+            'base-no-cover-letter.mbox', [0, 2, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2])
+    def test_out_of_order(self):
+        """Series received out of order.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches that is
+        received out of order.
+        Input:
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+        """
+        covers, patches, comments = self._parse_mbox(
+            'base-out-of-order.mbox', [1, 2, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1])
+class RevisedSeriesTest(_BaseTestCase):
+    """Tests for a series plus a single revision.
+    NOTE(stephenfin): In each sample mbox, it is necessary to ensure
+      the first series is placed before the revision. If not, they will
+      not be parsed correctly. This is OK as in practice it would very
+      unlikely to receive a revision before a previous revision.
+    """
+    def test_basic(self):
+        """Series with a simple revision.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches, followed by
+        a second revision of the same. The second revision is correctly
+        labeled and is not sent in reply to the first revision.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+          - [PATCH v2 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH v2 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH v2 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        covers, patches, _ = self._parse_mbox(
+            'revision-basic.mbox', [2, 4, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2, 2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1, 1])
+    def test_threaded_to_cover(self):
+        """Series with a revision sent in-reply-to a cover.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches, followed by
+        a second revision of the same. The second revision is correctly
+        labeled but is sent in reply to the cover letter of the first
+        revision.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+            - [PATCH v2 0/2] A sample series
+              - [PATCH v2 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+              - [PATCH v2 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        covers, patches, _ = self._parse_mbox(
+            'revision-threaded-to-cover.mbox', [2, 4, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2, 2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1, 1])
+    def test_threaded_to_patch(self):
+        """Series with a revision sent in-reply-to a patch.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches, followed by
+        a second revision of the same. The second revision is correctly
+        labeled but is sent in reply to the second patch of the first
+        revision.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+              - [PATCH v2 0/2] A sample series
+                - [PATCH v2 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+                - [PATCH v2 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        covers, patches, _ = self._parse_mbox(
+            'revision-threaded-to-patch.mbox', [2, 4, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2, 2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1, 1])
+    def test_out_of_order(self):
+        """Series with a revision received out-of-order.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches, followed by
+        a second revision of the same. The second revision is correctly
+        labeled but is sent in reply to the second patch and is
+        received out of order.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+                - [PATCH v2 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+                - [PATCH v2 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+              - [PATCH v2 0/2] A sample series
+        """
+        covers, patches, _ = self._parse_mbox(
+            'revision-out-of-order.mbox', [2, 4, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2, 2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1, 1])
+    def test_no_cover_letter(self):
+        """Series with a revision sent without a cover letter.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches, followed by
+        a second revision of the same. The second revision is not
+        labeled with a series version marker.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+          - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        covers, patches, _ = self._parse_mbox(
+            'revision-no-cover-letter.mbox', [1, 4, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2, 2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1, 0])
+    def test_unlabeled(self):
+        """Series with a revision sent without a version label.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches, followed by
+        a second revision of the same. The second revision is not
+        labeled with a series version marker.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        covers, patches, _ = self._parse_mbox(
+            'revision-unlabeled.mbox', [2, 4, 0])
+        self.assertSerialized(patches, [2, 2])
+        self.assertSerialized(covers, [1, 1])
+class SeriesNameTestCase(TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.project = utils.create_project()
+        utils.create_state()
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_mbox(name):
+        """Open an mbox file.
+        :param name: Name of mbox file
+        """
+        return mailbox.mbox(os.path.join(TEST_SERIES_DIR, name))
+    def _parse_mail(self, mail):
+        return parser.parse_mail(mail, self.project.listid)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _format_name(cover):
+        return cover.name.split(']')[-1]
+    def test_cover_letter(self):
+        """Cover letter name set as series name.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches and ensure
+        the series name is set to the cover letter.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        mbox = self._get_mbox('base-cover-letter.mbox')
+        cover = self._parse_mail(mbox[0])
+        cover_name = self._format_name(cover)
+        self.assertEqual(cover.latest_series.name, cover_name)
+        self._parse_mail(mbox[1])
+        self.assertEqual(cover.latest_series.name, cover_name)
+        self._parse_mail(mbox[2])
+        self.assertEqual(cover.latest_series.name, cover_name)
+    def test_no_cover_letter(self):
+        """Series without a cover letter.
+        Parse a series with two patches but no cover letter and ensure
+        the series name is set to the first patch's entire subject.
+        Input:
+          - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+        """
+        mbox = self._get_mbox('base-no-cover-letter.mbox')
+        patch = self._parse_mail(mbox[0])
+        series = patch.latest_series
+        self.assertEqual(series.name, patch.name)
+        self._parse_mail(mbox[1])
+        self.assertEqual(series.name, patch.name)
+    def test_out_of_order(self):
+        """Series received out of order.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches that is
+        received out of order. Ensure the name is updated as new
+        patches are received.
+        Input:
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+        """
+        mbox = self._get_mbox('base-out-of-order.mbox')
+        patch = self._parse_mail(mbox[0])
+        self.assertIsNone(patch.latest_series.name)
+        patch = self._parse_mail(mbox[1])
+        self.assertEqual(patch.latest_series.name, patch.name)
+        cover = self._parse_mail(mbox[2])
+        self.assertEqual(cover.latest_series.name, self._format_name(cover))
+    def test_custom_name(self):
+        """Series with custom name.
+        Parse a series with a cover letter and two patches that is
+        recevied out of order. Ensure a custom name set on the series
+        is not overriden by subsequent patches received.
+        Input:
+            - [PATCH 2/2] test: Convert to Markdown
+            - [PATCH 1/2] test: Add some lorem ipsum
+          - [PATCH 0/2] A sample series
+        """
+        mbox = self._get_mbox('base-out-of-order.mbox')
+        series = self._parse_mail(mbox[0]).latest_series
+        self.assertIsNone(series.name)
+        series_name = 'My custom series name'
+        series.name = series_name
+        series.save()
+        self.assertEqual(series.name, series_name)
+        self._parse_mail(mbox[1])
+        self.assertEqual(series.name, series_name)
+        self._parse_mail(mbox[2])
+        self.assertEqual(series.name, series_name)

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