[PATCH 00/10] Add series support

Andrew Donnellan andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com
Wed Jun 15 12:11:05 AEST 2016

On 15/06/16 11:58, Russell Currey wrote:
> Currently in Patchwork, individual patches can have a reported test state (or a
> Check, as it's referred to in the docs).  I couldn't find anything in this
> series that affects this, what are your thoughts on moving that functionality
> from a patch model to a series model?  Any kind of tests run on a patch are
> typically focused on the entire series.

I'd like to see the ability to report a test state against an entire 
series, but I think it would be useful to keep test states against 
individual patches as well.

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnellan at au1.ibm.com  IBM Australia Limited

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