[PATCH 7/7] docs: Reconfigure page structure

Stephen Finucane stephen.finucane at intel.com
Thu Feb 4 08:22:35 AEDT 2016

There are two distinct types of documentation available: documentation
for patchwork developers and documentation for patchwork deployers.
Rework the mkdocs configuration such that this hierarchy is

As part of this change, the installation doc is renamed to deployment.
This guide should be used to install patchwork in a production
environment and not necessarily a deployment one. The existing name
was misleading so fix it.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephen.finucane at intel.com>
 docs/deployment.md   | 288 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/installation.md | 288 ---------------------------------------------------
 mkdocs.yml           |  13 ++-
 3 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 293 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/deployment.md
 delete mode 100644 docs/installation.md

diff --git a/docs/deployment.md b/docs/deployment.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c73b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/deployment.md
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# Deploying Patchwork
+Patchwork uses the Django framework - there is some background on deploying
+Django applications here:
+    http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter12/
+You'll need the following (applications used for patchwork development are
+in brackets):
+ * A Python interpreter
+ * [Django] >= 1.6. The latest version is recommended
+ * A webserver and suitable WSGI plugin. Options include [Apache] with the
+   [mod_python] plugin, or [Gunicorn] with [nginx] as the proxy server
+ * A database server (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
+ * Relevant Python modules for the database server (see the various
+   [requirements.txt] files)
+[Django]: https://www.djangoproject.com/
+[Apache]: http://httpd.apache.org/
+[mod_python]: http://modpython.org/
+[Gunicorn]: http://gunicorn.org/
+[nginx]: http://nginx.org/
+[requirements.txt]: ./requirements-prod.txt
+## Database Configuration
+Django's ORM support multiple database backends, though the majority of testing
+has been carried out with PostgreSQL and MySQL.
+We need to create a database for the system, add accounts for two system users:
+the web user (the user that your web server runs as) and the mail user (the
+user that your mail server runs as). On Ubuntu these are `www-data` and
+`nobody`, respectively.
+As an alternative, you can use password-based login and a single database
+account. This is described further down.
+**NOTE:** For the following commands, a `$` prefix signifies that the command
+should be entered at your shell prompt, and a `>` prefix signifies the
+command-line client for your SQL server (`psql` or `mysql`).
+### Install Packages
+If you don't already have MySQL installed, you'll need to do so now. For
+example, to install MySQL on RHEL:
+    $ sudo yum install mysql-server
+### Create Required Databases and Users
+#### PostgreSQL (ident-based)
+PostgreSQL support [ident-based authentication], which uses the standard UNIX
+authentication method as a backend. This means no database-specific passwords
+need to be set/used. Assuming you are using this form of authentication, you
+just need to create the relevant UNIX users and database:
+    $ createdb patchwork
+    $ createuser www-data
+    $ createuser nobody
+[ident-based authentication]: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/auth-methods.html#AUTH-IDENT
+#### PostgreSQL (password-based)
+If you are not using the ident-based authentication, you will need to create
+both a new database and a new database user:
+    $ createuser -PE patchwork
+    $ createdb -O patchwork patchwork
+#### MySQL
+    $ mysql
+    > CREATE DATABASE patchwork CHARACTER SET utf8;
+    > CREATE USER 'www-data'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
+    > CREATE USER 'nobody'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
+### Configure Settings
+Once that is done, you need to tell Django about the new database settings,
+by defining your own `production.py` settings file (see below). For PostgreSQL:
+    DATABASES = {
+        'default': {
+            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
+            'HOST': 'localhost',
+            'PORT': '',
+            'USER': 'patchwork',
+            'PASSWORD': 'my_secret_password',
+            'NAME': 'patchwork',
+            'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8',
+        },
+    }
+If you're using MySQL, only the `ENGINE` changes:
+    DATABASES = {
+        'default': {
+            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
+            ...
+        },
+    }
+**NOTE:** `TEST_CHARSET` (`TEST/CHARSET` in Django >= 1.7) is used when
+creating tables for the test suite. Without it, tests checking for the correct
+handling of non-ASCII characters fail.
+## Django Setup
+### Configure Directories
+Set up some initial directories in the patchwork base directory:
+    mkdir -p lib/packages lib/python
+`lib/packages` is for stuff we'll download, `lib/python` is to add to our
+Python path. We'll symlink Python modules into `lib/python`.
+At the time of release, patchwork depends on Django version 1.6 or later.
+Where possible, try to use the latest stable version (currently 1.8). Your
+distro probably provides this. If not, install it manually:
+    cd lib/packages
+    git clone https://github.com/django/django.git -b stable/1.8.x
+    cd ../python
+    ln -s ../packages/django/django ./django
+### Configure Settings
+You will also need to configure a [settings][ref-django-settings] file for
+Django. A sample settings file is provided, which defines default settings for
+patchwork. You'll need to configure settings for your own setup and save this
+as `production.py` (or override the `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment
+    cp patchwork/settings/production{.example,}.py
+At the very minimum, the following settings need to be configured:
+You can generate the `SECRET_KEY` with the following python code:
+    import string, random
+    chars = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
+    print repr("".join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(0,50)]))
+If you wish to enable the XML-RPC interface, add the following to the file:
+### Configure Database Tables
+Then, get patchwork to create its tables in your configured database. For
+Django 1.6 and below:
+    PYTHONPATH=../lib/python ./manage.py syncdb
+For Django 1.7+:
+    PYTHONPATH=../lib/python ./manage.py migrate
+Add privileges for your mail and web users. This is only needed if you use the
+ident-based approach. If you use password-based database authentication, you
+can skip this step.
+For Postgresql:
+    psql -f lib/sql/grant-all.postgres.sql patchwork
+For MySQL:
+    mysql patchwork < lib/sql/grant-all.mysql.sql
+### Other Tasks
+You will need to collect the static content into one location from which
+it can be served (by Apache or nginx, for example):
+    PYTHONPATH=lib/python ./manage.py collectstatic
+You'll also need to load the initial tags and states into the patchwork
+    PYTHONPATH=lib/python ./manage.py loaddata default_tags default_states
+[ref-django-settings]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/settings/
+## Apache Setup
+Example apache configuration files are in `lib/apache2/`.
+### wsgi
+django has built-in support for WSGI, which supersedes the fastcgi handler. It is thus the preferred method to run patchwork.
+The necessary configuration for Apache2 may be found in:
+    lib/apache2/patchwork.wsgi.conf.
+You will need to install/enable mod_wsgi for this to work:
+    a2enmod wsgi
+    apache2ctl restart
+## Configure patchwork
+Now, you should be able to administer patchwork, by visiting the URL:
+    http://your-host/admin/
+You'll probably want to do the following:
+* Set up your projects
+* Configure your website address (in the Sites section of the admin)
+## Subscribe a Local Address to the Mailing List
+You will need an email address for patchwork to receive email on - for example
+- `patchwork at your-host`, and this address will need to be subscribed to the
+list. Depending on the mailing list, you will probably need to confirm the
+subscription - temporarily direct the alias to yourself to do this.
+## Setup your MTA to Deliver Mail to the Parsemail Script
+Your MTA will need to deliver mail to the parsemail script in the
+email/directory. (Note, do not use the `parsemail.py` script directly).
+Something like this in /etc/aliases is suitable for postfix:
+    patchwork: "|/srv/patchwork/patchwork/bin/parsemail.sh"
+You may need to customise the `parsemail.sh` script if you haven't installed
+patchwork in `/srv/patchwork`.
+Test that you can deliver a patch to this script:
+    sudo -u nobody /srv/patchwork/patchwork/bin/parsemail.sh < mail
+## Set up the patchwork cron script
+Patchwork uses a cron script to clean up expired registrations, and send
+notifications of patch changes (for projects with this enabled). Something like
+this in your crontab should work:
+    # m h  dom mon dow   command
+    */10 * * * * cd patchwork; ./manage.py cron
+The frequency should be the same as the `NOTIFICATION_DELAY_MINUTES` setting,
+which defaults to 10 minutes.
+## (Optional) Configure your VCS to Automatically Update Patches
+The tools directory of the patchwork distribution contains a file named
+`post-receive.hook` which is a sample git hook that can be used to
+automatically update patches to the `Accepted` state when corresponding
+commits are pushed via git.
+To install this hook, simply copy it to the `.git/hooks` directory on your
+server, name it `post-receive`, and make it executable.
+This sample hook has support to update patches to different states depending
+on which branch is being pushed to. See the `STATE_MAP` setting in that file.
+If you are using a system other than git, you can likely write a similar hook
+using `pwclient` to update patch state. If you do write one, please contribute
+Some errors:
+* `ERROR: permission denied for relation patchwork_...`
+  The user that patchwork is running as (i.e. the user of the web-server)
+  doesn't have access to the patchwork tables in the database. Check that your
+  web server user exists in the database, and that it has permissions to the
+  tables.
+* pwclient fails for actions that require authentication, but a username
+and password is given int ~/.pwclient rc. Server reports "No authentication
+credentials given".
+  If you're using the FastCGI interface to apache, you'll need the
+  `-pass-header Authorization` option to the FastCGIExternalServer
+  configuration directive.
diff --git a/docs/installation.md b/docs/installation.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c73b62..0000000
--- a/docs/installation.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-# Deploying Patchwork
-Patchwork uses the Django framework - there is some background on deploying
-Django applications here:
-    http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter12/
-You'll need the following (applications used for patchwork development are
-in brackets):
- * A Python interpreter
- * [Django] >= 1.6. The latest version is recommended
- * A webserver and suitable WSGI plugin. Options include [Apache] with the
-   [mod_python] plugin, or [Gunicorn] with [nginx] as the proxy server
- * A database server (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- * Relevant Python modules for the database server (see the various
-   [requirements.txt] files)
-[Django]: https://www.djangoproject.com/
-[Apache]: http://httpd.apache.org/
-[mod_python]: http://modpython.org/
-[Gunicorn]: http://gunicorn.org/
-[nginx]: http://nginx.org/
-[requirements.txt]: ./requirements-prod.txt
-## Database Configuration
-Django's ORM support multiple database backends, though the majority of testing
-has been carried out with PostgreSQL and MySQL.
-We need to create a database for the system, add accounts for two system users:
-the web user (the user that your web server runs as) and the mail user (the
-user that your mail server runs as). On Ubuntu these are `www-data` and
-`nobody`, respectively.
-As an alternative, you can use password-based login and a single database
-account. This is described further down.
-**NOTE:** For the following commands, a `$` prefix signifies that the command
-should be entered at your shell prompt, and a `>` prefix signifies the
-command-line client for your SQL server (`psql` or `mysql`).
-### Install Packages
-If you don't already have MySQL installed, you'll need to do so now. For
-example, to install MySQL on RHEL:
-    $ sudo yum install mysql-server
-### Create Required Databases and Users
-#### PostgreSQL (ident-based)
-PostgreSQL support [ident-based authentication], which uses the standard UNIX
-authentication method as a backend. This means no database-specific passwords
-need to be set/used. Assuming you are using this form of authentication, you
-just need to create the relevant UNIX users and database:
-    $ createdb patchwork
-    $ createuser www-data
-    $ createuser nobody
-[ident-based authentication]: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/auth-methods.html#AUTH-IDENT
-#### PostgreSQL (password-based)
-If you are not using the ident-based authentication, you will need to create
-both a new database and a new database user:
-    $ createuser -PE patchwork
-    $ createdb -O patchwork patchwork
-#### MySQL
-    $ mysql
-    > CREATE DATABASE patchwork CHARACTER SET utf8;
-    > CREATE USER 'www-data'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
-    > CREATE USER 'nobody'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
-### Configure Settings
-Once that is done, you need to tell Django about the new database settings,
-by defining your own `production.py` settings file (see below). For PostgreSQL:
-    DATABASES = {
-        'default': {
-            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
-            'HOST': 'localhost',
-            'PORT': '',
-            'USER': 'patchwork',
-            'PASSWORD': 'my_secret_password',
-            'NAME': 'patchwork',
-            'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8',
-        },
-    }
-If you're using MySQL, only the `ENGINE` changes:
-    DATABASES = {
-        'default': {
-            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
-            ...
-        },
-    }
-**NOTE:** `TEST_CHARSET` (`TEST/CHARSET` in Django >= 1.7) is used when
-creating tables for the test suite. Without it, tests checking for the correct
-handling of non-ASCII characters fail.
-## Django Setup
-### Configure Directories
-Set up some initial directories in the patchwork base directory:
-    mkdir -p lib/packages lib/python
-`lib/packages` is for stuff we'll download, `lib/python` is to add to our
-Python path. We'll symlink Python modules into `lib/python`.
-At the time of release, patchwork depends on Django version 1.6 or later.
-Where possible, try to use the latest stable version (currently 1.8). Your
-distro probably provides this. If not, install it manually:
-    cd lib/packages
-    git clone https://github.com/django/django.git -b stable/1.8.x
-    cd ../python
-    ln -s ../packages/django/django ./django
-### Configure Settings
-You will also need to configure a [settings][ref-django-settings] file for
-Django. A sample settings file is provided, which defines default settings for
-patchwork. You'll need to configure settings for your own setup and save this
-as `production.py` (or override the `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment
-    cp patchwork/settings/production{.example,}.py
-At the very minimum, the following settings need to be configured:
-You can generate the `SECRET_KEY` with the following python code:
-    import string, random
-    chars = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
-    print repr("".join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(0,50)]))
-If you wish to enable the XML-RPC interface, add the following to the file:
-### Configure Database Tables
-Then, get patchwork to create its tables in your configured database. For
-Django 1.6 and below:
-    PYTHONPATH=../lib/python ./manage.py syncdb
-For Django 1.7+:
-    PYTHONPATH=../lib/python ./manage.py migrate
-Add privileges for your mail and web users. This is only needed if you use the
-ident-based approach. If you use password-based database authentication, you
-can skip this step.
-For Postgresql:
-    psql -f lib/sql/grant-all.postgres.sql patchwork
-For MySQL:
-    mysql patchwork < lib/sql/grant-all.mysql.sql
-### Other Tasks
-You will need to collect the static content into one location from which
-it can be served (by Apache or nginx, for example):
-    PYTHONPATH=lib/python ./manage.py collectstatic
-You'll also need to load the initial tags and states into the patchwork
-    PYTHONPATH=lib/python ./manage.py loaddata default_tags default_states
-[ref-django-settings]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/settings/
-## Apache Setup
-Example apache configuration files are in `lib/apache2/`.
-### wsgi
-django has built-in support for WSGI, which supersedes the fastcgi handler. It is thus the preferred method to run patchwork.
-The necessary configuration for Apache2 may be found in:
-    lib/apache2/patchwork.wsgi.conf.
-You will need to install/enable mod_wsgi for this to work:
-    a2enmod wsgi
-    apache2ctl restart
-## Configure patchwork
-Now, you should be able to administer patchwork, by visiting the URL:
-    http://your-host/admin/
-You'll probably want to do the following:
-* Set up your projects
-* Configure your website address (in the Sites section of the admin)
-## Subscribe a Local Address to the Mailing List
-You will need an email address for patchwork to receive email on - for example
-- `patchwork at your-host`, and this address will need to be subscribed to the
-list. Depending on the mailing list, you will probably need to confirm the
-subscription - temporarily direct the alias to yourself to do this.
-## Setup your MTA to Deliver Mail to the Parsemail Script
-Your MTA will need to deliver mail to the parsemail script in the
-email/directory. (Note, do not use the `parsemail.py` script directly).
-Something like this in /etc/aliases is suitable for postfix:
-    patchwork: "|/srv/patchwork/patchwork/bin/parsemail.sh"
-You may need to customise the `parsemail.sh` script if you haven't installed
-patchwork in `/srv/patchwork`.
-Test that you can deliver a patch to this script:
-    sudo -u nobody /srv/patchwork/patchwork/bin/parsemail.sh < mail
-## Set up the patchwork cron script
-Patchwork uses a cron script to clean up expired registrations, and send
-notifications of patch changes (for projects with this enabled). Something like
-this in your crontab should work:
-    # m h  dom mon dow   command
-    */10 * * * * cd patchwork; ./manage.py cron
-The frequency should be the same as the `NOTIFICATION_DELAY_MINUTES` setting,
-which defaults to 10 minutes.
-## (Optional) Configure your VCS to Automatically Update Patches
-The tools directory of the patchwork distribution contains a file named
-`post-receive.hook` which is a sample git hook that can be used to
-automatically update patches to the `Accepted` state when corresponding
-commits are pushed via git.
-To install this hook, simply copy it to the `.git/hooks` directory on your
-server, name it `post-receive`, and make it executable.
-This sample hook has support to update patches to different states depending
-on which branch is being pushed to. See the `STATE_MAP` setting in that file.
-If you are using a system other than git, you can likely write a similar hook
-using `pwclient` to update patch state. If you do write one, please contribute
-Some errors:
-* `ERROR: permission denied for relation patchwork_...`
-  The user that patchwork is running as (i.e. the user of the web-server)
-  doesn't have access to the patchwork tables in the database. Check that your
-  web server user exists in the database, and that it has permissions to the
-  tables.
-* pwclient fails for actions that require authentication, but a username
-and password is given int ~/.pwclient rc. Server reports "No authentication
-credentials given".
-  If you're using the FastCGI interface to apache, you'll need the
-  `-pass-header Authorization` option to the FastCGIExternalServer
-  configuration directive.
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index fd31489..c8d8185 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ repo_url: git://github.com/getpatchwork/patchwork
  - Home: 'index.md'
- - Installation: 'installation.md'
- - Upgrading: 'upgrading.md'
- - Development: 'development.md'
- - Contributing: 'contributing.md'
- - Release Process: 'releasing.md'
+ - Development Guide:
+   - Installation: 'development.md'
+   - Contributing: 'contributing.md'
+   - Release Process: 'releasing.md'
+ - Deployment Guide:
+   - Installation: 'deployment.md'
+   - Upgrading: 'upgrading.md'
+   - API: 'api.md'

More information about the Patchwork mailing list