Feature request: delegating patches to others than maintainers

Thomas Monjalon thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com
Tue Jul 21 18:49:43 AEST 2015

2015-07-21 10:45, Thomas Petazzoni:
> On Tue, 21 Jul 2015 08:17:56 +0000, Finucane, Stephen wrote:
> > Finally, would the non-maintainers be able to set state to any state.
> > In Gerrit, the submitter of a patch can abandon or rebase the patch,
> > but can't merge it unless they're a maintainer/core dev. We don't
> > have to worry about rebasing or merging, but setting the status to
> > Accepted is basically the same thing, right? Can we assume the
> > assigned delegate won't update with any misleading information? :)
> Depends which level of control you want. Since maintainers are in
> charge of delegating ton non-maintainers, you could assume they would
> delegate to trusted persons so that having those persons change the
> state to any state would not be a problem. But I can understand that
> some projects may want a tighter control on that.

It may be mitigated by having the history of the changes per patch.

> However, patchwork's beauty is its simplicity. If it becomes too
> complicated with myriad of config options, it would lose a bit of its
> beauty.


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