Bug tracker?

Albert ARIBAUD albert.aribaud at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 17:51:27 EST 2014

Le 12/03/2014 01:17, Jeremy Kerr a écrit :

> If you're keen to try it out locally, it's possible to set up a
> development patchwork instance, using django's in-built web server:
>   git clone git://ozlabs.org/~jk/patchwork

This command won't work. I believe that the right git clone command 
should use another URI:

     git clone git://ozlabs.org/home/jk/git/patchwork.

>   cd patchwork/apps
>   touch local_settings.py
>   # using postgres as a database, using the default name of 'patchwork':
>   createdb patchwork
>   ./manage.py syncdb
>   ./manage.py runserver
> - this will run a local instance of patchwork on


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