bundles dont show up after upgrade to latest

Khem Raj raj.khem at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 13:10:28 EST 2013


I am having an issue with patchwork when updating to latest

config is: ubuntu 10.04/python-2.6/nginx/django-1.3.x/mysql/patchwork-latest

When it tried to open bundles( <site>/user/bundles/) it ends up

502 Bad Gateway


It seems to be related to

commit 5d0140ef04ababd93c45b5126ee1b412bd778da5
Author: Jeremy Kerr <jk at ozlabs.org>
Date:   Sat Apr 20 21:45:40 2013 +0800

    bundles: Remove separate public bundle views
    Having two views for bundles (public and non-public) can cause confusion
    when bundle owners want to share a URL; it's not obvious that the
    private URL isn't shareable.
    This change removes the private URLs, and puts all bundles under the
    /bundle/<username>/<bundlename>/ URL space. For non-public bundles, this
    will just 404 for non-owners.
    Signed-off-by: Jeremy Kerr <jk at ozlabs.org>

if I revert that then bundles show up fine

I also updated the database with 012-project-add-columns.sql and 013-bundle-names.sql

could it be that url rewrite with nginx is not working ?

Any help would be appreciated.


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