Enhancements to mangeability of patches

simo idra at samba.org
Thu Oct 25 14:16:23 EST 2012

I recently installed patchwork and we are testing it for 3 separate
upstream projects. I have the need to make it a bit more flexible in the
way users can be configured to access and change patches status yet not
give them actual admin rights as I do not want to let users from one
group worry about mistakenly touch other groups patches.

I was thinking of extending a bit the groups to include bonds to
specific projects and be able to give them right to change things like
the status of a patch so that any user in a specific group would be able
to change any patch of a specific project.

Is this something that would be interesting for the project in general ?

Also, bonus question, are you planning on making patchwork django 1.4
friendly ?
I installed patchwork on a Debian Squeeze where I run the public project
and everything works fine. However I am testing stuff on a private
instance built on Fedora 18 and there are some changes in django the
require manual adjustments to settings.py and also additional changes to
the grant script (the auth_message table is gone in 1.4).

Oh and finally thanks for the project I find it quite neat.


Simo Sorce
Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer <simo at samba.org>
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, Inc. <simo at redhat.com>

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