[OpenPower-Firmware] op-build v2.0-rc1

Stewart Smith stewart at linux.ibm.com
Thu May 10 14:25:36 AEST 2018

Release Notes for OpenPower Firmware v2.0-rc1

Please note that this is a RELEASE CANDIDATE and not the final v2.0
release. We expect to do a final v2.0 tagged release early May.

The final op-build v2.0 release *is* intended for GA POWER9 platforms,
and basing system firmware off “a modest derivative of op-build v2.0
or later” is part of the OpenPOWER Ready requirements.

New defconfigs

These are really two defconfigs for two POWER9 platforms, where
instead of the stable code tree of some components, they use the
development trees. Unless you’re wanting bleeding edge development
code, don’t use them.

* p9dsu_dev

* witherspoon_dev

Updated Packages

| Pack   | Old Version      | New Version      | Platforms                                |
| age    |                  |                  |                                          |
| capp   | p9-dd2-v3        | p9-dd2-v4        | barreleye, firestone, garrison,          |
| -uco   |                  |                  | habanero, p9dsu, palmetto, romulus,      |
| de     |                  |                  | vesnin, witherspoon, zaius               |
| eude v | 3.2.4            | 3.2.5            | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
|        |                  |                  | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
|        |                  |                  | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
|        |                  |                  | pseries, romulus, vesnin, witherspoon,   |
|        |                  |                  | zaius, zz                                |
| glib c | glibc-2.26-107   | glibc-2.26-146   | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
|        | -g73a92363619e   | -gd300041c533a   | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
|        | 52c458146e903d   | 3d837c9f37a099   | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
|        | fb9b1ba823aa40   | bcc95466860e98   | pseries, romulus, vesnin, witherspoon,   |
|        |                  |                  | zaius, zz                                |
| host   | b51298075aee40   | d9bf361681e95e   | p9dsu, romulus, witherspoon, zaius       |
| boot   | 2dbcef485088cf   | 82cd24856e58f9   |                                          |
|        | a71a6ca61725     | 1df4ff4d1de4     |                                          |
| host   | b339e05c57725c   | 53aece69485a7c   | barreleye, firestone, garrison,          |
| boot   | f09b867d665269   | ea482b378549f8   | habanero, p9dsu, palmetto, romulus,      |
| -bin   | 8aa2e3ab5f6a     | c73113f99834     | vesnin, witherspoon, zaius               |
| arie s |                  |                  |                                          |
| i2c-   | 3.1.2            | 4.0              | pseries, vesnin                          |
| tool s |                  |                  |                                          |
| linu x | 4.15.14          | 4.16.7           | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
|        |                  |                  | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
|        |                  |                  | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
|        |                  |                  | pseries, romulus, vesnin, witherspoon,   |
|        |                  |                  | zaius, zz                                |
| linu   | a3a26af24e29c8   | 65b1c68c63f974   | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
| x-fi   | 18ef9b56618560   | d72610db38dfae   | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
| rmwa   | 18e21a5c49fb     | 49861117cae2     | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
| re     |                  |                  | pseries, romulus, witherspoon, zaius, zz |
| linu   | 4.15.14          | 4.16.7           | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
| x-he   |                  |                  | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
| ader s |                  |                  | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
|        |                  |                  | pseries, romulus, vesnin, witherspoon,   |
|        |                  |                  | zaius, zz                                |
| mach   | fb5f9334aa0c30   | 32ce616ef80f5c   | p9dsu                                    |
| ine-   | 5f245615c30e8e   | c3f128b3aa08fe   |                                          |
| xml    | 542b37f94091     | 50954a087888     |                                          |
| mach   | 38ff4b8db62d43   | dda5b93d90b6e5   | vesnin                                   |
| ine-   | e330fab404cd2b   | 6fd3e94b0dfd25   |                                          |
| xml    | 76bd35a4a062     | 5fa8f47409cb     |                                          |
| mach   | 18591a3eba4fc4   | 7cd20a6ac8fe3b   | witherspoon                              |
| ine-   | 345daf630aaf44   | 693ccf50a5ab86   |                                          |
| xml    | 12f1554a24cd     | ce55ca994fdc     |                                          |
| mach   | 4b012a3d1da538   | a941f8b75cdcd4   | zaius                                    |
| ine-   | b3fb97c332b6fc   | 6caa6a7d821550   |                                          |
| xml    | e51a6cffaf9a     | 78cb4a176c55     |                                          |
| occ    | 768466b31e853c   | f741c41933c883   | p9dsu, romulus, witherspoon, zaius       |
|        | b11dfa90dbfc15   | 5c5de75abe8402   |                                          |
|        | 65a21ee9646e     | e3c5d13d417e     |                                          |
| open   | dafcab48658b4d   | f6d970c6a600a7   | barreleye, firestone, garrison,          |
| powe   | e48e70c929b036   | e248fa5d604eb4   | habanero, p9dsu, palmetto, romulus,      |
| r-pn   | 985dac7ef7b8     | 71db4482760b     | vesnin, witherspoon, zaius               |
| or     |                  |                  |                                          |
| rsyn c | 3.1.2            | 3.1.3            | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
|        |                  |                  | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
|        |                  |                  | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
|        |                  |                  | pseries, romulus, vesnin, witherspoon,   |
|        |                  |                  | zaius, zz                                |
| sbe    | 5c0363924c7d71   | 8e0105e5e964de   | p9dsu, romulus, witherspoon, zaius       |
|        | 0146155b3354b2   | 6e99e60a96ae3f   |                                          |
|        | 36012372dd24     | 3829efe02080     |                                          |
| skib   | v5.11            | v6.0-rc2         | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
| oot    |                  |                  | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
|        |                  |                  | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
|        |                  |                  | pseries, romulus, vesnin, witherspoon,   |
|        |                  |                  | zaius, zz                                |
| util   | 2.31             | 2.31.1           | barreleye, firenze, firestone, garrison, |
| -lin   |                  |                  | habanero, openpower_mambo,               |
| ux     |                  |                  | openpower_p9_mambo, p9dsu, palmetto,     |
|        |                  |                  | pseries, romulus, vesnin, witherspoon,   |
|        |                  |                  | zaius, zz                                |

New Packages

*Note:* the presence of the occ package on ZZ is a bug, it is not used
on that platform.

| Pack   | Vers   | Plat   |
| age    | ion    | form s |
| hcod e | hw05   | p9ds   |
|        | 0318   | u,ro   |
|        | a.op   | mulu   |
|        | 920    | s,wi   |
|        |        | ther   |
|        |        | spoo   |
|        |        | n,za   |
|        |        | ius    |
| libf   | v5.1   | open   |
| lash   | 0.1    | powe   |
|        |        | r_p    |
|        |        | 9_m    |
|        |        | ambo   |
| libz   | 1.2.   | barr   |
| lib    | 11     | eley   |
|        |        | e,fi   |
|        |        | renz   |
|        |        | e,fi   |
|        |        | rest   |
|        |        | one,   |
|        |        | garr   |
|        |        | ison   |
|        |        | ,hab   |
|        |        | aner   |
|        |        | o,op   |
|        |        | enpo   |
|        |        | wer_m  |
|        |        | am     |
|        |        | bo,o   |
|        |        | penp   |
|        |        | ower   |
|        |        | _p9    |
|        |        | _ma    |
|        |        | mbo,   |
|        |        | p9ds   |
|        |        | u,pa   |
|        |        | lmet   |
|        |        | to,p   |
|        |        | seri   |
|        |        | es,r   |
|        |        | omul   |
|        |        | us,v   |
|        |        | esni   |
|        |        | n,wi   |
|        |        | ther   |
|        |        | spoo   |
|        |        | n,za   |
|        |        | ius,   |
|        |        | zz     |
| occ    | f741   | zz     |
|        | c419   |        |
|        | 33c8   |        |
|        | 835c   |        |
|        | 5de7   |        |
|        | 5abe   |        |
|        | 8402   |        |
|        | e3c5   |        |
|        | d13d   |        |
|        | 417e   |        |

Removed Packages

| Pack   | Vers   | Plat   |
| age    | ion    | form s |
| zlib   | 1.2.   | barr   |
|        | 11     | eley   |
|        |        | e,fi   |
|        |        | renz   |
|        |        | e,fi   |
|        |        | rest   |
|        |        | one,   |
|        |        | garr   |
|        |        | ison   |
|        |        | ,hab   |
|        |        | aner   |
|        |        | o,op   |
|        |        | enpo   |
|        |        | wer_m  |
|        |        | am     |
|        |        | bo,o   |
|        |        | penp   |
|        |        | ower   |
|        |        | _p9    |
|        |        | _ma    |
|        |        | mbo,   |
|        |        | p9ds   |
|        |        | u,pa   |
|        |        | lmet   |
|        |        | to,p   |
|        |        | seri   |
|        |        | es,r   |
|        |        | omul   |
|        |        | us,v   |
|        |        | esni   |
|        |        | n,wi   |
|        |        | ther   |
|        |        | spoo   |
|        |        | n,za   |
|        |        | ius,   |
|        |        | zz     |

Package: barreleye-xml




No changes.

Package: firestone-xml




No changes.

Package: garrison-xml




No changes.

Package: habanero-xml




No changes.

Package: hcode




No changes.

Package: hostboot




Abhishek Agarwal (1):

* 6d48b4dfd9cc Abist proc update for SBE changes

Ben Gass (3):

* 885dde53dea4 Turn off PB.IOO.LL0.CONFIG_FAST_ASYNC_CROSS for
  Nimbus (HW409026)

* a26fde80a124 Adding Axone MC/MI/MCC/OMIC/OMI scom address

* 6527cd1f6ae2 Adding p9n 2.3 support and p9n 2.3/p9c 1.2 security

Benjamin Weisenbeck (1):

* c6150efe43c8 PRD: ABUS lane fail callout support

Brian Bakke (2):

* 4366e146c039 Check for pending OCC messages on HBRT start in

* 667047773617 Fix mismatch between logger and parser for Istep
  state info

Brian Stegmiller (1):

* 9e9ca8132513 PRD: Mask SBE attention on HB recovery failure

Chris Cain (2):

* db62cb5a72b8 HTMGT: memory throttle calculation fixes

* ae5e20e397bf HTMGT: Support AVSBus Config packet for Vdd Current
  roll over workaround

Christian Geddes (11):

* 02f8995967cc Use SCOM to access Master Processor’s SBE MSG

* ba8c8bfc02ca sbe_retry_handler refactor

* d5ba4627b254 Update hreset HWP to always use scoms during HBRT

* 5192636a15d9 Hook up FSP runtime support for sbe_retry_handler
  (hreset path)

* 7ee5536ef2a1 Enable OpenPower SBE Vital Attention handler

* a4e9bdd5d47c Improve error handling when slave SBE fails to boot

* 4f32915aa124 Clear perv scrach register prior to triggering HRESET

* 4b25a2be9395 PM: Clean up PM Reset and PM Complex Suspend

* c933337513bf Change all FAPI_INVOKE calls to be FAPI_EXEC in

* 0e7f35fb549d Improve linking of PLIDs for sbe_retry_handler

* c78530bd2994 Change sbe restart fail hwCallouts from GARDs to

Christian R. Geddes (1):

* 1c4c810a584f Revert “Clear perv scrach register prior to
  triggering HRESET”

Claus Michael Olsen (2):

* e286748a94bd Code restruct: ring_apply

* 84909fd0daf7 Update to ifCompiler to produce *.bitsModified Care
  for PLL filter rings

Dan Crowell (3):

* d8765b43b7ad Move VPD cache invalidation in mfgmode after we save
  it for HBRT

* 38ec7768b236 Log Hostboot state information in all error logs

* dc1414817351 Enable super-long watchdog timer when console traces
  are enabled

Daniel Howe (1):

* bd3148541fc2 Update settings to allow xlink psave

Elizabeth Liner (2):

* c5ca811838da Updating ATTR_PROC_CHIP_MEM_TO_USE to use all bits of
  group and chip ID

* a027c49b4ca5 Temporarily moving attribute to the system target

Ilya Smirnov (5):

* e3bff0327790 Pass SBE Security Backdoor Bit to HB Bootloader

* 8d6e983693fc Reset Security Override Flag During Key Transition

* da8911ce095a Secure Boot: Support Phyp debug flag in HDAT

* 093052dd5cfa Always Lock Down SBE SEEPROM After SBE Update

* 678397bf9094 Mark Read-Only Partitions as Such

Jayashankar Padath (1):

* f0c194784d98 HDAT : Change in feature flag structures for Rugby

Jaymes Wilks (2):

* be5361032953 Propagate TPM information into HDAT on non-master

* f7a5aa5bec0d Disable tolerating blacklist violations

Jeremy Neaton (2):

* b10263aeedd3 TSV Updates for CL14 Support

* 576c380539b2 tWR_MPR fix for DDR4 RDIMM initialization

Joe McGill (5):

* 523de826a22e configure Cumulus MC inband logic to pass host/occ
  bit under BAR

* 3a4e19354e06 move xlink psave configuration to SBE

* 3514216fef13 relocate Centaur trace SCOM inits

* 7a4cb95b51a4 p9_xip_customize – consume correct byte for AW
  keyword PLL bucket selector

* 1bad3f82392c FIR updates to match XML changes in 56335

Luke Mulkey (1):

* e0ebdc3d68b7 Add unmask errors back to cen_framelock

Marty Gloff (6):

* fef105cbd664 Resolve NodeInfo Naming Conflict

* c39a13d91dae Disable Multi-Node Sync System Attributes

* 379efca3b8ff Support multiple nodes in HBRT - Update Functions

* 519b09db143e Support multiple nodes in HBRT - Concurrent Code

* 7383c3a4fbaf Get Hostboot Dump after Hostboot Crash

* 67de094e51e2 Support multiple nodes in HBRT - Remove Single Node

Matt Derksen (1):

* 1e784c03824d Handle early life PNOR fails in HBRT instead of

Mike Baiocchi (2):

* 502258b17bd9 Reduce Console Output Trace from PNOR component in

* deebbaaca28f Rediscover I2C Targets after Host I2C Reset

Nick Bofferding (2):

* db9ded1e83f4 Secure Boot: Introduce key transition state node

* 6dc8fa90d74b SBE Update: Don’t alter HBB partition when
  customizing SBE image

Nick Klazynski (2):

* a05bb0e51854 TM workaround for HW443982

* 75ca8b023678 Workarounds for HW447585 and HW447589

Prasad Bg Ranganath (1):

* fd32e9b7f2cf WOF: Bad IQ data needs to be filtered out

Rahul Batra (3):

* b77925c8ae2d PM: Generated Vratio/Vindex tables

* da512cac4ed4 PGPE: Error Handling Support

* d9bf361681e9 PM: Fixes for Livelock Scenarios

Ricardo Mata (1):

* ff5baffa4dab Updated pcie_scominit and pcie_config to manage
  systems not using PEC STACK0.

Richard J. Knight (2):

* 7f2227c3015a Fix transposed memset arguments in p9_dd_add

* 43fcef0d5e37 Remove un-used scan procedures

Rick Ward (2):

* ad517636c3d0 Verify deconfig-by-association assumptions still
  apply to CDIMM scenario.

* 2e3def0e5420 zero length dump on single node systems


* 52d15635dfc7 Revert “Verify frequency attributes across nodes”

Sampa Misra (1):

* 975baaed3aa8 Remove seeprom entry from host i2c data structures
  reported by HDAT

Soma BhanuTej (4):

* bde38b587bd2 Update to fix ekb master

* 0775540e33cc p9_sbe_lpc_init: Fix cycle sim delay loop

* c1ed2565ebcf Enhance p9_extract_sbe_rc

* fbda730111e2 BugFix in progm exception & update brief info

Srikantha Meesala (1):

* 211b0cb9d447 Wrong value for MSS_MRW_IDLE_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED

Stephen Glancy (3):

* 717ac2a28f55 Moves count_dimm to be in the memory generic folder

* ad4459feb84a Adds blank files for DMI IO

* 6ff6218309c0 Fixes DLL error checking to be the highest priority

Swathi Madhuri Bhattiprolu (1):

* 571e1d84dfe5 Verify frequency attributes across nodes

Thi Tran (1):

* 742640c460c6 Unmask MCA Command Sequence error bit

Tsung Yeung (1):

* 8e5461d3b360 Includes NVDIMM in workaround for self-time refresh

Vasant Hegde (3):

* 89f920529649 dump: Add support for dump source address zero

* 9a3aa40a7a17 Add support to find relocated payload base address

* b90ed8f11eac dump: Copy data type field from MDST table to MDRT

Zane Shelley (10):

* dd26705781d3 PRD: updates from OBUS FIR reviews

* 58b9dd72866a PRD: support getMemAddrRange() for MBA targets and

* ad8ec727bc7f PRD: super fast read command support for MBA

* d026d31c923e PRD: enable predictive dynamic memory deallocation

* da885e721ccc PRD: DMD support for 3/6 MC/grp configs

* 2000b276f2ea PRD: VCM/TPS/BG scrub commands support for MBA

* e772c3f7a100 PRD: enable MemEcc::handleMemUe() for MBA

* 2e0c329836ca PRD: Circumvent DMD address ranges for 3/6 MC/group

* 0be5926ed8ad PRD: capture NPU FIRs only on attention from NPU FIRs

* 293a8d981da8 PRD: set INTCQFIR[27:29] to threshold_and_mask_self

manichow (1):

* 3661916096ea Solution for proc_tod_setup during MPIPL.

Package: occ




Andres Lugo-Reyes (1):

* 8b4877df0760 Increase pgpe clip timeout to 500us

Chris Cain (2):

* b3a2f75d837f Fix DIMM overtemp bitmap and and trace updates

* da6e77f81deb Use Turbo for max frequency until WOF is fully

Doug Gilbert (2):

* 1bbbfec92b3a P9 Centaur sensor support

* 1bf5605f1d80 OCC Centaur disable deadman timer and clean up code

Douglas Gilbert (3):

* 437c82070808 OCC Centaur enable deadman timer

* 61cd385caa63 OCC Centaur: Check for channel checkstop

* ba4bad1ee5d6 Fix reading EMPATH data from fused odd numbered cores

Sumit Kumar (1):

* 8aa6ad0942ef 24x7 gpe1: Added version structure

William Bryan (5):

* bd605ba0a030 Memory Throttle Sensors RTC:131184

* d16e7d09c78d Minor fix for GPU reset SM and more FFDC

* 6c9f28ebe259 Fix compile issue in op-build environment

* 943641092d82 Update GPE1 Binary 4/24

* f741c41933c8 Update GPE1 Binary 5/3/18

mbroyles (6):

* c8538f3c894d Regulator N mode support

* b57b1a9333a5 Prevent Nimbus tasks from running prior to knowing
  memory type

* bee2601c92b3 Remove disable of Pstates on a transition to standby

* 4f49f6351fa3 AVSBus Vdd Current roll over workaround

* e9726b77dfc6 Fix using UT before WOF is fully enabled when running
  with OPAL

* cd30b100eee0 Don’t return APSS channel data for GPUs not present

Package: op-build




No changes.

Package: p9dsu-xml




jim (9):

* 9c0912f79571 Update APSS OFFSET and GAIN for Boston LC

* 1ac7841b184a Set EREPAIR_THRESHOLD

* df58ab831bf9 add lane_reversal for the issue 2U WIO slot2 does not
  recognize x1 PCIe adapter. Github issue #134

* 8bfd5dbd2f75 add lane_reversal for CPU1 PEC1 phb1 to fix 2U LC
  WIO-R does not recognize x4 eth adapter. Github issue #692.

* 661a8de7950a Raise hard minimum power cap.

* 11e33025809f Make room for additional turbo WOF tables. Github
  issue #1080. remove for the wofdata folder:
  WOF_V6_1_0_SFORZA_20_160_1900.csv WOF_V6_1_0_SFORZA_20_170_2100.csv

* d9b090dd0da2 XML from Ben. SUPPORTED_STOP_STATES = 0xEC100000

* 7948ad44db3c disable stop 11.

* 32ce616ef80f lane_reversal on cpu1 pec2. revert the change made
  for issue #134 and add the correct one.

Package: palmetto-xml




No changes.

Package: petitboot



* petitboot-01-autotools-Add-autopoint-generated-files.patch


No changes.

Package: pnor




No changes.

Package: romulus-xml




No changes.

Package: sbe




Abhishek Agarwal (1):

* aa3958c83f6e Abist proc update for SBE changes

Ben Gass (2):

* ccb729fc8272 Turn off PB.IOO.LL0.CONFIG_FAST_ASYNC_CROSS for
  Nimbus (HW409026)

* 85afccc45331 Adding p9n 2.3 support and p9n 2.3/p9c 1.2 security

Christian Geddes (1):

* be9f291604d8 PM: Clean up PM Reset and PM Complex Suspend

Claus Michael Olsen (1):

* b6c3a885a1ff Code restruct: ring_apply

Elizabeth Liner (2):

* ad85537c7c36 Updating ATTR_PROC_CHIP_MEM_TO_USE to use all bits of
  group and chip ID

* 6415b1f1bc29 Temporarily moving attribute to the system target

Ilya Smirnov (1):

* 0883fb85d489 Pass SBE Security Backdoor Bit to HB Bootloader

Jenny Huynh (1):

* d2cdf116e9ba HW438727 Disable clockgate to allow correct ODL error

Joe McGill (2):

* 1afdc244e220 move xlink psave configuration to SBE

* 6d4731168c57 security whitelist – add X0 instance of DL IOE
  control register

Nick Klazynski (2):

* c4c918c09a63 TM workaround for HW443982

* 8e0105e5e964 Workarounds for HW447585 and HW447589

Rahul Batra (2):

* 6b765f17d223 PGPE: Error Handling Support

* 26a37e4d6c82 PM: Fixes for Livelock Scenarios

Raja Das (2):

* cd490739c957 Scommable check before L2/L3 Purge in MPIPL Path

* 6efa7f05b7f4 S0/S1 enabled for SBE

Richard J. Knight (2):

* b18d2e584159 Fix missing set_XX method for sbeTarget callout

* 395fbf43f556 Fix transposed memset arguments in p9_dd_add

Sachin Gupta (4):

* e5725003060d Update backing build

* 3caeecc05393 Updated backing build

* 80ef172f2091 Clear TPM deconfig bit during MPIPL

* ba1d21e6905c Update sbe-debug tool to use ecc_enable option

Shakeeb A. Pasha B K (1):

* 783b420403b7 Revert “SBE Space optimisation” by moving ramming to

Soma BhanuTej (2):

* 2b6b4a8bfc02 Mask off bit 26 of TP_LFIR on FSP machines

* 48ec2a531382 p9_sbe_lpc_init: Fix cycle sim delay loop

Sumit Kumar (1):

* 8a161b11a539 conv_rel_branch.pl - Fix to pick up latest fips
  release for master

Thi Tran (1):

* 0c497af5150b Do not apply HW414958 to Axone

spashabk-in (4):

* 34e4e8a29c90 Restructure capabilites structure

* 90d4e4428735 PSU get capabilities chip-op

* c10e17d5baea Run simics intially till SBE is booted

* 7af798e9e32e Update backing build

Package: skiboot




Alistair Popple (1):

* 0a4d0519a5a2 hw/npu2.c: Remove static configuration of NPU2

Anton Blanchard (2):

* 3ef38a3895e6 SLW: Fix mambo boot to use stop states

* c5bff438b7db mambo: Enable XER CA32 and OV32 bits on P9

Balbir Singh (2):

* bdd925aabbbb mambo/mambo_utils.tcl: Inject an MCE at a specified

* 2947eaa14e77 npu2/hw-procedures: fence bricks on GPU reset

Balbir singh (2):

* ac59ecec5ca8 external/mambo: simplify implementation of di

* 44f2f839f433 doc: cosmetic fixup of reference to stale header

Benjamin Herrenschmidt (10):

* bca7c02f519d pcie-slot: Don’t fail powering on an already on

* e6bca4a0aa98 phb4: Quieten and improve “Timeout waiting for
  electrical link”

* 9c21cae5aac4 interrupts: Create an “interrupts” property in the
  OPAL node

* 434462864bdc opal/hmi: Don’t re-read HMER multiple times

* a9d92e24d4b2 opal/hmi: Remove races in clearing HMER

* 88abbe212c04 opal/hmi: Add a new opal_handle_hmi2 that returns
  direct info to Linux

* 2a6a38eba6df opal/hmi: Move timer related error handling to a
  separate function

* 099801d775ee opal/hmi: Don’t bother passing HMER to pre-recovery

* 674f7696f7c1 opal/hmi: Rework HMI handling of TFAC errors

* df98e55e50a3 external: Add “lpc” tool

Christophe Lombard (1):

* 4d359aaac987 capi: Keep the current mmio windows in the mbt cache

Claudio Carvalho (1):

* 4ca5fac2c3b3 hdata/tpmrel: detect tpm not present by looking up
  the stinfo->status

Cyril Bur (20):

* 267e65357c2e external/ffspart: Allow # comments in input file

* 60b8ea49c8a6 libffs: Standardise ffs partition flags

* 2b9ae3ab9e53 external/pflash: Use ffs_entry_user_to_string() to
  standardise flag strings

* 07426f41d24d libflash/libffs: Add setter for a partitions actual

* 6d2ba68ee684 libflash/libffs: ffs_close() should use

* 91099dacc6c9 external/ffspart: Remove side, order and backup

* 0673f6282422 libflash/libffs: Always add entries to the end of the

* 14ed1a2d7611 libflash/libffs: Remove the ‘sides’ from the FFS TOC
  generation code

* 0744faa83a1b libflash/libffs: Remove backup partition from TOC
  generation code

* 3d47dbb4fb8d libflash/libffs: Switch to storing header entries in
  an array

* 79316cb6aca6 libflash/libffs: Refcount ffs entries

* 1622957255a6 libflash/libffs: Allow caller to specifiy header

* 9bd1bef2e583 external/ffspart: Use new interface

* 14cefe11f745 libffs: Fix bad checks for partition overlap

* c92905e1c139 external/ffspart: Improve error output

* ba3bebb3a417 gitignore: Add stb test kernel files

* 07c4573d0678 libflash/ecc: Add functions to deal with unaligned
  ECC memcpy

* f7713517d90a libflash/ecc: Add helpers to align a position within
  an ecc buffer

* 3df9b3cc82cd libflash/blocklevel: Return region start from

* 5616c42d900a libflash/blocklevel: Make read/write be ECC agnostic
  for callers

Frederic Barrat (2):

* 9067098cfef9 npu2-opencapi: Fix ‘link internal error’ FIR, take 1

* 943a1aff363e npu2-opencapi: Fix ‘link internal error’ FIR, take 2

Jim Yuan (3):

* 0764893eecb7 p9dsu: change esel command from AMI to IBM 0x3a.

* 3837226ceb35 p9dsu: add pci slot table for Boston LC 1U/2U and
  Boston LA/ESS.

* c31cb73d8edb p9dsu: add slot power limit.

Joel Stanley (24):

* 379ec78e3da9 Makefile: Make it easier to find the docs

* 1d724fa588bc init: Fix trailing bracket in “Starting kernel”

* 973391504789 tests: Specfiy Qemu with a single environment

* 7a8214eeb1c5 sreset_world: re-enable the non-stb build

* 1f1b3b4ed204 Makefile: Put some ppc options behind try-cflag tests

* 97cb32538ac0 Makefile: Add additional flags when using clang

* 777de50ec256 Makefile: Disable warnings to make clang happy

* 4640e703d307 asm: Fix up assembly for clang

* 1fdca4a29c36 libflash/ecc: Remove hand rolled parity asm

* 8d4fa16d384e processor.h: implement sndmsg instructions

* 9dfebfc20485 Makefile: Use LD to link the final binary

* 1a79069cfdfa Fix asm-offsets generation

* 4216f2fb7b31 pci-quirk: Fix initiliser warning

* cd2c3b097e21 imc: Remove extra parentheses in test

* 854bf69e1c7d fsp: Fix msg vaargs usage

* f8ee10ee9505 opal-ci: Add Ubuntu 18.04

* f033219b73f9 opal-ci: Additionally build with clang on Ubuntu

* 62348fd4990b opal-ci: Build qemu from Cedric’s powernv-2.12 branch

* 5fc61b486801 opal-ci: 18.04: Go back to updating before installing

* ef280be1657a qemu-debian-test: Remove unusable hda option

* a565a2837a60 test: Simplify build process for hello and sreset

* 09c19b98781e Makefile: be precise about clang target

* f2d36bc08e82 opal-ci: Remove unwanted .orig file

* a0807ab01b37 Makefile: Fix building natively on ppc64le

Madhavan Srinivasan (2):

* afc89188010b hw/imc: Check for pause_microcode_at_boot() return

* 63594b03b859 hw/imc: Add support to load imc catalog lid file

Mahesh Salgaonkar (11):

* 5e20a789d021 opal/hmi: Initialize the hmi event with old value of

* 67d738807da0 opal/hmi: Do not send HMI event if no errors are

* 8ff9be76345a opal/hmi: Fix soft lockups during TOD errors

* 2fd92666b665 opal/hmi: Stop flooding HMI event for TOD errors.

* fab27f3580d8 opal/hmi: Fix handling of TFMR parity/corrupt error.

* 377cd39bc5e1 opal/hmi: Print additional debug information in

* 5362f85e04bd opal/hmi: check thread 0 tfmr to validate latched
  tfmr errors.

* 6dad43ff4c68 opal/hmi: Generate hmi event for recovered HDEC
  parity error.

* c4fd54bf413e opal/hmi: Add documentation for opal_handle_hmi2 call

* 115c9f9f6620 opal:hmi: Add missing processor recovery reason

* 376b5e3b26e0 opal/hmi: Generate one event per core for processor

Michael Neuling (4):

* 00521231c826 phb4: Restore bus numbers after CRS

* 1bcd6d84ec80 external/mambo: Add di command to decode instructions

* 0a6a2ff30c9e mambo: Add persistent memory disk support

* 6790a941cc05 hmi: Fix clearing HMER on debug trigger

Nicholas Piggin (8):

* ad0941960bd0 core/stack: backtrace unwind basic OPAL call details

* 8514e4dc9a82 asm/head: implement quiescing without stack or
  clobbering regs

* 3fdd2629516d core/opal: Emergency stack for re-entry

* 87f55507195a core/opal: Allow poller re-entry if OPAL was re-

* e148cb32cc26 external/mambo: improve helper for machine checks

* 23dc884f8a0f uart: fix uart_opal_flush to take console lock over

* 5a1463d17d4b core/direct-controls: fix p9_cont_thread for
  stopped/inactive threads

* 0e27cc8410e2 core/direct-controls: improve p9_stop_thread error

Oliver O’Halloran (16):

* e5fb3b6d17fb core/pci: Document some stuff

* 4cf135d9a877 astbmc: Add more slot table helpers

* ee7bb4b391d5 romulus: Add a barebones slot table

* 778d86bf9e5b core/pci: Set slot power limit when supported

* f10feca2b332 phb4: Enable the PCIe slotcap on pluggable slots

* d15e2e5ef92f slots: Add power limit support

* 6878b806682f pci-dt-slot: Big ol’ cleanup

* ac11641f1d70 hdata/slots: Apply slot label to the parent slot

* f19578158720 npu2: Use ibm, loc-code rather than ibm, slot-label

* 12514d328159 hdata/i2c: Ignore CFAM I2C master

* 3a4b4db36812 hdata/i2c: Replace i2c_ prefix with dev_

* ff3747f62ada hdata/i2c: Ignore multi-port I2C devices

* 0953e9014d27 hdata/i2c: Fix up pci hotplug labels

* 4158b4a15bea p9dsu HACK: fix system-vpd eeprom

* 3a0c57d01829 core/pci-dt-slots: Fix devfn lookup

* eab215a0bc28 hw/slw: Don’t assert on a unknown chip

Philippe Bergheaud (2):

* dec7fe284b8b phb4: set TVT1 for tunneled operations in capi mode

* e0cffe9554a5 phb4: Do not set the PBCQ Tunnel BAR register when
  enabling capi mode.

Pridhiviraj Paidipeddi (1):

* ecde3f4f211a libflash/blocklevel: Add missing newline to debug

Reza Arbab (2):

* 4724d2c07fa6 npu2: Move NPU2_XTS_BDF_MAP_VALID assignment to
  context init

* 58b1e05b08d3 npu2: Improve log output of GPU-to-link mapping

Russell Currey (1):

* 411dc0813f24 phb4: Hardware init updates

Ryan Grimm (1):

* eddff9bf40cf hmi: Clear unknown debug trigger

Samuel Mendoza-Jonas (1):

* e7a2da8d5e65 core: Correctly load initramfs in stb container

Shilpasri G Bhat (3):

* 5954536a2f8c occ: sensors-groups: Add DT properties to mark HWMON
  sensor groups

* df62a033675d sensors: Dont add DTS sensors when OCC inband sensors
  are available

* 7dcd66655835 occ: Use major version number while checking the
  pstate table format

Stewart Smith (23):

* 4172f30a16da hdat/i2c.c: quieten “v2 found, parsing as v1”

* 217e5a4ecbfa Disable stop states from OPAL

* 086f3277bc3f hdata/spira: parse vpd to add part-number and serial-
  number to xscom@ node

* d45c614bb5b3 core/test/run-trace: fix on ppc64el

* 5307c0ec7899 external/trace: fix makefile

* 7d559d19b815 travis-ci: pull Mambo over http rather than ftp

* e101e85c9ff6 travis: Enable ppc64le builds

* b08d198b9ee4 skiboot 5.10.5 release notes

* d32ddea94ba6 p9dsu: detect p9dsu variant even when hostboot
  doesn’t tell us

* a22ba4576ad3 OPAL_PCI_SET_POWER_STATE: fix locking in error paths

* 693a204364b0 xive: fix missing unlock in error path

* c90fb6cd796e hdat_to_dt: hash_prop the same on all platforms

* 79c290d849f1 skiboot 6.0-rc1 release notes

* 129165ef43c0 opal-ci/dockerfiles: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

* 9342dc40147e SLW: quieten ‘Configuring self-restore’ for

* aa59e48064b4 core/hmi: assign flags=0 in case nothing set by

* a3b0ce167d6d travis: remove obsolete fedora 24,25,26

* 7dab94cf5727 travis: fix if x86_64 tests in dockerfiles.

* a18249182fbe test: qemu-debian-jessie boot: fix qemu-img

* 106e77504c53 p9dsu: timeout for variant detection, default to

* 6449e2ac7dc5 ibm,firmware-versions: add hcode to device tree

* 724af6657e91 travis: Require Ubuntu 18.04 to pass, fix on ppc64le

* 1613c72d4f73 skiboot v6.0-rc2 release notes

Vaibhav Jain (1):

* 8ed37072c07e asm/head: Fix comparison in opal_entry for switching
  to emergency

Vaidyanathan Srinivasan (3):

* e2cd78500b8e core: Fix iteration condition to skip garded cpu

* 2aa2616358e3 core/fast-reboot: Increase timeout for dctl sreset to

* 04a50cf041c9 Update default stop-state-disable mask to cut only

Vasant Hegde (10):

* cb16e55a234b opal-prd: Insert powernv_flash module

* 9f85e40904d8 hdata: Move ‘HRMOR_BIT’ macro to header file

* c4a094a7df80 hdata: Fix DIMM size property

* 4e0e0c1020bb hdata: Add DIMM actual speed to device tree

* d654f6c93bd6 hdata: Add ‘primary’ property to master chip xscom

* 6739c890a2f2 Add SBE driver support

* 6421fc56dc28 Move P8 timer code to separate file

* d7e7bdcd4acc SBE: Add timer support

* 3c574d8e7188 timer: Move update_timer_expiry call to separate

* 13878e5b27c5 ipmi: Add BMC firmware version to device tree

Package: vesnin-xml




Artem Senichev (1):

* dda5b93d90b6 Fixed invalid BNC FRU ID (47->254)

Package: witherspoon-xml




Erich Hauptli (2):

* 07a5d2c9f182 Backing out TPM FRU_ID

* 7cd20a6ac8fe Sync, Infineon, n-mode cap, and eSel size Updates

Package: zaius-xml




Adrian Barrera (1):

* a941f8b75cdc Clean-up and add BG2 WOF tables

Stewart Smith
OPAL Architect, IBM.

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